House Intel, DOJ Strike Deal Over Counterintelligence Documents

by Chuck Ross   The House Intelligence Committee struck a deal late Tuesday with the Justice Department to avoid a subpoena fight over classified documents related to the Mueller probe. California Rep. Adam Schiff, the chairman of the panel, said that the Justice Department has agreed to turn over twelve categories of counterintelligence and foreign intelligence materials starting this week. DOJ has accepted our offer, and will begin turning over to the Committee twelve categories of counterintelligence and foreign intelligence materials beginning this week. Our subpoena will remain in effect, and be enforced should DOJ fail to comply with the full document request. — Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) May 22, 2019 Stephen Boyd, the Justice Department’s congressional liaison, said in a letter that the agency would begin producing the documents contingent on Schiff tabling efforts to vote on any enforcement actions. “To be clear should the Committee take the precipitous and unnecessary action of recommending a contempt finding or other enforcement action against the attorney general, then the Department will not likely be able to continue to work with the Committee to accommodate its interest in these materials,” Boyd wrote. On May 8, Schiff subpoenaed the Justice Department for redacted materials…

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Commentary: End Times for the Collusion Cult?

by Thaddeus G. McCotter   Long have we dwelt upon how many of those who eschew revealed religion, instead have turned and clung to the left-wing’s regressive “civil religion.” Among these secular believers, one of the fastest growing sects was the Russian Collusion Cult. As with the overarching intellectual fraud, Collusion Cult members derived their benighted world view and unwarranted sense of self-worth from this ideological cesspool; however, unlike the larger practitioners of the civil religion who believe they ultimately would somehow coerce a change in human nature to erect an earthly Eden (a.k.a., “workers’ paradise”), the Collusion Cult had a less ambitious, more immediate Parousia: the impeachment and imprisonment of President Trump. Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s final report was supposed to commence the Collusion Cult’s end times. Trump would be removed from office and frog marched to a federal penitentiary (for violent offenders, not some country club); then, Vice President Mike Pence would be impeached for abetting Trump in his crimes and on general principles (c.f., Mayor Pete); and the first female commander-in-chief, Nancy Pelosi, after taming that pesky Russian runt Vladimir Putin, would regressively govern the country while the slack-jawed corporate left-wing media drooled over the next “The…

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Commentary: Adam Schiff Is the Media’s Pin-Up Doll

by Julie Kelly   There are times that even The Onion—the popular satirical newspaper—can’t compete with the outlandish coverage produced by allegedly legitimate news publications. Newsweek magazine’s front-cover swoon over Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) this week is one such example. The interview portrays Schiff as a warrior-martyr, fighting the evil Trump regime for the good of the country. He blasts Attorney General Bill Barr; regurgitates long-disproven allegations of Trump-Russia collusion; and again insists many of his Republican colleagues have private misgivings about President Trump but refuse to air those grievances in public for fear of retribution. For anyone even remotely aware of Schiff’s congenital dishonesty and malfeasance, the Newsweek profile is as comical and ironic as any Onion parody could dream to be. Except one can assume the author and editors want the article to be taken seriously by its unserious readership. Newsweek’s cover photo appears tweaked to bulk up his thin neck, which the president and some of Schiff’s Republican colleagues in the House have mocked with glee. (Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida last week introduced a bill entitled the PENCIL Act that demands Schiff be removed as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. President Trump recently called the…

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Jim Jordan Explains Why Certain Sections of Mueller Report Must Be Redacted

by Nick Givas   Republican Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio explained why certain sections of the Mueller report must be redacted and said Congress has a duty to protect classified material. “You’ve got the chairman of the Intelligence Committee, Adam Schiff, saying ‘Go ahead and make public classified information,’ and then you have the chairman of the Judiciary Committee saying ‘Go ahead and make public grand jury material.’ Now that’s scary,” Jordan said on “Fox & Friends” Tuesday. “This is where they’re at because the Mueller report was not the bombshell that they had hoped it would be. But when you have the head of the Intelligence Committee, the head of the Judiciary Committee saying, ‘Make public material that’s not supposed to get public,’ that’s not consistent with the law — that’s just wrong, just plain wrong.” Jordan said keeping certain information classified will protect innocent people who’ve been caught up in the investigation, and it should be considered common practice. “You don’t make that information public. That’s just consistent with who we are as a country. Total standard operating [procedure]. So Bill Barr said he will err on the side of transparency. He wants to release as much as…

