Democrat U.S. Senate Hopeful Once Said North Korea Has More Democracy than Tennessee

A state representative who announced her run for U.S. Senate Tuesday once told a news outlet that North Korea was more democratic than Tennessee.

“I feel like North Korea has more democracy than we do in the state of Tennessee, and it’s terrifying to me that we’re in this march to fascism,” State Representative Gloria Johnson (D-Knoxville) told Mother Jones in April. “And it seems like the Tennessee supermajority is leading the charge.”

“When my folks sent me here, they knew I was vocal, and they knew I would stand up and I would be their voice,” she said later in the interview. “And that’s why they sent me here. There’s no question about that. Everybody in the state knows that.”

Johnson (pictured above) announced that she will challenge Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) in the upcoming election cycle.

“If Gloria Johnson thinks North Korea is more democratic than Tennessee, imagine how she’d vote on bills to strengthen our military and democracy abroad,” Blackburn campaign spokesperson Abigail Spigler told The Tennessee Star Wednesday. “Radical socialists like State Rep. Johnson would work in step with President Biden to embolden regimes like North Korea, while Senator Blackburn has repeatedly fought to confront the New Axis of Evil and support our servicemembers.”

Johnson’s campaign did not return a comment request.

The state representative has made gun control the central issue of her long shot bid for office

In a text message to potential supporters sent just after her Tuesday announcement, Johnson used the deaths of six people in a mass shooting at The Covenant School in March as a political club:

I’m running for Senate because Tennesseans deserve better. Period.

Thousands of Tennesseans descended on the state Capitol to demand action on gun violence prevention, but the GOP majority refused to hear them. So two of my colleagues and I stood up to join their historic protest. We couldn’t let the Covenant families, young people, & parents from across the state stand alone.

The GOP majority took quick action, but not to prevent gun violence. Both my colleagues, Justin J. Pearson & Justin Jones, were expelled. I was spared. Then the GOP majority passed a new law to increase access to guns.

MAGA Republicans in Nashville & DC don’t give a damn about everyday Tennesseans.

Environmentalist Marquita Bradshaw, who won the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate in a race against Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN) in 2020, has also declared her candidacy.

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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on X / Twitter.
Photo “Gloria Johnson” by Gloria Johnson. Background Photo “Article” by Mother Jones.




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15 Thoughts to “Democrat U.S. Senate Hopeful Once Said North Korea Has More Democracy than Tennessee”

  1. Marie

    So, Johnson at one time was a teacher. Lord help her former students. Hopefully, she did not teach government. First, would someone please tell her that we do not live in a democracy. Secondly, Why would any sane human compare North Korea to America? Lastly, I have not heard a word from her about the border crisis, children being sexually manipulated and mutilated, high crime, illegal drugs, the economy, etc. She’s going on Liberal talking points like, ERA issues? BTW, she and her radical cronies caused a major disruption during a Tennessee State Session. 🤔

  2. Dr Ken

    I agree with John Bumpus, the first thought that crossed my mind was “the village idiot”. Now, only an idiot would vote for the village idiot.

  3. Alex Otto

    She will be the biggest sacrificial lamb I will ever see in the history of US politics. She will be losing by more than 2020 senate margins.
    And why the hell is Marquita Bradshaw running again?

  4. Ms Independent

    Isn’t she a former teacher? God help us! I would have demanded my child be removed from her class and she be fired!

  5. Tom Richardson

    First of all, she doesn’t understand that we don’t live in a “democracy”, it’s a Constitutional Republic. Then there’s the minor detail that Marxists like her have redefined “democracy” to “Marxist/Totalitarian Rule”.

  6. mikey whipwreck

    she is welcome to move there. ill pitch in for the one way ticket.

  7. John Bumpus

    Knox County’s/Knoxville’s village idiot.

  8. GregSchmitty

    Who is “The New Axis of Evil”?

  9. D.J.

    North Korea is what these people like Johnson and Justin Jones want. A handful of political figures acting like gods with absolute control over a starved, slave state populace. “Muh Democracy.”

  10. james bellar

    is she not one of the 3 stooges that was thrown out the door of the capitol?

  11. M. Flatt

    It always amazes me how democratically elected people can negatively comment on the system that put them in power. Of course, I assume that they were elected in a fair and unbiased manner, with no one rigging the votes or the voters. (I’ll also point out that the “supermajority” was also elected by the voters. Maybe someone is quite sheltered in Knoxville, near that football team with a side hustle in tertiary education.)

    This sort of hyperbole is just one of the verbally abusive tricks used by narcissistic bullies. I am sick and tired of the “victimhood” of such people. Those that kowtow to them deserve what they get.

  12. Randy

    Johnson truly does not understand the role and function of government. Not unlike many, the constitution and the laws enacted by all levels of government must be followed in order for a civil society to exist. there are methods by which laws can be changed and that system only works if you follow the rules and laws governing that system. Insisting that you behave badly because the people who voted for you want you to does not a competent legislator make. There are far more “folks” in her district that she is overlooking than she is representing.

  13. Nashville Stomper

    March 30 Insurrectionist

    “Whataboutism” = It’s different when Democrats do it

    2024 Campaign Democrat slogan: “We’re Democrats – Our poop don’t stink”

  14. Bruce Leinaar

    Ms. Johnson can go live in North Korea where she can be happy. Northeast Tennessee does Not welcome members of the Communist Party within our Land of Freedom.
