A Mob Showed Up Outside Tucker Carlson’s House and Ordered Him to Leave Town

by Peter Hasson   A left-wing mob showed up outside Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s house Wednesday evening, posted pictures of his address online and demanded that he flee the city of Washington, D.C. Carlson, a co-founder of The Daily Caller and host of “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” was at the Fox News studio when the angry crowd showed up outside of his house. At least one of the protesters went all the way up to Carlson’s front door, where they left a sign with his family’s home address written on it and rang his doorbell. https://twitter.com/ProducerKen/status/1060352617803665409 Video the group, “Smash Racism DC,” posted to Twitter shows one of the mob’s ringleaders leading the crowd in chants of “racist scumbag, leave town!” and “Tucker Carlson, we will fight! We know where you sleep at night!” “No borders! No walls! No USA at all!” the protesters chanted in another video posted to Twitter. The group posted a picture of the sign with the Carlson family’s address on it to Twitter. “Tucker Carlson, you cannot hide from the people you hurt with your rhetoric, your lies, and your hate,” the group wrote on Twitter, adding the hashtag “#KnockKnockTucker.” Twitter removed the videos and…

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Antifa Vandalize a Proud Boys Gathering. When Fights Broke Out Later, Cuomo Blamed Trump

by Grace Carr   Antifa members vandalized the Metropolitan Republican Club in New York ahead of Gavin McInnes’s Friday appearance at the club, prompting an outbreak of violence that Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo blamed on President Donald Trump. Cuomo failed to condemn Antifa’s violence and blamed the president after the vandals attacked a group of Proud Boys exiting the club after McInnes spoke about “Deep State Socialists” and “Western Values” Friday evening. Cuomo did not immediately condemn the attack, but later asked the FBI to investigate the violence and assigned a state police hate crimes unit to assist in the investigation. “Once you unleash hate and division and you demonize differences, you lose control of it. You can’t target it,” Cuomo said in reaction to the violence, The New York Times reported Sunday. “It’s lighting a match in a field of dry grass. The wind takes it and it just takes off,” Cuomo added, “plac[ing] responsibility on the president,” according to The Times. The governor also criticized the Metropolitan club for inviting McInnes to speak. The Proud Boys activist group was founded by McInnes, a Vice Media co-founder and political commentator, in 2016. “The governor does not condemn it, the governor does not say anything,” chairman of the state…

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Portland’s Mayor Defends Antifa’s Anarchy

Tom Wheeler

by Molly Prince   The mayor of Portland defended the city’s response, or lack thereof, to members of Antifa who blocked traffic and harassed bystanders after a video of the incident went viral. “I was appalled by what I saw in that clip and I support the decisions of the [Portland Police]. I trust them,” Mayor Ted Wheeler tweeted Friday. “I believe them as the law enforcement professionals who have to weigh complex legal and safety issues, not only for the people on the streets but also for themselves.” I was appalled by what I saw in that clip and I support the decisions of the @PortlandPolice. I trust them. I believe them as the law enforcement professionals who have to weigh complex legal and safety issues, not only for the people on the streets but also for themselves. -TW — Mayor Ted Wheeler (@tedwheeler) October 12, 2018 The video was captured by journalist Andy C. Ngo and shows an older gentleman in a Lexus turning at an intersection occupied by a host of Antifa protesters. After making the turn against the orders of the protesters, a mob chases the Lexus down the street banging on the car, even going so far as to…

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Antifa Sends Threatening Message To Ted Cruz After Disrupting His Dinner: ‘You Are Not Safe’

by Molly Prince   The Washington D.C. chapter of Antifa sent a message to Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz early Tuesday morning after chasing him out of a restaurant, telling the Texas senator that he is “not safe”. Cruz was dining with his wife, Heidi, on Monday night when a large crowd of protesters flooded the restaurant shouting “we believe survivors,” referring to allegations of sexual misconduct against Judge Brett Kavanaugh, a nominee to the Supreme Court who Cruz supports. Cruz and his wife promptly left the restaurant. A recording of the incident was soon tweeted by Smash Racism DC, a branch of Antifa based in Washington, D.C., with the hashtag “#CancelKavanugh.” Hours later, Smash Racism DC doubled down on its harassment of the senator. “No — you can’t eat in peace — your politics are an attack on all of us You’re [sic] votes are a death wish. Your votes are hate crimes,” Smash Racism DC wrote. “Tonight Senator Ted Cruz arrived at Fiola, an upscale restaurant mere steps from the White House, to enjoy a hearty Italian dinner. He could have dined on a lavish four course meal for only $145 while millions of Americans struggle to buy groceries. He…

