Tennessee State Rep. Justin Jones Refuses to Lead Chamber in Pledge of Allegiance

Tennessee House Floor - State Rep. Justin Jones refuses Pledge Allegiance to the US Flag

Tennessee State Representative Justin Jones (D-Nashville) refused to lead the House of Representatives in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance during Thursday’s session of the General Assembly.

Thursday was Jones’ turn to bring someone for the invocation and lead the chamber in the pledge. The Democrat Representative introduced Chaplain of the Day President of the Native American Indian Association of Tennessee Sally Wells, the first indigenous woman to lead the chamber in prayer.

Jones, after introducing Wells to lead the chamber in prayer in her traditional tribal Choctaw language, declined to subsequently lead his colleagues in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

At that point, House Speaker Cameron Sexton (R-Crossville) announced Jones’ decision and requested that another member lead the chamber in reciting the pledge.

“Representative Jones has declined to say the [pledge], he asks for someone else for their assistance,” Sexton said.

House Minority Leader Representative Karen Camper (D-Memphis) volunteered to lead the chamber in reciting the pledge.

Jones stood silently while the rest of the chamber recited the pledge.

State Rep. Jeremey Faison (R- Cosby) and Majority Caucus chair told The Tennessee Star:

As elected officials, we swear an oath to defend the constitutions of both Tennessee and the United States…

If you do not respect our nation, its flag, and all of those who have sacrificed for them, then you should not hold public office.

The Democrat state lawmaker’s move did not go unnoticed, as spectators in the chamber announced the incident on social media.

Robby Starbuck, former GOP candidate for Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District, commented on Jones’ refusal to recite the pledge, writing on X, “Democrat Rep. Justin Jones refused to lead the Tennessee House legislature in the pledge of allegiance today. If you can’t pledge allegiance to our country then you shouldn’t be in office.”

“This seems like a bare minimum ask,” Starbuck added.

Kenny Cody, Chairman of the Cocke County Republican Party, also noted Jones’ refusal to recite the pledge, writing on X, “Justin Jones is a petulant communist that made bank off of dullard resist liberals. He’s a pimple on the face of our state.”

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Kaitlin on X / Twitter.


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9 Thoughts to “Tennessee State Rep. Justin Jones Refuses to Lead Chamber in Pledge of Allegiance”

  1. Tim Price

    Jones is nothing more that a sh** stirring anarchist!

    He live the attention he gets from being a a**hole.

    The fact that other Democrats support him is proof of what Democrats really are!

  2. Randy

    Gloria Johnson, Joe Biden and the Democrat Party encouraged this individual to behave this way. The people of his district sent him to the legislature, even after his earlier antics. This is a learned behavior supported by people who vote. If your tired of this nonsense perhaps you should encourage people to vote differently.

  3. Rocky Top

    Why are our legislatures allowing this guy to disrupt and disrespect our State and Capitol?

  4. Randall Davidson

    get rid of this guy.

  5. Randall Davidson

    write the legislature, tell them you are tired of this protestor wannabe.

  6. Randall Davidson

    Should not be allowed to be in Nashville or Tennessee political jobs. Never.

  7. james bellar

    strip the guy of any committee assignments! don’t allow him the right to make decisions. tell him his job is to show up and vote

  8. nicky wicks

    so will he be resigning and moving to a country he would support, like China or North Korea?
