Vice President Kamala Harris Condemns Tennessee State Lawmakers for Passing Bill to Arm Trained Teachers

Kamala Harris

Vice President Kamala Harris called lawmakers in the Tennessee General Assembly “extremists” for voting to pass a bill that would arm teachers who are licensed, receive annual training, and are approved by police and school officials.

“Arming teachers is not the solution,” Harris said in an X post on Wednesday. “We know what actually works: universal background checks, red flag laws, safe storage, and an assault weapons ban.”

“Shame on extremists in the Tennessee legislature for failing to protect our children,” Harris added.

On Tuesday, the Tennessee House of Representatives approved HB 1202, which would arm teachers who complete specific requirements.

Those requirements include possessing a valid handgun carry permit issued by the state, being fingerprinted by the appropriate law enforcement agency, passing a psychological evaluation, obtaining written authorization of the chief of the appropriate law enforcement agency, and annually completing a minimum of 40 hours of training specific to school policing that has been approved by Peace Officer Standards & Training Commission.

Tuesday’s passage of the bill led to protests inside the gallery and a staged “die in” at the Capitol.

In response to Harris’ post condemning the passage of the bill, Tennessee State Representative Jason Zachary (R-Knoxville) called on the Biden administration to focus on national issues.

“Have you read the bill, Madam Vice President? It is permissive, allowing a teacher to carry with the approval of the principal, sheriff, and head of school. Requires 40 hours of tactical training, mental health check, and enhanced carry permit, to name a few. 30+ states have this on the books today. TN teachers in distressed counties have been able to carry since 2016 without incident. We will take every step necessary to protect children in rural communities,” Zachary said.

“TN is thriving and people across the country are moving here because of strong conservative leadership. Please focus on the significant national challenges like open borders, crushing inflation, rising energy costs and failed foreign policy. We’ll handle TN,” Zachary added.

Tennessee State Representative and House Republican Caucus Chairman Jeremy Faison (R-Cosby) also responded to the vice president’s post, saying, “I’m more convinced now than ever before that we got this right.”

Nashville radio host Matt Murphy on SuperTalk 99.7 WTN, responding to Harris’ post, noted how the vice president’s branding of Republicans as “extremists” is ultimately an attack on 70 percent of Tennesseans.

“She’s calling 70 percent of the state “extremists.” She thinks anyone voting ‘R’ is a radical Non-American,” Murphy said.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Kaitlin on X / Twitter.




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4 Thoughts to “Vice President Kamala Harris Condemns Tennessee State Lawmakers for Passing Bill to Arm Trained Teachers”

  1. Tim Price

    I think Kamala needs to be told to shut her damn mouth and leave this decision to the law maker of the state of Tennessee.

    She is a worthless piece if crap.

  2. Ron W

    What is really extremist is to have 24-7 armed security for yourself, but wanting to deny it to others, even to children by those charged with their care.

  3. mikey whipwreck

    i have the same statement to kamala as the construction worker did to her eggplant boss

  4. Steve Allen

    Another enemy of the Constitution bloviating about a subject she knows nothing about. She is the perfect match for that old fool who as placed in the white house by outright cheating. The two of them and all the sheeple that believe America is on the right course are the perfect example of how people are brainwashed.
