Davidson County GOP Condemns Metro Nashville Council for Failing to Pass Resolution Concerning School Safety Evaluations

The Davidson County Republican Party (DCRP) condemned the Metro Nashville City Council for failing to pass a resolution concerning the evaluation of school safety plans at Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS).

As previously reported by The Tennessee Star, the resolution was introduced by Council Member Courtney Johnston and would “direct the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department to conduct an evaluation of the safety plans and measures of the Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools.”

Fourteen council members voted to support the resolution, while 19 voted against it.

Calling the resolution an “important step towards enhancing the safety and well-being of students, teachers, and staff in our local schools,” DCRP issued a statement urging the Metro Council to “reconsider their decision and take swift action to prioritize the safety of our students and schools.”

DCRP added that it will “continue to advocate for robust safety measures in our schools,” and “stand ready to work with all stakeholders, including the Metro Council, MNPS, and the MNPD to find effective solutions that protect our liberties and safeguard our students and educators.”

DCRP Chairman Lonnie Spivak also said, “The safety and security of our schools should always be a top priority for our community, and it is disheartening to see the Metro Council fail to support this critical initiative.”

“Councilwoman Johnston’s resolution was a common-sense proposal that sought to proactively assess the safety protocols in place at our schools and make improvements where necessary. By voting it down, the Metro Council has failed our community, and rejected an opportunity to take meaningful action towards enhancing the safety of our schools and ensuring that our children receive the quality education they deserve in a safe space,” Spivak added.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network.
Photo “Lonnie Spivak” by Lonnie Spivak. Background Photo “Classroom” by
Ivan Aleksic.


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2 Thoughts to “Davidson County GOP Condemns Metro Nashville Council for Failing to Pass Resolution Concerning School Safety Evaluations”


    In my opinion, the city council would rather see kids get killed so they can further their anti-2A agenda.

  2. Truthy McTruthFace

    democrats dont want safety and peace.

    that works against their goals.