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Trump Calls for Adam Schiff’s Forced Resignation

by Evie Fordham   President Donald Trump called for the forced resignation of Democratic California Rep. Adam Schiff, the top House Intelligence Committee member, as Schiff continues to claim there is compelling evidence that Trump colluded with Russian interests during the 2016 presidential election. “Congressman Adam Schiff, who spent two years knowingly and unlawfully lying and leaking, should be forced to resign from Congress!” Trump wrote on Twitter Thursday. Congressman Adam Schiff, who spent two years knowingly and unlawfully lying and leaking, should be forced to resign from Congress! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 28, 2019 Special counsel Robert Mueller, who spent nearly two years investigating the Trump campaign for alleged collusion, closed up shop Friday. Schiff has been one of Trump’s biggest critics throughout the special counsel investigation, and the congressman continues to claim he has “more than circumstantial evidence” of wrongdoing. “There’s a difference between compelling evidence of collusion and whether the special counsel concludes that he can prove beyond a reasonable doubt the criminal charge of conspiracy,” Schiff told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos Sunday. “I have trust in [Mueller’s] prosecutorial judgment,” he continued. “But that doesn’t mean, of course, that there isn’t compelling and incriminating evidence that…

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Adam Schiff Says House Intelligence Committee Is Willing to Subpoena Mueller

by Chris White   House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff said Friday that his committee might subpoena special counsel Robert Mueller to get a fuller understanding about the details of his report. “If necessary, we will call Bob Mueller or others before our committee,” Schiff told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, noting also that the Judiciary Committee might summon Attorney General Bill Barr to answer questions as well. The California Democrat’s comments came shortly after Mueller delivered Barr his report on Russia’s intervention into the U.S. election. Schiff added: “This began as a counterintelligence investigation by the FBI. It began as the same in our committee, and we have a right to be informed and we will demand to be informed about it.” The Department of Justice is required by regulations governing the special counsel to disclose whether the agency rebuffed any major investigative requests from the special counsel. Mueller was never ordered to stand down on any major areas of inquiry throughout the more than two-year-long probe, according to Barr. President Donald Trump said Wednesday he believes the public should have the opportunity to see the document, though the president added he would ultimately like to see it beforehand. –…

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Adam Schiff Expands House Intel’s Trump Investigation

by Chuck Ross   House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff on Wednesday revealed a sweeping plan to investigate President Donald Trump, including whether foreign actors have leverage over the Republican, his family or associates. Schiff laid out five areas the Democrat-controlled committee plans to investigate. The California Democrat made the announcement after the committee voted to provide the special counsel’s office with transcripts of interviews conducted as part of an investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. “The President’s actions and posture towards Russia during the campaign, transition, and administration have only heightened fears of foreign financial or other leverage over President Trump and underscore the need to determine whether he or those in his Administration have acted in service of foreign interests since taking office,” Schiff said in a statement announcing the expanded investigation. The committee in September, then under Republican control, also voted to provide the interview transcripts to the Justice Department. Devin Nunes, Schiff’s Republican counterpart, called on the committee Wednesday to make public all unclassified interview transcripts from the investigation. Schiff has long pledged under his control, the House Intelligence Committee would aggressively investigate Trump’s campaign activities, as well as his finances. Schiff has said…