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Commentary: Exposing Antifa, the Shock Troops of the Democrats’ Civil War

by George Rasley   Police in the Far-Left enclaves of Berkeley, California and Portland, Oregon had to deal with riots created by violent Far Left so-called Anti-Fascist (Antifa) thugs over the weekend. Now, according to our friends at chicksonright.com the Berkeley police department posted the arresting information via Twitter, with Department’s tweets including arrested individuals’ names, ages, city of residence, as well as the charge on which they were arrested. According to the UK’s Guardian, the Berkeley PD said it had arrested 20 people on Sunday at an “alt-right” rally, citing many of them for “possession of a banned weapon” or “working with others to commit a crime.” Most, if not all, of the people arrested were counter protesters, according to lawyers and activists working with the “demonstrators.” Fox News reported that Berkeley police characterized the riot as being caused by “an extremist element among a large group” that damaged 21 city vehicles, setting one on fire, and slashed their tires. The group also set fires in trash bins. Keep in mind that in addition to sundry assaults and acts of vandalism, these thugs also trashed the local Marine Corps recruiting office (naturally no Marines were present). Videos taken during the “protest”…

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Commentary: The Left’s Next Step Is Open Violence Against Conservatives

Attacking Trump supporters

by CHQ Staff   A number of conservative women have faced harassment because of their support of President Trump and because of what the Leftist media would like America to believe is a grassroots backlash toward the Trump administration’s “zero-tolerance” policy at the border. Over the course of the past week White House press secretary Sarah Sanders was asked to leave a restaurant in Lexington, Virginia, due to her work on President Trump’s behalf and then followed across the street by the restaurant’s owner who harassed her all the way to the door of her next stop. That incident followed Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen being forced to leave a Mexican restaurant in Washington by a crowd of harassers, including Department of Justice employee Allison Hrabar, a member of the Democratic Socialists of America. A similar group later gathered outside Nielsen’s home waving signs reading “child snatcher” and chanting “how do you sleep at night.” The demonstrators blasted Nielsen’s home with audio distributed by ProPublica in which alleged child illegal border crossers can be heard sobbing for their parents allegedly while in federal custody. Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi was also harassed at a movie theater this weekend by Leftist…

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Federal Authorities Warn Antifa To End ICE Occupation Or Be Arrested

Portland Occupy ICE

by Kyle Perisic   Federal authorities warned Antifa members Monday to stop occupying an Oregon Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) building or be arrested. “Individuals who continue to obstruct the entrance of this federal facility will be subject to arrest and prosecution in federal court,” a flyer Federal Protective Service agents distributed to Portland, Oregon, Antifa members reads. “It is unlawful under federal law to obstruct the entrances, foyers, lobbies, corridors, offices and/or parking lots of federal facilities.” Antifa has been camping outside the ICE building since last week and effectively shutting down the building. Federal authorities went into the building around 3:30 a.m Monday to secure the building. Antifa is known to get violent and they are labeled an official domestic terrorist organization. During an August 2017 protest at the University of California, Berkeley, they were recorded in several video clips attacking and injuring individuals they deemed “far-right” or “alt-right,” although there’s no evidence the individuals were associated with such groups and didn’t identify in such a way. As part of a new normal, liberals are consistently targeting President Donald Trump supporters and threatening them, especially if they work for immigration-related agencies or departments. Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, Republican Sens.…

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Democrats Split on Decorum of Confronting Off-Duty Trump Staffers

Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Donald Trump

Opposition Democrats are divided on whether it is acceptable to confront officials with President Donald Trump’s administration while they are in restaurants and other venues. Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, who is the leader of the Democrats in the House of Representatives, is disagreeing with another California delegation member who has called for supporters to take any opportunity to personally harass administration officials. “Trump’s daily lack of civility has provoked responses that are predictable but unacceptable,” Pelosi said on Twitter on Monday. “As we go forward, we must conduct elections in a way that achieves unity from sea to shining sea.” In the crucial months ahead, we must strive to make America beautiful again. Trump’s daily lack of civility has provoked responses that are predictable but unacceptable. As we go forward, we must conduct elections in a way that achieves unity from sea to shining sea. https://t.co/vlpqOBLK4R — Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) June 25, 2018 Her tweet included a link to a CNN story about Representative Maxine Waters encouraging harassment of Trump administration officials. Trump, on Monday afternoon, responded to Water’s remarks, saying on Twitter that the congresswoman — whom he referred to as an “extraordinarily low IQ person” — had called for…

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Far-Left ‘Artist’ Doxxing ICE Agents is Sam Lavigne, an Adjunct Professor at NYU

