Tennessee AG Sends Letter to Major Credit Card Companies Warning of Legal Action Upon Noncompliance with New State Law

AG Skrmetti Credit Cards

Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti sent a letter to the CEOs of American Express, Visa, and Mastercard inquiring about the companies’ plans to comply with a state law set to take effect in the Volunteer State on Monday, July 1 concerning financial transaction data associated with firearm and ammunition purchases.

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Lawsuit: American Express Discriminated Against White Employees

On Tuesday, a former employee of the credit card company American Express sued his former employer, claiming that he was fired because he is White.

According to the Washington Free Beacon, Brian Netzel was fired in 2020 after working at the company for 10 years. He is now filing a class-action lawsuit against American Express, saying that other White employees besides him faced similar “racially discriminatory” policies and actions due to the company’s push for greater “diversity” in its ranks.

American Express was one of many companies that virtue-signaled in favor of racial diversity in the aftermath of the accidental fentanyl overdose death of George Floyd in May of 2020, which subsequently led to mass race riots across the country which resulted in widespread death and destruction. Earlier this month, the company announced its intentions to spend as much as $3 billion to produce a “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Action Plan.”

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Analysis: American Express, George Soros Back Nonprofits Pushing Illegal Immigration Across Texas Border

More than one million illegal aliens crossing the border have been caught and released into the United States by Biden Administration officials since Jan. 2021, including an estimated 8,000 per day in Texas.

These illegal aliens are financially supported here both by U.S. taxpayers and a group of pro-“open borders” non-profits backed by political activists like Hungarian billionaire George Soros and blue chip American companies like American Express, according to an analysis of Internal Revenue Service filings by the Austin Journal.

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Anti-Woke Group Targets American Express for Racial Hiring Quotas, ‘Racism’ Training

An activist group dedicated to targeting race-based “woke” policies in major American companies has set its sights on the credit card company American Express, with an ad blitz calling out the company’s recent emphasis on race-based hiring.

As reported by the Washington Free Beacon, the group Color Us United announced on Monday that it would be launching an ad campaign against American Express, spending up to $500,000 on the public relations blitz calling out the company’s “harmful woke policies,” and branding the company as “Un-American Express.”

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Carol Swain Suspects Her New Book on Critical Race Theory Prompted Backlash from American Express

Former Nashville mayoral candidate Carol Swain said Thursday she suspects her new book that tackles Critical Race Theory (CRT) has attracted the notice of the credit card company American Express, which reportedly leans left. Swain said it’s possible that company officials penalized her because of Black Eye for America: How Critical Race Theory is Burning Down the House, which she co-authored. Amazon made the book available this month.

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Corporations Silent on Why They Pulled Funding from Republicans Who Questioned an Election, but Not Democrats Who Did the Same

Corporations were silent on why they chose to suspend political contributions to Republicans, but not Democrats who have objected to election results.

More than 15 major U.S. companies that announced they would suspend giving money to members of Congress following the Jan. 6 Capitol riot didn’t respond to requests for comment from the Daily Caller News Foundation about their political contribution activity following the 2016 presidential election. The corporations were quick to condemn Republicans lawmakers who voted against certifying the 2020 presidential election earlier this year, but apparently didn’t criticize or punish Democrats who have similarly objected to election results in the past.

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