Commentary: Biden’s Valley Forge Theater and the Unraveling of January 6

January Six

Joe Biden plans to commemorate the third anniversary of the events of January 6 by giving a speech Friday morning near Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, the historic site where General George Washington regrouped the Continental Army despite all odds in 1777-78.

After years of comparing Jan 6 to 9/11, Pearl Harbor, and the Oklahoma City bombing, Biden will again desecrate hallowed ground and the graves of the victims—roughly 2,000 soldiers died over a six-month period at the Valley Forge encampment—to prioritize the largely peaceful protest at the Capitol as a pivotal event in American history. Fighting Trump and his supporters, the stunt apparently is supposed to demonstrate, is just like living in subhuman conditions fighting starvation, hypothermia, and deadly diseases to prevail over the British crown. (Ironically, Biden moved up the speech from Saturday to Friday amid bad weather forecasts.)

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Tucker Carlson Sits Down with ‘The Most Censored Man in the English Language’

In episode 46 of his newest production, “Tucker on X,” host Tucker Carlson interviewed Infowars host Alex Jones, described by Carlson as “the most dangerous man – the most censored man in the English language.”

Kicking off the 91-minute interview, Carlson said Jones had been “deplatformed, de-personed, and de-banked” for the crime of “ having opinions that deeply rattled the people who run America.”

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Leahy and Brewer: Credibility of Tennessee Stands Destroyed by Gary Humble’s Abhorrent and Un-American Claim ‘Our Government Coordinated with Other Foreign Entities to Attack Americans on 9-11’

Long time national political reporter Neil W. McCabe connects the strategic dots he sees the candidates following into the first Republican presidential debate in Milwaukee tonight on Wednesday’s episode of The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy.

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Wisconsin U.S. Senator Ron Johnson Leads Efforts to Seek Records on Saudi Arabia’s Role In 9/11 Attacks

On this 22nd anniversary of 9/11, U.S. Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) is demanding the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation turn over the complete, unredacted records of Saudi Arabia’s role in the deadliest terrorist attack on U.S. soil.

Johnson, ranking member of the Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, and subcommittee chairman Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), are seeking a full explanation of any ongoing need for classification of any portions of these records.

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Commentary: Joe Biden’s 9/11 Alaska Trip Is a Slap in the Face to the Nation

The Biden Administration has been flying cabinet and subcabinet members to and from Alaska all summer. From Transportation Sec. Pete Buttigieg to Interior Sec. Deb Haaland, EPA Administrator Michael Regan, and Health Assistant Sec. Rachel Levine, it’s been an impressive parade of diversity, equity, and inclusion sock puppets who regurgitate the party line.

The Big Guy himself arrives in state on Monday to – oddly enough – commemorate the anniversary of the 9-11 terrorist attacks on the United States.

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Commentary: Reflections on Calm Before Storm of 9/11 and Peace of Providence After

Sept. 11, 2001, dawned in Washington as the most beautiful day of that year and one of the most beautiful days I have ever experienced.

I left my home in Northern Virginia early that morning. The route to the White House was always inspiring because of its historic evocation along the way—driving around the Lincoln Memorial each day after having come across the Memorial Bridge from Arlington into Washington, with the Vietnam Memorial on the right-hand side.

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Pro-LGBTQ Chalk Displays Go Undisturbed as Conservative Sidewalk Messages Get Defaced

Chalk displays are common tools for spreading messages on college campuses, but they can also be examples of the different treatment that conservative and liberal students experience.

This semester, a College Republicans’ chapter had their chalk messages defaced while another group of liberal students were able to celebrate National Coming Out Day without harm to their chalk display.

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Commentary: A.G. Garland’s Use of Police Power Against Parents Could Be His Undoing

Destruction of the family has always been at the center of the collectivist project. In chapter two of The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels point out that the destruction of private property will never be complete until the “abolition [Aufhebung] of the family” is accomplished. The dream is perennial among snarling misanthropists. A couple of years ago, an interview in The Nation with a radical feminist explained that if you “want to dismantle capitalism” then you have to “abolish the family.”

It is worth keeping that in mind as the little drama of Merrick Garland versus the parents of America unfolds. I wrote about the attorney general’s absurd but troubling memorandum shortly after it was released on October 4. As all the world knows (but only some precincts of the world admit), Garland threatened to mobilize the entire police power of the state against parents. Why?

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Commentary: Democrats Repeat the Mistakes of 2016

Donald Trump waving

As we get to the midpoint between the last presidential election and next year’s midterms, all political sides are expending extraordinary effort to ignore the 900-pound gorilla in the formerly smoke-filled room of American politics. This, of course, is Donald Trump.

