Nashville Metro Council Votes to Reinstate Democrat Justin Jones to the Tennessee House of Representatives

During a special meeting called on Monday, the Nashville Metro City Council unanimously voted to reinstate State Representative Justin Jones (D-Nashville) to the Tennessee House of Representatives. He and another Democrat representative were expelled last week after they, along with State Rep. Gloria Johnson, commandeered the House Floor to demand gun control in the wake of the Covenant Presbyterian School shooting three days before on Monday.

Audrey Elizabeth Hale, who identified as transgender and was a former student, targeted the Christians there, killing three nine-year old students and three adults.

Monday afternoon, Jones and a large group of protesters organized by far-left non-profits including Gen Z for Change and March for Our Lives marched several blocks to the Capitol following the metro council’s vote. On the steps of the building, supporters cheered as he took the oath of office.

While on the steps of the state Capitol, Jones stated, “Today we’re sending a resounding message that democracy will not be killed in the comfort of silence.”

Jones also called on House Speaker Cameron Sexton (R-Crossville) to resign, calling him an “enemy of democracy.”

“Today we send a clear message to Speaker Cameron Sexton that the people will not allow his crimes against democracy to happen without challenge,” Jones said.

Jones then walked into the chamber with Democratic Representative Gloria Johnson (D-Knoxville), who had also been the subject of expulsion proceedings, but was spared.

Prior to the metro council’s Monday vote, the majority leader of the House William Lamberth (R-Portland) and the chairman of the Republican Caucus Jeremy Faison (R-Cosby) released a joint statement, saying they would welcome “any” reinstated lawmakers back to the House.

“Tennessee’s constitution provides a pathway back for expulsion,” the statement read. “Should any expelled member be reappointed, we will welcome them. Like everyone else, they are expected to follow the rules of the House as well as state law.”

A Shelby County Commission meeting on Wednesday could re-appoint Democrat Representative Justin Pearson (D-Memphis), the other lawmaker who was expelled last week.

Since the pair’s expulsion, both Pearson and Jones have received nationwide support from many prominent Democrats, including President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

Watch the Metro Council meeting:

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network.
Photo “Metro Council Reinstates Justin Jones” by Metro Nashville City Council.


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20 Thoughts to “Nashville Metro Council Votes to Reinstate Democrat Justin Jones to the Tennessee House of Representatives”

  1. SJ

    Their chant “No justice NO PEACE” is a violent threat

  2. SJ

    During the hearing, I heard one RINO claim they could only be “booted” ONCE. I predict more megaphones

  3. Mike

    The House is over then. If there are booted again won’t they just be voted back in…over and over and over again?

  4. Randy

    Despicable! There are no rules for the looney left. They have no interest in living in a civil society.

  5. Ron W

    Although the democratic process is constrained within our Constitutional Republic, our founders rejected democracy as a form of government so that the rights of the minority and individuals are protected. Otherwise, it is useful as a tactic: “Democracy is indispensable to socialism. The goal of socialism is communism.” —Vladimir Lenin

    The solution proposed by Rep Jones is gross injustice in which rights of the smallest minority are violated by the Tennessee Declaration of Rights, precisely Article I, Section 26, for what a deranged criminal perp did. Instead the Legislature should protect school children just like they protect themselves!


    If you want to know who Justin Jones is look his career history. There is none. He is a professional protester.
    He won his election in 2022 with only a few hundred votes. And no opponent.
    Nashville has no common sense leaders bc Nashvillians voted in mandatory term limits for Metro Council. No one who truly wants to work hard for their Nashville Constituents is motivated to run for the right reasons bc they are lame ducks before they find out how many Departments Metro Government has. The Nashville Voters lost their only Power THEIR VOTE.
    Pearson’s resume is not much better. He “worked” for a Clinton Global Initiative called YEAR UP.
    YEAR UP was founded by Gerald Chertavian (a far left Clinton robot. YEAR UP is an organization that pays students ( of a certain skin color) $52,000 a year to go to school for couple years & call it ” employment. What a Farce!!!!

  7. Trefiner

    Sorry I moved to Tennessee. The Republicans in the legislature are a joke. They should seat these two insurrectionists.

  8. Tennessee Conservative

    The Tennessee legislature handle this all wrong. Storming the state capitol is no different than the us capital. The Sargent in arms should have called for the Tennessee State Troopers to help arrest each capital invader, then let the court sort it out. This would have shown the state representatives involved as instigators and once convicted the legislative house could have taken action if necessary. Violent protests are not protected by the constitution.