Sam Lavigne

by Kyle Perisic   The personal responsible for creating a database of over 1,500 Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) employees’ personal information and spreading it to the terrorist organization Antifa is a professor at New York University. Sam Lavigne, a far-left artist and game designer, is an adjunct professor at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts. He created a database of 1,595 self-identified ICE employees using their LinkedIn profiles and shared it to his 3,600 followers on Twitter on Tuesday morning. Antifa, the formally recognized far-left terrorist organization, picked up the database and spread it to their followers on Twitter hours later. The database also spread to a subgroup on Reddit that encourages spreading personal information — such as where they live and their contact information, known as “doxxing” — of people who they consider “Nazis” or “alt-right,” which, according to them, includes ICE and the NSA. “Doxxing ICE agents is good and moral,” one Reddit user posted on a thread that shared the database. “Dox more Nazis,” another read. “I’ve downloaded and made available the profiles of (almost) everyone on LinkedIn who works for ICE, 1,595 people in total. While I don’t have a precise idea of what should be done with this…

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Commentary: The Demands of Antifa and the Original Fascists Have a Lot in Common

by Antony Mueller   A ghastly phantom has descended upon America: the specter of anti-capitalism. Young people march behind the socialist bandwagon and some activists block free speech as members of a group called “Antifa”. This “anti-fascist” movement engages in militant protests and does not shrink from using violence. As a part of the extreme left, the members of the “antifa-movement” are self-proclaimed “anti-capitalists” and declared “enemies of the right”. They call themselves “anti-fascist”, when, in fact, more than any other ideology, fascism characterizes their own movement. Yet what is fascism and what is the content of this ideology? The “Fascist Manifesto” The Fascist Manifesto was proclaimed in 1919 by Alceste De Ambris and Filippo Tommaso Marienetti. In their pamphlet, the authors called for an eight-hour workday and a minimum wage; it demanded worker representation in industrial management and equal standing of trade unions, industrial executives, and public servants. The Manifesto demanded the confiscation of the property of all religious institutions. The authors of the Fascist Manifesto demanded progressive taxation, invalidity insurance, and other types of social benefits, along with reducing the retirement age. The Manifesto demanded the confiscation of the property of all religious institutions and to nationalize the armament industry. The authors…

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Whoopi Goldberg of ‘The View’ Wonders if Conservatives ‘Orchestrated’ Antifa Violence

Whoopi Goldberg of ABC’s “The View” dabbled in conspiracy theories leading into the weekend by insinuating that conservatives “orchestrated” violence by so-called “anti-fascist” protesters since President Trump’s inauguration. The black-clad collection of left-wing activists known as antifa was a topic of conversation for the ladies of “The View” on Friday, although its predilection for violence and…

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Bill Hennessy Commentary: Assessing Antifa as a Military Strategist

  by Bill Hennessy   If equally matched, we can offer battle; if slightly inferior in numbers, we can avoid the enemy; if quite unequal, we can flee from him. If we wish to fight, the enemy can be forced to an engagement even though he be sheltered behind a high rampart and a deep ditch. All we need do is attack some other place that he will be obliged to relieve. Thus it is that in war the victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory. ~ Sunzi, The Art of War (Public Domain Books) Antifa activists regularly describe themselves in terms of a ‘defense force;’ but back in their ‘Occupy’ days, they were ‘the 99%’ and ‘revolutionaries;’ and before that, they were the ‘Black Bloc.’ Through it all, they were and are self-proclaimed ‘social justice warriors.’ So let’s take them at their word, and examine Antifa within a military construct – without the blinding rage and disgust they so richly deserve. Pretend both Antifa and the wretched white supremacists in Charlottesville are neither good nor bad. Neither your enemy nor your…

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Susan Gingrich Commentary: The Country Never Imagined

Tennessee Star

by Susan Gingrich   My husband Jim and I were among the more than one million conservatives who marched to the US Capitol on September 12, 2009. We peacefully gathered in protest of President Obama’s attempts to move our country towards socialism, especially by changing the health care system. It was a wonderful event with great speakers, patriotic music, and many new friendships made that day with people across the country. We left united and determined to act as patriots to preserve the America we loved. I remember a few counter-protesters, but they were peaceful protesters who behaved respectfully. We could never have imagined the harm to our country by one president and complicit leaders, including many republicans in congress. There was not a day that many others and I weren’t sorry Obama was our president, but he was elected twice to be our leader. Obama made political correctness and his authority all powerful, discarding our Constitution, laws, states’ rights, and American values. I believe political correctness has become evil, destructive, and the opposite of commonsense. President Obama was a divisive president who never attempted to unify the country. By championing the rights of minorities and fringe groups, he deprived…

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Bill Hennessy Commentary: ‘Common Knowledge’ Masks the Islamist Element Underpinning ‘Statue Wars’

