Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs: VP Kamala Harris Must Answer to Her Knowledge of Apparent Coverup of President Biden’s Decline

Glenn Jacobs

Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs said Vice President Kamala Harris must answer questions surrounding her role in covering up President Joe Biden’s abilities to perform the duties as commander-in-chief amid Biden’s decision this week to exit the 2024 race and endorse her as the Democratic nominee.

Biden announced his exit from the 2024 presidential race on Sunday afternoon before officially endorsing Harris to be the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee.

Harris officially launched her candidacy for president upon Biden’s exit from the race, saying she was “honored” to have the president’s endorsement.

Less than 48 hours after Biden’s departure from the race, Harris had secured enough pledged delegates to become the Democratic Party’s presumptive 2024 presidential nominee.

Jacobs, who attended the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee last week as a delegate for former President Donald Trump, said Harris’ presumptive nomination for president decided by approximately 2,000 delegates instead of voters is “not fair.”

“It’s not fair. None of this has been fair,” Jacobs said on Wednesday’s edition of The Michael Patrick Leahy Show.

Jacobs added that the most pressing questions aside from Harris’ presidential campaign are the extent of her knowledge and role in covering for Biden amid his apparent decline until his exit from the race.

“The biggest question now, if Kamala Harris is the Democratic nominee for president, is what did she know and when did she know it? And also, getting away from the election altogether, who has actually been running the executive branch of the United States of America? Because it obviously has not been Joe Biden,” Jacobs said.

“It was obvious to the entire world what was going on with Joe Biden and his cognitive decline,” Jacobs added. “Right after the debate against Donald Trump, Kamala Harris was on TV saying, ‘No, I work with [Biden] every day. He’s doing great. World leaders ask him for advice.’ Oh, really? Really? We all watched that debate, and then you’re saying this?”

Jacobs also attributed the media to the coverup of Biden’s decline.

“This is one of the biggest cover ups in American history, and it’s one of those deals where the media is trying to sweep it under the rug, saying, ‘Look over here, don’t pay attention to what just happened, don’t believe your lying eyes.’ This is a crucial point in our history,” Jacobs said.

“The biggest question of this campaign is how in the world Kamala Harris did not say something and put this country at risk by covering up the mental decline of the President of the United States,” Jacobs added.

Moving forward, Jacobs pleaded with the American public to “speak truth to power” and not allow to be “gaslighted” about Biden’s decline by the Democratic Party or media regime.

“Through COVID, we went through all of this gaslighting and being told things that we all knew weren’t true, but if you questioned it, you were a conspiracy theorist. And here we are again, but this time we’re talking about a presidential election. So I am pleading with your audience, do not let them do it again,” Jacobs said.

“I think so many other people are just fed up with this entire situation. We have to speak truth to power now. All of us. We’re talking about the future of our country. We’re talking about the future of our kids,” Jacobs added.

Watch the full interview:

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Kaitlin on X / Twitter.
Photo “Glenn Jacobs” by Glenn Jacobs. 





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One Thought to “Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs: VP Kamala Harris Must Answer to Her Knowledge of Apparent Coverup of President Biden’s Decline”

  1. Joe Blow

    The Queen of “Word Salad” cannot explain anything.