The Democrats are still outwardly pretending Trump has gone and that his support has evaporated. They also pretend they can hobble him with vexatious litigation and, if necessary, destroy him again by raising the Trump-hate media smear campaign back to ear-splitting levels.

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Commentary: Epitaph for the ‘War on Terror’

Twenty years after the U.S. government declared war on terrorism, it consummated its own defeat in Kabul and Washington, in a manner foreseeable, foreseen, and foreshadowed in 9/11’s immediate aftermath. Fixation on itself and unseriousness about war are the twin habits of heart and mind that disposed the ruling class to defeat. The practical explanation for why and how it accepted defeat is found in the overriding interest each part of the ruling class has in doing what it wants to do. 

On the night of September 11, 2001, Muslim governments strictly forbade public celebrations of the carnage. The Palestinian Authority, anticipating that outraged Americans would destroy them to avenge the day’s events, even called the attacks al nachba—“the disaster.” But as the U.S. ruling class made clear that it was accepting defeat, the Muslim world’s media and streets celebrated.

Two decades later, after that defeat’s logic had worked its way through and transformed American life, and as the government’s self-humiliating exit from Afghanistan consummated it, much of mankind followed Muslim crowds in celebrating—including prominent Americans. 

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Commentary: The ‘Foul Spirit’ of George W. Bush and America’s Ruling Class

As with so many other aspects of our time, we seem destined to suffer the most trite and underwhelming imitations of things that once were great or at least impressive. Exhibit A would be the great war advocate, George W. Bush. Can there be a more perfect synthesis of the last 20 years of disappointing American politics than this man? He exemplifies everything—unaware, unashamed, unapologetic—that the American ruling class has become. NeverTrumpers and neocons yearn for a return to the days of measured, steady Bush leadership. We are told constantly now that he is kind, polite, well-bred: a politician from a more dignified tradition of public servants than those of late. But of course, in reality he is none of these things.

The everlasting incompetence and mesmerizing self-delusion on display at his recent 9/11 remarks make that clear.

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College Student in Missouri Filmed Throwing Away 2,977 9/11 Memorial Flags

American Flag blowing in the wind

A student senator at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri was filmed tearing out and throwing away nearly 3,000 American flags featured in a 9/11 memorial on campus, as reported by the New York Post.

The student, Fadel Alkilani, was captured on video Saturday as he tore the flags out of the ground and stuffed them into multiple large garbage bags. The student filming the incident, Nathaniel Hope, confronted Alkilani; Hope said that Alkilani falsely claimed that the memorial was “in violation of school rules,” and “was also saying profanity.” In the video posted to Twitter, Alkilani, who is wearing a face mask, stops for a few moments when he realizes that he is being filmed, then quickly walks away with the bags, calling Hope “weird” before leaving the scene.

The 2,977 flags were placed in the grass on the campus’s Mudd Field for the 20th anniversary of the September 11th attacks in 2001, with each flag representing one of the victims of the attacks in New York City, Arlington, Virginia, and Shanksville, Pennsylvania on that day. This has become a common tradition around the country every year since 2001, often organized by conservative student groups.

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Students Think 9/11 Lessons Should Omit ‘Gruesome’ Details, ‘Avoid Placing Blame’

The Virginia Department of Education recently posted a video on their YouTube Channel telling teachers to avoid talking about American exceptionalism while teaching about September 11, 2001.

Campus Reform reporter Ophelie Jacobson talked with University of Florida students about this video to see how students think 9/11 should be taught in the classroom.

Suggestions for lesson plans included keeping “gruesome” facts out of lesson plans  avoiding discussion of who was responsible for the attacks.

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‘Condition Omega!’ Once-Secret New York Police Department 9/11 Report Recounts Horror, Heroism 20 Years Later

Across the water from NYC, with a first responder statue

Now relegated to the history files of the New York’s police department, a September 2001 after-action report prepared by then-NYPD Commissioner Bernard Kerik for then-Mayor Rudolph Giuliani provides a stunning account of what happened on the deadliest day in American history as four hijacked planes pierced the sunny, blue morning skies 20 years ago.

Nineteen terrorists — working under the command of Osama bin Laden (since executed by the U.S. military) and his chief planner Khalid Sheikh Mohammad (since captured and on trial now at Guantanamo Bay) — exacted unspeakable carnage on an unsuspecting country that was forever changed.

The report, provided by Kerik to Just the News as part of its “9/11: Never Forget” podcast special, details how the NYPD executed “Condition Omega,” an emergency plan that achieved an unprecedented sealing of the Big Apple, an historic evacuation of hundreds of thousands from the city’s financial district and a grim, gruesome recovery of more than 2,500 bodies, including hundreds of police officers and firefighters who rushed into the burning Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and its adjoining command center.