Tennessee Star

  You probably believe the narrative. Because that narrative is strong right now. It has become common knowledge. Common knowledge in the formal, game theory sense of the word. In game theory, common knowledge is something everyone knows everyone knows. And everyone know everyone knows. And everyone knows how everyone else will behave because of that knowledge. Common knowledge doesn’t have to be true. In a common knowledge game, truth doesn’t matter. All that matters is conformity. Behaving or speaking in opposition to common knowledge does no good. Because the culture will punish you for speaking the truth if the truth counters common knowledge. People who point out the truth during a common knowledge game get punished. For example, people who ate whole eggs during the cholesterol common knowledge game were punished. People who ate high fat, low carbohydrate diets during the fat-is-bad common knowledge game were punished. Punished by family. Punished by friends. Punished by doctors. Punished by strangers in hotel restaurants. People who go along with common knowledge games usually suffer in the end. Like people who ate high carbohydrate diets and got fatter and fatter. But those who behaved according to the common knowledge weren’t punished. They…

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Six People, Including Officer, Injured in Berkeley Rioting as Leftists Attack Cops, Political Foes

Six people were injured, including a police officer, and 13 protesters arrested Sunday after a violent black-masked antifa mob swarmed Berkeley in order to protest a previously cancelled rally against Marxism. “One officer was injured during an arrest and several officers were struck with paint,” said the Berkeley Police Department in a press release. “Six people…

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Harvard Professor Alan Dershowitz Calls Out Antifa for Trying to ‘Tear Down America’

Tennessee Star

Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz said Tuesday that liberals should not treat Antifa members as heroes for tearing down Confederate monuments because they are trying to “tear down America.” “Do not glorify the violent people who are now tearing down the statues. Many of these people, not all of them, many of these people are trying to…

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Anti-Israel UT Knoxville Alum Collaborates With Antifa

UT Knoxville alumnus Rev. Osagyefo Sekou credits antifa forces with whom he was “discussing tactics,” for “saving [his] life” while he was protesting in Charlottesville: Antifa saved my life. — Rev. Osagyefo Sekou (@RevSekou) August 15, 2017 It’s ironic that Sekou, an anti-Israel agitator who supports extreme anti-Israel groups like Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and the U.S. Campaign to End the Occupation (CEO), would be demonstrating against Neo-Nazis in Charlottesville. The Anti-Defamation League lists both organizations among the top 10 most influential and active anti-Israel groups in the United States. The CEO is led by Yousef Munayyer, who as former director of the Jerusalem Fund openly advocated for the BDS (Boycott, Divestment & Sanction) campaign against Israel which has continued under the new director. The Jerusalem Fund’s board Chairman is Dr. Subhi Ali from Waverly, Tennessee. His daughter, Samar Ali served in the Haslam administration. The BDS campaign attacks Zionism and seeks to demonize, delegitimize and eliminate the State of Israel, to wit, the slogan “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” used by BDS promoters to signal that if successful, there would be no Israel or Jews between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean. It is…

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White House Petition Asking Trump to Label Antifa a ‘Terrorist Organization’ Nears 200K

A petition urging President Trump to recognize Antifa – a left-wing, militant activist movement – as a terrorist organization has well surpassed the required 100,000 signatures for an official White House response. The “We the People” petition, created Thursday by someone of the name M.A., says Antifa’s violent actions in cities across the country should earn…

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Antifa Chronicler: Violence a ‘Legitimate Response’ to the ‘Far-Right’s Ideology’

Author Mark Bray defended a loose collection of leftists known as Antifa for their use of violent tactics in the wake of the deadly white nationalist Charlottesville rally, saying that such aggression “is a legitimate response to white supremacist and neo-Nazi violence” during a discussion Sunday on NBC News’ “Meet the Press.” Bray, the author of…

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Patriots Outnumber Antifa At Peaceful Nashville May Day Protest

  NASHVILLE, Tennessee–A small band of Antifa protesters showed up for a May Day demonstration Monday at Nashville’s downtown Public Square Park, but they were far outnumbered by flag-waving American patriots. Antifa, which stands for anti-fascist, is a movement that has led in recent months to violent clashes and arrests in other cities across the country, especially in California. A far left socialist movement, Antifa rails against capitalism and broadly characterizes those with opposing views as fascist. Monday was a day of left-leaning and socialist protests across the nation on behalf of workers and immigrants. Officers with the Metro Nashville Police Department were out in force late Monday afternoon and efficiently managed the crowds at Public Square Park, preventing the demonstration from spinning out of control. There were only about a dozen Antifa protesters in addition to a handful of other left-leaning protesters. The Antifa protesters covered their faces with bandanas and some carried baseball bats. The patriots were the first to arrive and stood in military-like formation to greet the arriving Antifa protesters, who then took to the steps of the courthouse. Police on bicycles formed a barricade between the two groups and later police on motorcycles arrived. The…

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