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New Evidence Refutes Adam Schiff’s Theory About Trump Tower Meeting

by Chuck Ross   The Senate Intelligence Committee obtained phone records showing Donald Trump Jr. did not speak with his father from a blocked telephone number in the days before the infamous Trump Tower meeting in June 2016. The finding, first reported by CNN, undercuts Democrats’ theory Trump Jr. might have told his father in those phone calls about the Trump Tower meeting, which was held June 9, 2016, with a group of Russians who had offered dirt on Hillary Clinton. Democrats led by California Rep. Adam Schiff long theorized the phone calls were between father and son and that they could have discussed the meeting. “We wanted to get the phone records to determine, was Donald Trump talking to his son about this meeting,” Schiff told CNN in November 2018. “It’s an obvious investigative step, but one the Republicans were unwilling to take because they were afraid of where the evidence might lead.” Phone records provided to the Senate Intelligence panel shows the calls were between Trump Jr. and two business associates, according to CNN. The calls were made in the days before the Trump Tower meeting. Another call occurred several hours after the meeting. The identity of the…

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Bruce Ohr Testimony Undercuts Adam Schiff’s Defense of FBI

by Chuck Ross   Justice Department official Bruce Ohr’s testimony about his meetings with FBI officials regarding dossier author Christopher Steele severely undercuts claims made in 2018 by California Rep. Adam Schiff and his fellow Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee. Ohr told lawmakers Aug. 28, 2018, he briefed top FBI officials Andrew McCabe and Lisa Page in early August 2016, just days after he met with Steele, a former British spy who was investigating then-candidate Donald Trump. Ohr testified he told McCabe and Page about his interactions with Steele, who was working at the time for Fusion GPS, a Democrat-funded opposition research firm. The FBI relied heavily on Steele’s unverified dossier to obtain Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. Republicans have focused on the Ohrs’ link to the dossier and Steele. In a memo dated Feb. 2, 2018, House Intelligence Republicans, led by then-Chairman Devin Nunes, asserted the FBI filed to disclose in their FISA applications Ohr’s wife, Nellie, worked for Fusion GPS. They also noted in the so-called Nunes memo that the FISA applications do not reveal Steele’s anti-Trump bias. Ohr claimed Steele told him during a meeting Sept. 23, 2016,…

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Schiff Will Subpoena Mueller Report if White House Tries to Block its Release

by Chuck Ross   California Rep. Adam Schiff said Sunday that he is prepared to subpoena a report from the special counsel’s Russia investigation should the White House try to block its release. “At the end of the day, this is just — this case is just too important to keep from the American people what it’s really about,” Schiff said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” CNN host Jake Tapper had asked Schiff, a Democrat, whether he would use his subpoena power when he takes over next month as chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence to obtain the report, should the Trump administration attempt to block its release. “I’m prepared to make sure we do everything possible so that the public has the advantage of as much of the information as it can,” Schiff said. “That sounds like a yes,” said Tapper. “Well, that pretty much is a yes, from my point of view,” Schiff replied, adding that “we ought to make sure this report is public.” Special counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly planning to send his report to the Justice Department as early as mid-February, NBC News reported Friday. The Justice Department, which is…

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Democrat Adam Schiff is Writing a Spy Movie Script

by Evie Fordham   Democratic California Rep. Adam Schiff is working on a “spy drama” screenplay, although it’s unclear how much time he’ll have to devote to the project as the next chair of the House Intelligence Committee. “It’s a spy drama,” he told Jeffrey Toobin for The New Yorker in a story that appeared in the magazine’s Dec. 24 and 31 issue. “That one is a work in progress.” The screenplay will be Schiff’s third. His previous scripts, one about the aftermath of the Holocaust and another about a mysterious murder, have not been picked up. Toobin wrote: It’s less known that, like many lawyers in Los Angeles, Schiff has been writing screenplays on the side for years, which together amount to a kind of autobiography. “The first was a post-Holocaust story called ‘Remnant.” As Schiff recalled, “I had an agent at William Morris tell me it was good but no one would want to see it—too depressing. Then Schindler’s List came out, and I was, like, Come on!” His next, written when he was a prosecutor, was a murder mystery called “Minotaur.” “I had a friend who was a producer, and he said there were two answers in…