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With Bells Tolling and Names Never Forgotten, America Commemorates 20th Anniversary of 9/11

Cityscape of NYC with lights shining where Twin Towers used to be.

Americans commemorated the 20th anniversary of the world’s deadliest terror attacks, ringing bells, singing hymns and solemnly reading the names of the nearly 3,000 who perished and are never to be forgotten.

With skies blue and sunny just like that fateful day two decades ago, presidents past and present joined the memorials at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and Shanksville, Pa., as Americans marked their first 9/11 anniversary without U.S. troops engaged in battle in Afghanistan.

President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden joined the crowd at the Ground Zero site where the former World Trade Center once stood.

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Republicans Sound Alarm on Biden Border Policy as COVID Spreads

As the number of illegal immigrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border reaches a 20-year high and COVID-19 cases consequently spike, Republican lawmakers are blasting the Biden administration for the converging security and public health crises.

July saw the highest number of illegal immigrants crossing the border in over 20 years, with a total of 210,000. Simultaneously, fewer MS-13 gang members have been caught crossing the border this year than in each of the previous three years, and COVID-positive migrants are flooding the Texas border town of McAllen.

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Commentary: The Shame of Proxy Voting in the House of Representatives

For the first time in history this week, members of the House of Representatives voted without actually being in the chamber. More to the point, they had other members cast their votes for them.

Proxy voting, as it is known, was an extraordinary change to the House rules jammed through alongside Nancy Pelosi’s $4 trillion COVID-19 “relief” package, and it allows Members to delegate their voting responsibility – the one they fought so hard in an election to obtain – to another Member.

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Remembering 9-11: Reboot Recovery’s Executive Director Evan Owens Speaks to Leahy About Finding The Silver Lining for Our First Responders and Veterans

In a specific discussion Wednesday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Leahy welcomed Executive Director of Reboot Recovery Evan Owens to the show to discuss his company mission on this special day remembering 9-11 first responders and their families.

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Ilhan Omar Scheduled to Headline Another CAIR Fundraiser

  Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN-05) is scheduled to headline another fundraiser for the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). CAIR’s Washington state chapter announced last week that Omar would be speaking at its May 25 fundraiser along with Motiva Johnson-Harrell, a state representative from Pennsylvania and the first Muslim woman in its State Legislature. TICKETS ARE HERE! 🎟️ #Muslim2020 #Ramadan2019 — CAIR Washington (@CAIRWashington) May 2, 2019 The fundraiser is titled “Unapologetically Us: Building Muslim Power for 2020 and Beyond.” “The coming year will be pivotal for our community and for the nation as a whole. There are many challenges from violent Islamophobia to xenophobic policies, but there’s also hope,” an event description states. “American Muslims have seen political representation like never before, including the election of Ilhan Omar, the first Somali-American and one of two American Muslim women elected to Congress.” CAIR goes on to invite its supporters to “join us for an evening of conversation, inspiration, and strategizing on how we can best defend our community everyday while building power for 2020.” In March, Omar headlined CAIR’s Fourth Annual Valley Banquet in Los Angeles and faced widespread backlash for comments she made during her speech. At…

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Minnesota Politicians Come to Omar’s Defense After Trump Tweet

Innumerable politicians and commentators came to Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN-05) defense Saturday morning after President Donald Trump tweeted out a video of her controversial remarks at a recent CAIR fundraiser. As The Minnesota Sun reported, Omar delivered the keynote address at CAIR’s March fundraiser in Los Angeles, and faced criticism last week after video from the event showed her describing the 9/11 terror attacks as “some people did something.” On Friday, Trump tweeted a video of Omar’s remarks that was spliced together with footage from the attacks, captioning his tweet with “we will never forget.” WE WILL NEVER FORGET! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 12, 2019 By Saturday morning, Omar was trending on Twitter along with the hashtag “IStandWithIlhanOmar.” “The video that Donald Trump posted is dangerous, reckless, and I would say criminal,” DFL Chairman Ken Martin said. “For a president to target Ilhan, a member of Congress, is abhorrent to the values of our democracy. No member of congress should have to fear for their safety and his actions cross the line.” The video that @realdonaldtrump posted is dangerous, reckless & I would say criminal. For a President to target @Ilhan, a member of congress, is abhorrent…

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Ilhan Omar on Late Show With Stephen Colbert Amid Backlash Over 9/11 Comments

