Corey Lewandowski on Mail In Voting: We Can’t Change the Rules Halfway Through the Game


Live from Virginia Monday morning on The John Fredericks Show –  weekdays on WNTW AM 820/ FM 92.7 – Richmond, WJFN FM 100.5 – Central Virginia, WMPH AM 1010 / FM 100.1 / FM 96.9 (7-9 PM) Hampton Roads, WBRG AM 1050 / FM 105.1 – Lynchburg/Roanoke and Weekdays 6-10 am and 24/7 Stream –  host Fredericks welcomed the Trump-Pence Senior Campaign advisor Corey Lewandowski to the show.

During the program, Lewandowski discussed how the Trump campaign was preparing for election night and the legal battles that may lay ahead. He later explained how the mail-in voting was ripe for fraud and explained how ID is necessary for just about everything else in life but why not with voting in our country.

Fredericks: Joining us now Corey Lewandowski. Corey, The New York Times bestselling author, author of Trump’s Enemies. He’s also Senior Advisor to the Trump-Pence 2020 campaign. He’s with us now. Hey, Corey, welcome to the show. I hope you had a great weekend.

Lewandowski: Good morning, John. It’s great to be with you today. I had the privilege to be home this weekend. A real treat, and I saw the kids. Two of my boys had football tryouts, so maybe this country is getting back to normal.

Fredericks: That’s good. Corey, we have 55 days until this election. Fox News poll out and Rasmussen polls showing the race tied. We’ve moved ahead in a lot of these battleground states. But Corey, the concern seems to be this voter integrity project. We just had Steve Bannon on to talk about how the Democrats are plotting to steal this thing through these mail-in ballots. What is the campaign strategy here for this?

Lewandowski: Look, we have a massive (EDL) operation – Election Day Operation. We have over 300 attorneys ready to go in the most targeted areas. We are concerned, John. Not about states like Florida that have a permanent absentee voter file. If you apply, you can track the application from the minute you get it all the way back. It’s signature verified.

We know that only one person is going to vote one time. We have no concerns with that at all. We do have concerns as a campaign of these states that are simply mailing out ballots to every person who has ever lived or resided at a particular domicile. Whether they’ve been there a week or they haven’t been there for 10 years. They are sending ballots everywhere. It is ripe for fraud. We know the voter files historically are not accurate. Consumer data is not accurate. So we are concerned about that. We are taking steps.

But my prediction is probably going to be, when you think back just four years ago, Donald Trump won in a landslide. According to the electoral college. They didn’t call the race until about three o’clock in the morning, even though it was long over by then. I predict that because of the way these absentee ballots and permanent files are going out, we may not know the election results for two or three days following the outcome of the election.

Fredericks: Are there any battleground states that are mailing out ballots?

Lewandowski: There are a bunch of these. And the issue is that even in states that have historically voted Republican that are doing this. So the state of Ohio is sending ballots out to people. A state that we are going to win by eight points, which is what we won by in 2016. I think we’ll have a bigger margin of victory in 2020. We are fighting everywhere because we want to make sure that the federal courts understand, and that the people understand, you can’t simply mail ballots to everyone based on their domicile.

You can’t mail them that way. It’s not fair, and it’s ripe for fraud and we have to do a better job. If you want to apply for an absentee ballot because you are out of state, you have a religious holiday or some other reason you can’t be there, no problem. We are 100 percent in favor of that. We are not in favor of the mailing of ballots to every person that’s ever resided at a particular domicile.

Fredericks: These ballots are supposed to be verified with a signature. You are talking about 60 to 80 million mail-in ballots potentially, which is what Bannon said 15 minutes ago. How do you possibly verify 80 million ballots? That’s impossible. It can’t be done!

Lewandowski: We’ve seen this experiment in the primaries. Both in New York where Carolyn Maloney’s seat, who is involved in a competitive congressional primary, took seven weeks to count the ballot in one congressional race. And we saw it which is a little different in the Democratic primary for president in the state of Iowa, where it took them over a week to count the total of 100,000 ballots. I mean look, it’s not that many. 100,000 ballots shouldn’t take a week to count.

Carolyn Maloney’s congressional district only has 800,00 people in the whole district and they didn’t all vote. And it’s taken weeks and or months to come up with who the winner is. You are doing a disservice to the American people. We need to do better.

And John, by the way look, this is all under the guise of COVID as you know. Now we see that Anthony Fauci, who the media adores half the time, says there is no reason you can’t vote in person. And they say ah, Fauci doesn’t know what’s he’s talking about anymore. It’s always what is convenient for the media. Never what the real truth is anymore.

Fredericks: Well, Corey look, you have these protests and riots. There are no masks. People standing shoulder to shoulder.  You just had a big rally in Washington, D.C. Tens of thousands of people there. No masks. No social distancing.

You can go to a Walmart or a casino, but all of a sudden you can’t vote right? The whole thing makes no sense. I think the concern is, does the Trump campaign have a process in place that is going to be able to challenge these fraudulent ballots, because we all know if you don’t, they are going to try to steal it even if we have a big lead on November the third?

Lewandowski: I think the American people are going to be watching this very very closely. I have very little faith in places like Michigan, which is run by a government socialist governor who has closed her state, because she doesn’t want to spread COVID. But her husband called people to put his boat in the water because I’m the governor’s husband. This is the hypocrisy of the left, John. We won the state of Michigan by 10,704 votes four years ago. We are going to be back there.

We are campaigning every day reminding the people of the promises the president made and the promises that he’s delivered on. And we are going to win the state of Michigan. But I have zero confidence that the governor and secretary of state there to actually have a fair and honest election, which is a difficult thing to say. But if you look at the way they’ve politicized this whole thing it’s gravely concerning. We need to go back to which is so simple, John, it’s called ID’s. It’s called identification.

If you want to go vote or go on a local bus or a metro to half the places in this country. You want to buy a ticket to get on a Greyhound you have to produce an ID. You want to go on the train, you have to produce an ID. You are going to do the most important thing arguably that our country has to offer which is a vote, hey! Don’t worry about it. We don’t have to check your ID. Don’t worry about it. Now people are saying there isn’t widespread voter fraud. Well isn’t one fraud one too many that could have been prevented if we are checking ID’s?

Fredericks: I think so. You can’t, like you said Corey, you can’t do anything without an ID. The fact that you are able to vote without signature verification and ballots that are just mailed out to who knows where they end up. We’ve heard reports where they have stacked up in apartment complexes, and then they can get harvested and mailed back in. The other issue we have is if they are pre-paid, there is no postmark. At what date do you stop taking them? Two days after? Midnight? At what date do you say these ballots are not legal or they are too late? Nobody has any idea.

Lewandowski: It’s very simple right? If you put a postmark on it that says this was the day of the election, then you are good to go. Then why would we have different criteria, then hey how about this? When you pay your tax bill and pay your quarterly statements, and you are going to pay on April 15th? Guess what the IRS does? It looks at the date that the mail was postmarked. That doesn’t mean it has to be in the door.

But it means you have to have met the deadline or else they fine you or penalize you for paying your taxes. Why is it that we are going to allow voting to be so different. Just have it so simple. If it is postmarked on election day it counts. If it’s not postmarked it doesn’t count. It’s simple. That’s how the rules work. We can’t change the rules in the middle of the game!

Listen to the full show here:

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