Exclusive: Far-Left Agitators Planning to ‘Bird Dog’ Republican Officials During August Special Session

In secretly recorded audio files from a Saturday planning session among far-leftists in Nashville obtained by The Tennessee Star, left-wing agitators say they plan to “bird dog” Republican lawmakers during August’s special session of the General Assembly.

Tennessee Advocates for Planned Parenthood held a training session for activists in Nashville, which was run by Julie Edwards, the organization’s advocacy & organizing manager, along with the organization’s Executive Director Francie Hunt.

The mob will take a page out of the far-left Tennessee Holler’s playbook in its attempts to confront Republican officials, who have been called back to the Capitol in August to implement further gun control measures.

“So, do y’all follow The Tennessee Holler?” Edwards asked the trainees. “Y’all know the videos where they’re like hustling down the hallway in the legislature behind some Republican trying to get them on camera, like eating their words, basically? We call that bird dogging in activism, and you’re going to learn how to do it because it is a really incredible tactic that, as I’m sure you’ve seen through The Tennessee Holler, can come quite in handy especially when it comes to holding your local lawmakers accountable for the bullsh*t that they do.”

The Holler is a highly partisan far-left organization of online and in-person trolls, which claims to be a news outlet.

Tennessee Advocates for Planned Parenthood hosted the activism training in Nashville on Saturday, according to Edwards.

“Keep in mind, the special session is August 21st, so everything we learn here today is to be applied towards the special session,” she said. “So, we are investing in y’all as activists, with the promise that y’all will show up when we need you to show up. Including August, but also I know some of y’all aren’t from Nashville so we’re trusting y’all to go back in your communities, share this information and f**k it up when it needs to happen.” (Emphasis added.)

The organization did not return a Tuesday comment request.

Listen to the audio here:

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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter.





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8 Thoughts to “Exclusive: Far-Left Agitators Planning to ‘Bird Dog’ Republican Officials During August Special Session”

  1. Ron W

    Mark Knofler,

    They are neo-Bolsheviks.

    “A system of licensing and registration is the perfect device to deny gun ownership to the bourgeoisie.”
    —Vladimir Lenin

    And did Gov Lee meet with them as reported on WLAC radio Tennessee Star Report. He refuses to confirm or deny. Why?

  2. Phyllis West


  3. Mark Knofler

    You can partially thank the 2 “conservative” council members and Bill Lee for not doing more to squash the insurrectionists.

  4. nicky wicks

    arrest them all

  5. Nashville Stomper

    One, this is the classic leftist “provoke a response” tactic.
    Get obnoxious in the face of your opponent in an attempt to provoke an unflattering response from the opponent. This makes the unflattering response the focus of the issue, rather than the leftist proposals leftists know they cannot sell otherwise.

    Two, the special legislative session was a terrible idea. It sets the stage for the tactic described above. Calling a special session also denies the importance of the proactive package the legislature produced during their regular session. Republicans should have completed their related agenda in caucus and passed it during the regular session.

    Three, we have evidence of groups planning to disrupt a legislature, including plans to introduce activists carrying arms into the disruption. Why are people in jail for doing this on January 6, 2021?

  6. Horatio Bunce

    “Tennessee Advocates for Planned Parenthood hosted the activism training…”

    Paradoxical. Don’t they already murder the children before they are old enough to be killed by leftist sexual deviants at school?

  7. CCW

    Nashville needs to get creative. “Because of a little known outbreak of Covid 19 or 20, the Bruhaha meeting scheduled in August will retreat to a “Work at Home” meeting” using the finest Group meeting software and laptops and Ipads and such stuff. People coming in the capitol building will be required to wear masks if they wish to tour the empty legislative halls and offices. Problem solved.

  8. Extreme MAGA

    Who is this local media personality agitating for the communists? Even local Fox has gone leftist.
