Tennessee Governor Bill Lee Responds to President Biden’s State of the Union Address

Tennessee Governor Bill Lee, as chair of the Republican Governors Association (RGA), responded to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address on Thursday by saying conservative-led states are a “steady reminder that America’s best days are still ahead.”

“While the American people see dysfunction in Washington and face the daily consequences of failed federal policies, conservative-led states are a steady reminder that America’s best days are still ahead. We have reason to be hopeful because of states like Tennessee that are unwavering in their commitment to the fundamentals that make America the greatest country in the world – opportunity, security and freedom for all,” Lee, who was elected the chair of RGA in December, said in a statement.

Lee, who attended Biden’s State of the Union speech at the invitation of Tennessee U.S. Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN), continued by calling on the White House to release a “plan of action” to address crime, immigration, and inflation.

“Americans deserve a plan of action from the White House to address the worst border crisis in decades, get rampant crime under control and ease the heavy burdens of inflation that make it harder for everyday families to thrive,” Lee said. “In the meantime, states are leading the way with conservative governing principles that drive economic prosperity, empower thriving communities and safe families, and lift up a nation where every individual has the opportunity to succeed.”

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, who serves as vice chair of RGA, said Biden used his State of the Union address to “attack Republicans, play partisan politics, and pass the buck” instead of “using the evening as an opportunity to unite Americans, find common ground, and put forward bold solutions to our nation’s many challenges.”

Kemp also echoed Lee’s statement, saying that “Republican governors will continue to deliver results for the people of our states.”

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Kaitlin on X / Twitter.





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One Thought to “Tennessee Governor Bill Lee Responds to President Biden’s State of the Union Address”

  1. Tim Prve

    Democrats plan of action is increase taxes, limit personal freedoms and let in more illegals!
