by Grace Carr The pro-life movie “Unplanned,” which tells the story of a former abortion worker whose pro-choice stance changed after working at a clinic, brought in nearly triple the expected box office numbers at the weekend’s close. The movie hit theaters Friday and brought in over $6.1 million at the weekend’s conclusion over an expected $2-3 million, according to The Washington Times. The film came in third for screen earnings, putting up an average of $5,770 per screening, following “Dumbo” and “Us” with averages of $10,566 and $8,978 respectively. “Unplanned” beat out “Captain Marvel” which averaged $5,144 per screening. “Unplanned” played on only 1,060 screens. It ranks fifth in total earnings at Sunday’s close, according to Box Office Mojo. “Dumbo” grossed $45,000,000 and “Us” grossed $33,605,000. “Captain Marvel” made $20,500,000 by the weekend’s close. The movie tells the story of former Planned Parenthood clinic director Abby Johnson, who worked at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Bryan, Texas, until 2009. She left the organization after assisting in an ultrasound-guided abortion of a 13-week-old unborn baby. Johnson was Planned Parenthood’s youngest director of a clinic in the nation. “I could not be more thrilled with the debut of Unplanned and reports of healing and conversion nationwide,” Johnson said,…
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