Anti-Trump Republicans Pour $11.5 Million into Swing State Ad Blitz

Anti-Trump GOP Ad
by Rebeka Zeljko


The Republican Voters Against Trump announced a $11.5 million ad campaign across several key battleground states on Monday to encourage disaffected GOP voters to support Vice President Kamala Harris.

The ad buy, which is the most expensive campaign the group has launched so far, poured $4.5 million in Pennsylvania, $3 million in Michigan, $2.2 million in Wisconsin and $1.5 million in Arizona, as well as $375,000 in Nebraska’s second congressional district. The campaign features video ads and billboards plastered throughout the states showcasing Republican voters who initially supported former President Donald Trump but have instead come out in support of Harris.

“Donald Trump has destroyed the Republican Party,” Sarah Longwell, the executive director of Republican Voters Against Trump, said in a press release Monday. “And every election cycle he drives more and more Republicans to vote for Democrats, because they believe Donald Trump and the GOP candidates who imitate him are unfit for office. We help elevate the voices of these disaffected Republicans and build a permission structure for many other traditional GOP voters to reject Donald Trump and his MAGA movement, even if it means voting for Democrats with whom they might have policy differences.”

“President Trump is building a historic unified movement to make America great again,” Caroline Leavitt, national press secretary for the Trump campaign, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “He’s been endorsed by Nikki Haley, RFK Jr., and Tulsi Gabbard. President Trump will continue prosecuting the case against Kamala Harris as more moderates and independents realize Kamala Harris is a dangerous liberal who wants to ban guns, supports freeing violent criminals into our communities, and keeping our border wide open to deadly drugs and criminals. This election is about freedom vs communism.”

Harris is narrowly leading Trump in Pennsylvania by 0.5 points, Michigan by 1.1 points and Wisconsin by 1.4 points, according to the RealClearPolitics average of polls conducted across August. However, Trump is leading Harris in Arizona by 0.5 points.

In the remaining battleground states, Trump is leading by a slim margin with a 0.2 point advantage in Georgia, 0.6 points in North Carolina and tying in Nevada, according to RealClearPolitics poll averages from August.

The Republican Accountability PAC, which is the parent organization for Republican Voters Against Trump, has received most of its funding from major Democratic donors like tech founder and Jeffery Epstein associate Reid Hoffman and investor John Pritzker. Other donors include hedge fund manager Seth Klarman, venture capitalist Robert Stavis, financier Robert Rothhouse and NVIDIA board member Tench Coxe.

The Harris campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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Rebeka Zeljko is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation.
Photo “Ad” by Republican Voters Against Trump.






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