Andy Biggs Commentary: Congress Can’t Continue the Budget Insanity

by Rep. Andy Biggs


In the current atmosphere of acrimony surrounding the failure of Congress to produce a balanced budget, or even an unbalanced budget, it is important to review the facts. The facts are important because the Uniparty, the Swamp, the Establishment, and many media propagandists are engaged in a parade of fearmongering.

Because House Republicans did not timely produce a budget as required by law, “they,” the leaders of the Uniparty, began championing their preferred budget mechanism, the “Continuing Resolution (CR).” We know it is their preferred option because they use it every year.

To make a CR more palatable the creatures from the Swamp threaten a government shutdown, as if a lapse in government appropriations is Armageddon. Democrats claim millions of government dependents will meet their demise when their dependence on government spending is delayed. Republican CR-ers argue that a shutdown is not politically popular.

Through the narrative of fear, our political leaders of the Establishment offer a “painless” solution: meet the CR.

Both parties love the CR. Over the last 25 years, Congress has chosen to forego the normal legislative process, which requires the consideration and passage of twelve (12) spending bills by the end of the fiscal year on September 30.

Over the last 25 years, Congress has passed 130 CRs. That’s an average of five CRs per year. Three times Congress has chosen to fully abrogate its duty and passed a CR that lasted an entire fiscal year.

With the adoration that so many obviously feel toward the use of CRs maybe it should simply pass a ten-year CR and go home. But to do so would magnify the maladies of the current CR regime.

And we only need to look as recently as last year to see the wreckage left behind the CR pattern.

Last year, the use of continuing resolutions allowed the Democrat-led Congress to avoid the requirement of passing spending bills and culminated with a single, bloated, omnibus spending package that was originally predicted to result in deficit spending of $1.7 trillion. Recently, however, the Congressional Budget Office has revised the actual impact of the omnibus bill as a deficit of more than $2 trillion.

And the result of 25 years of lassitude on budget imperatives by Congress has produced a national debt more than $33 trillion, and that debt is growing with increasing velocity. In just a few years, at the current pace, our interest expense will outpace annual defense and military spending. That is, unless we are still funding the Russia-Ukraine War.

On to the parade of fearmongering from the media and Uniparty types. They insist that we must use either one or a series of CRs so that the government will not “shut down.” And why are they so fearful?

They imply that the entire country will fall apart. But beneficiaries of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Veterans VA healthcare will continue to receive their benefits. Planes will continue to fly, and the vast majority of Americans will be unaffected.

Military personnel and federal police will be working, as will all federal employees deemed “essential.” Employees who get paid every two weeks will be paid Friday, September 29, as will those who get paid monthly. If Congress puts its shoulder to the wheel, it can actually finish the statutorily required, 12-bill process before the mid-October employee payments are due.

Without a doubt, however, the Biden Regime will use flexibility to make a lapse in appropriations as painful for the American public as possible. That is what President Obama did in 2013 when he barricaded memorials that were open to the public. And, that is contrary to what President Trump did in 2018 when Trump kept as much of government operations open as possible.

The Biden Regime will purposely make Americans as miserable as it can. Furloughed air traffic controllers and military pay? Sorry, Biden sent that money to sponsor drag shows in a foreign country. Deferring pay to CBP and ICE agents? Sorry, Biden’s using that to subsidize Ukrainian pensions.

A lapse in appropriations will be uncomfortable, and somewhat painful. But it should result in passage of more rational spending bills that afford real security on the border and help alleviate inflationary pressure, which will continue if Congress resorts to a CR.

The question one must resolve is whether continuation of the use of continuing resolutions that have produced our economy-destroying spending deficit and national debt is preferable to ripping the bandage off and experiencing short term pain that ultimately produces a budgetary path that gives us less debt, lower deficits, and a chance at long term economic viability.

I choose long term sustainability over short term rhetoric. Which do you think my colleagues will choose?

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U.S. Congressman Andy Biggs represents Arizona’s Fifth Congressional District and serves on the House Judiciary and House Oversight & Accountability committees.

The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of the Daily Caller News Foundation.
Photo “Andy Biggs” by Andy Biggs.





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One Thought to “Andy Biggs Commentary: Congress Can’t Continue the Budget Insanity”


    A “Government shutdown” will not bring harm to anyone. All Government employees including Congress got paid 9/30. They are good for a month. Social Security will be paid, regardless, as well as debts will get paid with the tax revenue that comes in. McCarthy & McConnell knew this budget deadline was looming. It comes around every year at the same time. FEAR… that’s the MO of the Uniparty. Don’t buy into it. Leadership must think the American people are stupid. Guess what? We know the scam, & why we’re 30+TRILLION Dollars in Debt. Pass a law requiring the Administration to allow our oil businesses to drill our own oil, so we don’t have to depend on a Communist Country like Venezuela to sell us their filthy oil Then inflation will come down. All this Climate BS is part of the BIG LIE. The same people who think Fauci is a great guy, believe that Lie. We have an invasion on our border. I dont give a blank about Ukraines border right now. People dont buy the whole BS they are trying to use to confuse our children & sterilize them while they are minors. Anyone who participates in that crime should go to jail for LIFE. It’s right up there with murder.
    PLEASE WAKE UP. OUR DEBT is not sustainable. The Titanic has hit the iceberg.
    Everything including the failed Afghanistan Surrender to the Taliban has been deliberate & planned. It’s the Communist Way to force desperate people to submit to anything. The Swamp wants a CR. I prefer a budget with some departments defunded like the Department of Injustice. They are prosecuting & persecuting good people & allowing murderers to go free.
    We want to see the Approproation Process, with Amendments voted on the floor of the House. We want to see who votes for what. We want the Border closed; no more money to Ukraine. Audit the Billions we have already sent them. Its a cortupt country where the Biden Crime family has grifted Millions. Zellensky is a Dictator. He is not a good man
    If he had any decency or respect for America, he wouldn’t dress like a hoodlum when he comes begging (demanding) more of our hard earned money, so we can pay their employees salaries & their pensions. WE ARE BROKE. THIS IS INSANITY. That’s why we have an impeachment inquiry in the works.
    Congress has time to introduce & debate Bills & vote on them before the next deadline. That is if they stay in DC, instead of going to fundraising parties with the K Street Lobbyists, who by the way, write the Bills for the Uniparty. I hope our Reps don’t disappoint the people who hired them & who pay their salaries. The only people you have to please are the ones that hired you. Just do what we hired you guys to do, & the people will have your back.
