Biden’s Approval Rating Sinks Towards Lowest Point of His Presidency: Poll

by Mary Lou Masters


President Joe Biden’s approval rating plummets towards the lowest point of his presidency on Thursday, according to a new poll.

The president’s approval sank to 38% this month, nearly reaching the lowest point he has received in office where he received a 36% rating in July 2022, an AP/NORC poll found. Biden‘s March approval has dropped from a 45% rating since February and 41% in January.

“Neutral towards approval,” Andrew Dwyer, one of the respondents, told The Associated Press. “I don’t think he’s the best at representing my position and issues. But I know being president involves compromises.”

Republicans overwhelmingly disapprove of the president at 96%, while the majority of Democrats approve at 76%. Only 21% of Americans believe the country is heading in the right direction, down 7 percentage points from February, a decline of both Democrats and Republicans since last month.

The majority of Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of the economy at 68%, with only 31% approving. The president’s handling of the economy is clearly partisan, as 63% of Democrats approve and only 3% of Republicans approve.

Sixty percent of Americans disapprove of the president’s foreign policy, with 39% approval. Biden’s foreign policy is also drawn among party lines with 74% of Democrats approving and only 7% of Republicans approve. 

The majority of Americans also disapprove of Biden’s handling of climate change at 57%, with 41% approving. Again, the majority of Democrats approve and the majority of Republicans disapprove, at 61% to 81%, respectively.

The AP/NORC poll surveyed 1,081 U.S. adults from Mar. 16 – 20 and had a margin of error of +/- 4 percentage points.

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Mary Lou Masters is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation. 




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One Thought to “Biden’s Approval Rating Sinks Towards Lowest Point of His Presidency: Poll”

  1. Dr Ken

    I have to wonder about the 38% who approve of Biden. What in the world are they living in? Biden, his team, his teleprompter programmer, have managed to bungle everything they touch. Make no mistake, Biden is a likeable fellow, he is a terrible president. I read now that he is starting to express his frustration with the ineptitude of Kamala Harris. Ostensibly he contends she has done nothing to foster support of his presidency. He is correct, she has done nothing and I suspect she might be being set up to be the fall person.
