Sticker Mule CEO Anthony Constantino Details Early Days of His Now Worldwide Company

MPL and Sticker Mule

Anthony Constantino, co-founder of Sticker Mule, joined Friday’s edition of The Michael Patrick Leahy Show to discuss the creation of his online company, which sells custom merchandise, as well as his recent decision to launch a political action committee (PAC) supporting former President Donald Trump.

Constantino said he founded Sticker Mule in 2010 in the small town of Amsterdam, New York with an initial $100,000 investment from his co-founder.

Within three months, Constantino said he and his co-founder launched the business after creating the overall concept and having a website designed for their online business.

“We got started and we were open three months later. We got 15 or 20 orders on our first day, and it’s been a fun ride ever since,” Constantino said.

Sticker Mule has since grown to employ 1,200 people across 39 countries.

In addition to custom stickers, Sticker Mule sells other custom merchandise, including t-shirts, magnets, buttons, labels, packaging, keychains, temporary tattoos, and hot sauce.

Constantino said his company selling hot sauce initially began as a “joke. ” However, it has since grown to be known as one of the best hot sauces on the market.

“It’s the best hot sauce in the country. We were number one in a blind taste test against 270 other sauces,” Constantino said.

In addition to growing his company through new innovative ideas, Constantino has also publicized Sticker Mule through his work in the political space, specifically speaking out in support of former President Donald Trump and his supporters across the nation.

In July, following the first failed assassination attempt of Trump during a campaign rally in Pennsylvania, Constantino sent a letter out to all Sticker Mule subscribers denouncing the hate surrounding the former president and his supporters.

“I call Donald Trump a big victim of bullying in the world today, one of the biggest victims of bullying in world history, and his supporters are really unfairly bullied. It’s a disgusting situation that’s been caused by media propaganda and government propaganda and needs to come to an end,” Constantino explained.

To further his message, Constantino launched StickerPAC, a PAC supporting Trump, this week following the second assassination attempt of the former president.

StickerPAC is giving away 500,000 packs of pro-Trump stickers that supporters can order for free at

The free packs include seven stickers, each containing different pro-Trump phrases, such as “Awesome People Love Trump,” “Trump for Peace,” and “Vote4Trump.”

Constantino funded the PAC with an initial $2.5 million.

Constantino said he started the PAC to give Trump supporters a “fun, happy way” to support the former president and attempt to erase the stigma around supporting him.

“Stickers are a fun, happy way to do it…We have to make this problem go away. The hate directed at Trump’s supporters in particular has to go away. We shouldn’t be in a situation where bullets are flying,” Constantino explained.

“We’re trying to fix it as best we can with stickers and with people like me speaking up,” Constantino added.

Constantino said he was optimistic that more Trump supporters will feel more confident about openly supporting the candidate by sharing the “happy, uplifting, fun, and inspirational” stickers.

“We need more people speaking up, and the best thing you can do as a citizen is just simply admit you like [Trump] in a nice and non-confrontational way. If people don’t like what you have to say, just let them be angry, but I know as a customer service expert that people’s opinions change. Sometimes you get customers that are angry and a week later, if you’re nice to them, they come back and they want to be your best friend. So you need people speaking up in a nice way,” Constantino said.

Watch the full interview:

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Kaitlin on X / Twitter.





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