Reporter Tom Pappert Points Out Panic Among Democrats amid President Biden’s Disastrous Debate Performance

Tom Pappert and MPL

Tom Pappert, lead reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Pennsylvania Daily Star, suggested that there is a sense of panic among Democratic candidates across the country, including Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), as the Democratic Party scrambles to explain President Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance last week against former President Donald Trump.

Last Thursday, during a 90-minute televised debate hosted by CNN, Biden appeared absent-minded and confused, stumbling over his words and losing his train of thought multiple times.

When it comes to Pennsylvania, Pappert explained how Republican U.S. Senate candidate Dave McCormick is calling out Casey, the state’s incumbent senator, for being among the crowd of Democrats who, up until Thursday’s debate, have “covered up” Biden’s health and ability to perform the duties as president.

“Bob Casey has been almost completely silent. He was silent from, I believe, Friday, the day after the debate, and the night of the debate until just yesterday evening. Bob Casey has now come out and said he is standing by the president and saying that Joe Biden still has the chops, still has what it takes to take on Donald Trump. Bob Casey has not responded to Dave McCormick, but he has stopped saying that Joe is sharp as a tack. Now it’s just that [Biden] has what it takes to go against [Trump],” Pappert explained on Tuesday’s edition of The Michael Patrick Leahy Show.

“Dave McCormick has not only accused Bob Casey of covering up for Joe Biden’s failing mental health, but accused the Democratic Party of covering up for Joe Biden’s mental health and he has urged the white house to consider, not to take the action, but to consider their responsibility to if a president is unfit to serve his duties, if he cannot discharge the duties of the office, they have the 25th Amendment to remove him. So Dave McCormick is taking no prisoners after Joe Biden bumbled and stumbled for 90 minutes last week,” Pappert added.

Regarding the effect the debate had on undecided voters going into the 2024 election, Pappert said while it is too early to tell via polling, he senses panic among Democrats and the media, which have pushed the seemingly false narrative about Biden’s capabilities to continue being president.

“Now it’s still early to get the polling but I would argue that from what the Democrats are broadcasting, it must be going very poorly. The Democrats have said repeatedly since the debate, ‘Oh, now Independents are moving to Biden in record numbers, we’ve never seen anything like this.’ Meanwhile, if you pay attention to what the mainstream media is putting out regarding [the Pennsylvania senate] race, they seem to be very worried on behalf of Mr. Casey,” Pappert said.

Pappert pointed out the hit piece The Washington Post published calling McCormick a “carpetbagger” to distract from his criticism of Casey’s defense of Biden.

“In fact, The Washington Post just yesterday put out an article calling Dave McCormick, or at least listing him alongside a bunch of people, who were accused of being a carpetbagger, despite the fact that he was born and raised in Pennsylvania and spent most of his life there,” Pappert said.

“So really, the media is doing their part to sway low information independents back toward Casey but the fact that you have a guy who’s been in office since I believe it was 2006, who is this desperate to retain his seat, I think shows just how bad things are for the Democrats because of President Joe Biden,” Pappert added.

Despite the media and Democrats’ attempt to deceive voters on the state of the Democratic Party and Biden, Pappert said he believes American voters will see through the illusion.

“Every single Democrat from Ruben Gallego in Arizona to Bob Casey in Pennsylvania have all said, ‘Joe Biden is so fit. He’s unbelievably fit. It’s like a 20-year-old in an 81-year-old man’s body. You just wouldn’t believe it guys. We got to vote for him. He’s going to be president forever.’ And now the truth is coming out because the American people still have eyes and ears,” Pappert said.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Kaitlin on X / Twitter.




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