U.S. Senator JD Vance Introduces Standalone Aid Package Legislation for Israel

Senator JD Vance (R-OH) joined his colleagues Thursday in introducing the Israel Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2023, which would provide billions of dollars in aid support to Israel if enacted.

The bill would specifically provide $14.3 billion of aid to Israel, including $10.6 billion for assistance through the Department of Defense (DOD), $3.5 billion for foreign military financing, and $200 million in diplomatic funding to help protect U.S. embassies and personnel.

The funding bill comes less than a week after the White House announced the details of President Joe Biden’s request for Congress to fund a $105 billion aid package for Ukraine and Israel, the U.S.-Mexico border, and other humanitarian efforts. The majority of Biden’s funding request – $61.4 billion – would go towards efforts in Ukraine.

Vance previously said Congress would be “useless” if it passed Biden’s lump aid package proposal.

The Ohio senator said his bill offering standalone aid for Israel will “ensure the swift provision of aid to Israel is not hindered by President Biden’s unrelated priorities in Ukraine.”

“It is essential that the United States provide support for our allies in Israel. That assistance should not depend on whether we continue to provide aid to Ukraine,” Vance added. “Despite what the president claims, they are unique conflicts that should be handled individually. Misguided attempts to combine them will only delay Israel receiving the support they need. Now is not the time to play political games with our most important ally in the Middle East. The Senate should pass this legislation as soon as possible.”

Vance’s bill would specifically:

  • Provide funding to strengthen Israel’s defense, including the Iron Dome and Iron Beam systems, and to replace weapons the DOD sends to Israel.
  • Grant authority to send Israel equipment and services already in U.S. stocks.
  • Grant a waiver allowing the U.S. to stockpile more weapons in Israel.
  • Provide funding to protect U.S. embassies and personnel in Israel and to help repatriate U.S. citizens from the region.
  • Strip all aid to Gaza that could be funneled to Hamas terrorists.
  • Block the Biden administration from leveraging aid to Israel for more Ukraine funding and clarify that none of the amounts made available by the bill can be used in connection with the Ukraine war.

U.S. Senators Roger Marshall, M.D. (R-KS), Mike Lee (R-UT), and Ted Cruz (R-TX) joined Vance in introducing the bill.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Ohio Star and The Star News Network. Follow Kaitlin on X / Twitter.
Photo “Ted Cruz” by Ted Cruz.





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