  9. Divafiddler

    As usual, the globalists bought and paid for this whole demeaning, pathetic show. They want to show that they also “own” Nashville. If you want to be the fool to stand on their platform, saying what they want you to say (and being paid well for it), then they and Jones got what they were looking for. Lesson learned: Don’t look to politics to save you, YOU have to save you. Red, Blue, it’s all the same clown show, but you don’t have to have feelings about it – acknowledge that it’s the globalist’s way to divide us and instead, make yourself as healthy physically and mentally as possible. Don’t argue with people online, our battle is spiritual. Pray for those lost souls. Make friends with your neighbors. Support small businesses in your home towns. We are going to need strong, courageous individuals when the s – – – really hits the fan. (Like those Metro officers who went in and got the job done).


    Steve Allen……the city council does not overrule the Assembly. If the House follows the rules Jones will never sit in the House again. The RULES clearly state that an expelled legislator CANNOT fill the temporary seat and CANNOT run in the special election to permanently replace the expelled legislator. So it IS in the hands of the House to throw his butt to the curb once again. They should have expelled Johnson too. IMO all 3 of them should have been arrested.


    We have American patriots rotting in prison for peacefully entering our US Capitol and labeled as insurrectionists and what these people did in Tennessee is no different. Those 3 legislators should have been arrested. And all 3 should have been expelled. Jones will not be allowed back in the House. TN rules clearly state that the expelled legislator cannot be put back into office as the temporary fill in nor can he run in the special election to fill the spot for the rest of term. HE WILL NOT be reinstated. This guy came here from CA to cause trouble and he has done nothing but cause trouble since coming to Tennessee.

  12. Tim

    Giving this communist clown exactly what he/she/them wants. These Marxists are trying to emulate 1960s leaders and this plays right into that plan. So many ask how can people vote these types into office. Well look at Justin’s district its sad but the only face masks being worn still are the slave mentality heard of black folks around Nashville aka Justin’s district. They just eat up the scripted garbage that comes out of Justin’s mouth like it is their last meal. This will never change and is only passed down worse to the next generations, a perpetual mindset of slavery.

  13. Randall Davidson

    Nashville needs better leaders. Our council is the trouble. All three should have been removed permanently.

  14. Steve Allen

    That is a strange legal setup where the city council controls the State legislature. But then again, what do you expect from a bunch of clueless liberals. Jones is a communist POS that is as anti-American as you can get. He is a classic example of being part of the problem, not the solution.

  15. Mark Knofler

    Further proof Conservatives have zero representation in Davidson County. The only 2 “Conservative” members couldn’t be bothered to show up and vote. Given the optics that every voter in Nashville supports this racist. Great job guys!! Further proof the GOP just talks.

  16. Benjamin Taibi

    This is transmitting the message that tantrums and riots are just fine for people who are supposed to be leaders. I built a home in Tennessee to get away from this progressive nonsense and I am watching Tennessee roll out the red carpet for it. I find it really sad. It appears that they are taking the bait and falling for the old tactic of being called a racist, (out of context and where the expulsion had nothing to do with race) and then bending over backwards to say “hey, we’re not racists” and supporting people blantantly breaking rules by bad actions having no repercussions . This will only escalate and the sane lawmakers will wonder what happened when insanity takes over. Jones, instead of being humble that he was given a second chance after very bad judgement, defended himself and made like others did wrong, as radicals do. This is a defining moment and I fear it is the start of turning Tennessee into another progressive place. There is still time….

  17. Mulechaser

    Sad Day for the State
    Justin Jones could have submitted his proposal for Gun Legislation just like any other legislator. But NO, he chose instead get attention for HIMSELF by hijacking the ongoing proceedings with an insurrection.
    He has not submitted any gun legislation, but rather chose to start a riot.
    He appears not to be interested in peaceful solutions to problems but seems to seek anarchy.

  18. LakeDweller

    Sounds like a loss for law abiding and taxpaying Tennessee citizens. Sad day.

  19. Concerned

    Jones should be stripped of all committee assignments and relegated to the smallest windowless office in the bowels of the building. He made his bed, now sleep in it. His character came to form, he is more interested in talking or yelling; hence the bull horn. The next disruption he has on the assembly floor should result in his being expelled again. Jones is trying to position himself a martyr. What he is done is revealed he is selfish and incapable of working collaboratively. I ask, with his self-centeredness, is he capable of representing Nashville or does he represent only himself. There are ways to work in a bipartisan manner, a skill he does not possess. Careful for you want Nashville, you might receive just that.

  20. Ms independent

    Caved in again…
