Sen. Blackburn to Visit Southern Border as Illegal Aliens Pour Through Open Border

Sen. Marsha Blackburn

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (T-TN) Monday announced on her X account that she will be traveling to Eagle Pass, TX this week to survey what has become ground zero for illegal alien border crossings.

Blackburn said in a statement from her office:

Since Inauguration Day 2021, more than 9.2 million illegal immigrants have entered the United States, including over 1.7 million known gotaways. Meanwhile, the Biden administration deported just 142,000 people in all of 2023 – less than 5 percent of all illegal crossings. What is happening at the southern border is nothing short of an invasion. Not only has this White House refused to step in, but they are waiving a historic number of illegal immigrants into our country on parole and actively blocking states from protecting their own sovereignty. I’ll be traveling to Eagle Pass to help shine a light on what the state of Texas, Border Patrol, law enforcement, and local landowners are doing day and night to uphold the rule of law and secure our southern border.

The Tennessee Star reported last week that the Biden administration “paroled” more illegal aliens than it gave visas to legal aliens in Fiscal Year 2023.

Illegal alien “parole” is meant to be a temporary suspension of immigration laws, conducted on a case by case basis, either for “urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit.”

Blackburn, who is up for reelection this year, has often railed against the Biden administration for its open borders policies.

Recently, she posted a list of violent illegal alien crimes committed in the United States this year, and she supported the Laken Riley Act, named for a 22-year-old University of Georgia (UGA) nursing student who was allegedly murdered by an illegal alien.

In El Paso, TX, early 500 miles northwest of Eagle Pass, shocking video emerged last week showing a major clash between illegal aliens and members of the National Guard who have been stationed at the border.

A horde of illegal aliens stormed a blockade of armed soldiers, pushing their way past the soldiers and casting aside razor wire that had prevented crossings.

It has been reported that one National Guardsman ended up in the hospital with serious injuries, sparking conversation among conservative commentators.

“Ultimately, having a border means being willing to have armed men at the border willing to use force to stop those attempting to cross it,” said Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk. “If you aren’t willing to do that, then your border is fake — anyone who wants it badly enough can just force their way in. The world is calling Biden’s bluff.”

“If a mob of people tried to rush onto your property, or into your house, how would you respond?” asked radio host David Webb. “If they are willing to assault the Texas National Guard, who are carrying weapons, what makes you think you’re safe when they come into your communities.”

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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter/X.
Photo “Sen Marsha Blackburn Visits Southern Border” by Sen. Marsha Blackburn.



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One Thought to “Sen. Blackburn to Visit Southern Border as Illegal Aliens Pour Through Open Border”

  1. James Robertson

    Channel 5 is attacking her visit this morning aw being disingenuous saying she could have voted for the “bipartisan” plan last month.

    Channel 5 being the Sky5 , highdef scumbags they’ve always been.