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN-05) was a guest on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert Wednesday night, just days after a video was released of her describing the 9/11 terrorist attacks as “some people did something.” In response to the comments, the GOP renewed its calls for Omar to be removed from the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Colbert began the interview by noting that his show booked Omar “a long time ago to be on the show,” and then asked Omar to explain how she’s become a “lightning rod for people.” “If you think about historically where our nation is at right now there are many members of our community that their are identities are a lightning rod—they’re being used as political football,” Omar said. “You’re talking about immigrants, you’re talking about refugees, women of color, people of color, minorities—and I just happen to embody all of those identities, and so it’s easy for this to kind of be self-explanatory.” Colbert then brought up the numerous occasions on which Omar has been accused of anti-Semitism, saying she was criticized for saying “some things that some people, on the right specifically but also some Democrats, saw as possibly being anti-Semitic.” “This whole…

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Video Shows Ilhan Omar Mocking Americans for Their Anxiety Over Terrorist Organizations

A recently unearthed video shows Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN-05) mocking Americans for their anxiety over terrorist organizations such as Al-Qaeda and Hezbollah. The video was released Thursday by The Reagan Battalion and comes just days after the Daily Caller News Foundation obtained video of Omar describing 9/11 as an event in which “some people did something.” As The Minnesota Sun reported, Omar faced widespread backlash for those comments, and is once again facing pressure from the GOP to be removed from her assignment on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. In the new video, Omar is discussing a course on terrorism that she took in college, and mocks the professor for being uncomfortable when discussing terrorist organizations. The clip is from a 2013 interview Omar did with the Somali-American show “BelAhdan,” and the full episode can be viewed here. “The thing that was interesting in the class was that every time the professor said Al-Qaeda, he sort of—his shoulders went up, and you know—‘Al-Qaeda,’ you know, ‘Hezbollah,’” she says while mockingly shrugging her shoulders and laughing with the moderator. A recently discovered video shows @IlhanMN mocking Americans for their anxiety about al-Qaeda, equating US armed forces to al-Qaeda and Hezbollah.…

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GOP Renews Calls for Omar’s Removal from Foreign Affairs Committee After She Described 9/11 as ‘Some People Did Something’

Republicans are once again calling for Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN-05) removal from the House Foreign Affairs Committee after video leaked of her describing the 9/11 terror attacks as “some people did something.” Omar’s remarks came during her appearance at the Council on American-Islamic Relations’ (CAIR) March fundraiser in Los Angeles. “I say raise hell. Make people uncomfortable, because here’s the truth: for far too long we have lived with the discomfort of being a second-class citizen,” Omar said during her keynote address, according to video obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Frankly, I’m tired of it, and every single Muslim in this country should be tired of it,” she continued. “CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something and all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties.” Minnesota Republican Party Chairwoman Jennifer Carnahan said she was “horrified” that the comments “came from a member of Congress.” “This is a day that we will never forget. When thousands of innocent men, women, and children lost their lives due to a terrorist attack. A day when the lives of all Americans were changed forever. Yet, Omar minimized this day and the action…

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Dr. Mark Green Commentary on 9-11

by State Senator Dr. Mark Green (R-Clarksville)   Seventeen years ago, on 9/11/2001, I was preparing as the chief resident of Fort Hood Emergency Medicine Residency program to drive to San Antonio for a joint educational program with the Brooke Army Medical Center emergency medicine residents. After turning on the TV, I quickly called their chief resident and together we canceled the joint training to happen that night. As one Army chief resident in emergency medicine spoke calmly with the chief resident of another Army emergency medicine residency, we knew what was coming. We had both served in the Army prior to our becoming medical officers, doctors, and we both knew our classmates and the rest of the Army would soon face the challenges of war. We hung up wishing each other and our teams Godspeed. I would see him almost die in Iraq. We’ve lost touch, but reflecting back on that day I was honored to have him on the other line. It’s hard to imagine now but there are young men and women who are enlisting in the Army in their senior year into the early accessions program, assuming it still exists that way, who were not yet…

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Commentary: When Will Our Leaders Get The Message Of 9/11?

  by George Rasley, Editor   In the wake of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks that brought down the World Trade Center in New York, struck the Pentagon in Washington, DC and brought down United Airlines Flight 93 in a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, President George W. Bush said: “The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That’s not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace. These terrorists don’t represent peace. They represent evil and war.” Time and again since President Bush spoke those words events have proven him wrong, yet American political and military leaders persist in trying to sell – and perhaps believing – that “Islam is peace.” What those who are ignorant of Islam – as President Bush obviously was – fail to grasp is that the peace that Muslims value and claim to stand for is the peace of the Ummah – the worldwide community of Islam – not peaceful coexistence with those of other faiths or those who have no faith at all. Believing the lie that “Islam is a religion of peace” is why President Trump’s current national security team – or more correctly the Obama holdovers running…

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