Expelled Tennessee Democrats Turn on Biden Days After Being Welcomed to White House

Tennessee State Representatives Justin Jones (D-Nashville) and Justin Pearson (D-Memphis), who were expelled from the state House of Representatives last month, protested in Washington D.C. over the weekend.

Jones and Pearson were expelled last month after they, along with State Representative Gloria Johnson (D-Knoxville), commandeered the House Floor to demand gun control in the wake of the Covenant Presbyterian School shooting three days prior.

Both Jones and Pearson have since been reinstated to their positions by the Nashville Metro City Council and Shelby County Commission on an interim basis.

On Saturday, Jones and Pearson were spotted in Washington D.C., taking part in a protest organized by the environmentalist group Climate Defiance. The group attempted to blockade the White House Correspondents Dinner.

The group was protesting the Biden administration’s recent approval of a 30-year Alaskan oil drilling project, known as the Willow Project. The protesters alleged that through the move, the Biden administration was committing “ecocide.”

Jones and Pearson’s appearance at the protest came less than one week after they, along with Representative Johnson, visited the White House and met with both President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

Climate Defiance’s Saturday protest in Washington D.C. may not be its last. According to its website, the group’s D.C. protest marked the first “nonviolent direct action” in wake of President Biden’s “failure” to deliver on promises regarding ends to “new leasing on federal lands.”

The group’s website states:


The President promised us an end to new leasing on federal lands but failed to deliver. Now, he needs to hear from the voting block that delivered him the 2022 midterm elections.

We will provide direct action training to all participants.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network.
Photo “Justin Jones” by Climate Defiance.



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11 Thoughts to “Expelled Tennessee Democrats Turn on Biden Days After Being Welcomed to White House”

  1. Ron W

    Justin Jones called my State Rep, Dr Sabi Kumar, “the brown face of white supremacy”, a blatant racist accusation.

    And he and a few other fellow Bolsheviks shut down the democratic process to push the slavery of citizen disarmament for blaming the many law abiding peaceable citizens for what a criminal perp did which is gross injustice.

    All down through history slaves were always disarmed and kept that way. It’s what the 1857 SCOTUS Dred Scott decision upheld. He and his Bolshevik cohorts want to regress back to that and therefore are pro slavery racists.

    God Bless the Republic with Liberty and Justice for. ALL!

    …where the Spirit of the LORD is, there is Liberty (II Corinthians 3:17)

  2. Wonder if we added Jones and Pearson’s IQ scores together if they would still be in the borderline impaired category?

  3. Peter Quinn

    ANYONE who uses the term “Fossil Fuel” is automatically disqualified from the argument…

  4. Horatio Bunce

    Can we count on Juddlegum to make sure the Tennessee Two don’t charge their travel to the House?

  5. Benjamin Moore

    The more the Dems coddle these rabble rousing MLK wanna-bes the more they are gonna act up just like a little kid who never gets reprimanded. At least MLK marched for peace and equality, these nitwits are causing division and hate just because they have a little power.

  6. Gee, wonder who is ultimately funding this nonsense. Organic, my butt.

  7. Ron W

    Very true. Dr Ken!

    “Accuse others of what you do, while you’re doing it.”
    —Saul Alinksy

  8. Ron W

    How did these neo–Bolsheviks travel to the White House? By what form of energy were they transported? Solar power? Wind mill generated electricity?

    Notice that with this murder by a transgender perp, Biden and Harris ONLY focused on three politicians who disrupted the democratic process. NOT on the families of the murdered and NOT on the MNPD officers who very rapidly and courageously responded to end the murderer’s criminality with the very guns he seeks to ban! My suspicion is the current ruling class was very disappointed in the quick response. IMO, they would’ve preferred many more casualties for a greater pretext for their evil reactionary citizen disarmament while they have great armed security for themselves!

  9. Noel Sartain

    Next time don’t expel them – Pass a new rule that when it’s their turn to speak anyone can pull out a bullhorn and start yelling as MAGA protesters are assisted into the chamber

  10. Tim Price

    Good enough for Sleepy Joe!

  11. Dr Ken

    Is anyone surprised? Their disruptive tactics is a common theme in Alinsky societal disruption. All they are doing is trying to create chaos to keep attention off their otherwise inferior work. These two do not work for their constituents, they work for themselves. Stated another way, the constituents in their respective assembly districts are without representation.
