Keith Ellison’s Daughter Criticizes Accuser for ‘Exploiting A Movement’

Amirah Ellison

Rep. Keith Ellison’s daughter is now speaking out against his father’s accuser, saying the Minnesota Democrat’s ex-girlfriend is “exploiting a movement.”

In early August, accusations surfaced on Facebook that Ellison committed an act of domestic violence against his ex-girlfriend, who later claimed to have a “tape” of the incident. Ellison and his campaign for Minnesota attorney general have repeatedly denied the accusations, saying the “video does not exist” and “any characterization otherwise is false.”

Ellison managed to win his primary election, but the controversy continues to loom over his campaign as it prepares for November. To help, Ellison’s daughter Amirah Ellison has decided to join the fight against Karen Monahan, Ellison’s accuser.

“The kinds of accusations Karen Monahan has thrown at my dad, Keith Ellison, and her inability to stand firm on the truth are very much qualities inherent to the Karen I know,” the former congressman’s daughter wrote in a long-winded Facebook rant.

“I can’t sit back and watch as Karen’s tried and true red flags appear and the public selectively ignore them,” she continues, detailing in length her personal experiences living with Monahan, which allegedly include losing her bedroom to store Monahan’s personal items, and being accused of destroying Monahan’s property.

“My attempts to giver her more and more space only brought more stress,” the Facebook post continues. “I felt as if there was nothing of mine that she had to respect.”

At one point in her post, Ellison’s daughter paints Monahan as a conspiracy theorist who allegedly believes that “government agents are hacking her computer and deleting relevant emails and files, which is simply in line with the kind of thing she finds believable.”

Amirah Ellison then goes on to address Monahan’s accusations in the context of the #MeToo Movement, admitting that she would probably believe her father’s accuser if she “didn’t know Karen.”

“Many people—including, probably, many people reading these words—believe Karen. That reality both gives me hope for the beautiful momentum that the #metoo movement has built, and a profound anger at the injustice of these false accusations,” she writes, saying “Monahan is exploiting a movement.”

The Facebook post concludes by urging Monahan to correct “this horrible mistake” and “reckon with her anger in a more honest way.”

“I sincerely hope that Karen finds the closure she needs for whatever grief she is holding,” the post says. “I also hope that she finds peace.”







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