Blackburn Slams Biden over Changing Stories Related to Hunter’s Business Dealings

A Tennessee senator on Wednesday blasted the Biden administration for President Joe Biden’s changing accounts of his involvement in his son Hunter Biden’s business dealings.

“The White House is now claiming that Hunter did not share his profits with Joe,” Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) captioned a post on X, formerly Twitter. “Biden keeps on changing the narrative to hide his corruption.”

“Well, the message keeps changing,” said Blackburn in a video attached to the post. “First, Biden didn’t know anything about his son’s businesses – never discussed them with him – and then the White House started saying, ‘Well [President Biden] was never in business with his son,’ and now what are they saying? That [President Biden] never shared the profits. Well, there’s a new take on this. Their story keeps on shifting. This is why we need to continue these investigations and find out exactly how Joe Biden was involved with Hunter Biden and Biden Incorporated.”

Thursday, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL-01) grilled Attorney General Merrick Garland on Hunter Biden’s business dealings related to artwork that he sold at a New York City gallery.

It was recently reported that while Joe Biden assured the public that there would be an “absolute wall” between his presidency and his family’s business dealings, that was not the case with the younger Biden’s artwork.

In fact, one of Hunter Biden’s paintings was sold to Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali, a Democrat mega-donor who also hosted a fundraiser for the party headlined by Vice President Kamala Harris.

Naftali was appointed to the board of the Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad eight months after Hunter Biden’s first art opening.

Garland said the Department of Justice (DOJ) is not investigating.

More recently, a business associate of Hunter Biden’s named Devon Archer has shed light on the president’s involvement in Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings.

“I think that’s categorically false. I think that’s not factually right,” Archer told former Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson, referring to President Biden’s claims that he had no knowledge of or engagement in Hunter Biden’s business dealings.

The Biden’s found themselves in hot water after it was revealed that Hunter Biden landed a cushy job on the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma.

In a public speech in 2015, then-Vice President Joe Biden bragged that he threatened to withhold United States government aid to Ukraine unless a prosecutor named Viktor Shokin dropped an investigation into the energy company.

The younger Biden is also confirmed to have received millions of dollars from Chinese business associates between 2016 and 2019.

In October of 2020, during a presidential debate, Joe Biden claimed that he and his son had done nothing unethical.

“Nothing was unethical. Here’s what the deal. With regard to Ukraine. We had this whole question about whether or not, because he was on the board, I later learned of Burisma, a company that somehow, I had done something wrong, yet every single solitary person, when he was going through his impeachment, testifying under oath, who work for him, said I did my job impeccably,” he said at the tim. “I carried out U.S. policy, not one single solitary thing was out of line, not a single thing, number one.”

“My son has not made money in terms of this thing about, what are you talking about, China. I have not had… the only guy who made money from China is this guy [Trump].”

There is no evidence that the Trump family has benefitted financially from China.

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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on X / Twitter.
Photo “Marsha Blackburn” by Marsha Blackburn. 


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3 Thoughts to “Blackburn Slams Biden over Changing Stories Related to Hunter’s Business Dealings”

  1. David Blackwell RN, BSN, CCM

    Slams? Like WWE rustling?

  2. John Bumpus

    Before January 6, 2021, the woman TALKED BIG, said that she was going to do such and such and so and so in support of President Trump, and then when the riot came, like a terrified little bunny rabbit she could not run away fast enough. On January 6, 2021 SHE DID NOT DO A THING IN SUPPORT OF PRESIDENT TRUMP. Since then it has been an endless stream of Blackburn personal appearances on national conservative television programs touting her conservative credentials; countless signatures by her to letters expressing her outrage about this, that, or the other whatevers; numerous PROPOSED BILLS THAT ARE GOING NOWHERE AND WHICH WILL NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY AGAIN, all to make people think that she is important and that she really, Really, REALLY is a conservative who will FIGHT for them. But since her tenure in the U. S. Senate, when Mitch McConnell has ABSOLUTELY NEEDED HER VOTE SHE HAS ALWAYS BEEN THERE FOR HIM. IMO Marsha Blackburn has proved herself to me to be just phony baloney and blue smoke and mirrors. IMO the woman has been in Congress long enough (16 years in the U. S. House of Representatives {i.e., elected in 2002 to the end of her last term in 2018} and 5 years in the U. S. Senate {since 2018}. In 2024 she will be running for another six-year term. She will be 72 years of age in June of 2024. I sure do not want to elect a Democrat to replace her—period—end of discussion. But surely there must be another conservative in Tennessee who would better represent the people of our State than Marsha Blackburn. She had her chance, and she ‘blew it’! NO MORE OF MARSHA BLACKBURN! IMO if the people of Tennessee give her another term, or two, in the U. S. Senate she will be just like Lindsey Graham. NO! And that is my ‘two cents’.

  3. levelheadedconservative

    As each layer of lies is peeled back, more lies appear. Hopefully the Republicans have the balls to follow this all the way through and get this guy out of the Presidency with enough solid evidence that even the Senate democrats have no choice but to vote Guilty on impeachment.
    The timing may well throw the next election into more legal mud if they do actually go through with it. Watch for the dems to attempt to illegally place another name on the ballot.