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Commentary: Adam Schiff Twists in an Idiot Wind

by Thaddeus G. McCotter   One of the carnival barkers of the Russiagate lie and media darling, U.S. Representative Adam “Pathfinder” Schiff (D-Calif.) is the ranking member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. In a saner age, the press would have pilloried the Pathfinder and his own party would have removed him long ago for pimping the myth that a duly elected president of the United States is a wholly kept subsidiary of Putin, Inc. But those were the days before the Russiagate lie was peddled in a Democratic funded dossier, laundered through the Obama Administration as if it were legitimate, and used by the Left and its media cohorts to attack then-candidate and now-President Trump. Now, in the event the Democrats capture the U.S. House on Tuesday, Pathfinder Schiff would become chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Sure, Pathfinder Schiff will continue to ignore both the forest and the trees that stand in the way of his proving Trump guilty of something other than defeating Hillary Clinton (though this is certainly enough of a high crime and/or misdemeanor to impeach him in eyes of Democrats). In Pathfinder Schiff, one is dealing with a person who deliberately conflates the…

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Commentary: The Transitive Property Explains Democrats’ Covert Self-Sabotage Mission

Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Donald Trump

by Jeffery Rendall   It’s human nature…try thinking of a sporting event where you’re supposed to root for one side but secretly hoped the opposing team prevailed on the scoreboard. Or if you’ve watched those super hero movies, did you ever wish the bad guy won in the end? We’re all guilty of low-level treason at some point in our lives. I confess to occasionally (and quietly) pulling for my son’s little league baseball foes if a loss meant being able to exit what would turn into an excruciating day-long tournament stay. I also admit having once favored my high school’s nemesis when a loss equated to finishing the season (and the drudgery that goes along with serving as a practice dummy every day yet never seeing any game time). Many a professional team has been accused of “tanking it” when a draft position was at stake, too. Every year at the end of the NFL season, for example, there are typically two or three squads in contention for the top pick. Everyone denies it, but deep down are fans hoping their team will lose so they’ll “win” the chance to select player X? Loyalties are certainly fungible when the right…

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House Committee Votes to Release Democratic Memo on FISA Application

The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence voted unanimously Monday evening to release the Democratic Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act memo to the public, sending the document to the president to decide whether he wants to approve its release. Republicans voted to declassify the Democratic memo, which reportedly weakens allegations made in the memo crafted by the intelligence committee’s chairman, Devin Nunes. The committee’s unanimous vote sends the Democratic memo to the White House, giving President Donald Trump five days to decide if he wants to declassify and release it to the American public, Politico reported.

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Commentary: The Clintons Corrupt Everything They Touch

Bill and Hillary Clinton

by George Rasley, CHQ Editor   In a break with the Clinton-loving American establishment media, the UK’s Daily Mail recently detailed how Marc Elias, a Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer who launched what would become known as the anti-Trump “dirty dossier” denied involvement in the project for a year, even as reporters pressed him for information. But a pair of New York Times reporters said Tuesday night on Twitter that Elias and others involved had lied about their ties to the arrangement. “Folks involved in funding this lied about it, and with sanctimony, for a year,” Times reporter Maggie Haberman tweeted after The Washington Postlinked the dossier to Elias and his law firm Perkins Coie. Kenneth Vogel, another Times journalist, tweeted: ‘When I tried to report this story, Clinton campaign lawyer @marceelias pushed back vigorously, saying “You (or your sources) are wrong”.’ This kind of lying has become par for the course in Washington, but it is especially prevalent about anything that involves the Clintons. The Uranium One scandal that has broken wide open this week isn’t new – it goes back to 2010 – and the relationship between foreign government contributions to the Clinton Foundation, Bill Clinton’s speaking fees and policy-making by Hillary Clinton…

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