Commentary: New IRS Requirement Raises Questions About Vow to Expand Audits Only on ‘Rich’

Next month, the U.S. Postal Service will be busier than usual. Not because of late Christmas cards or thank-you letters, but because of the extra Form 1099-Ks the IRS will be mailing out.

Under the American Rescue Plan, third-party payment facilitators like Venmo, eBay, Etsy, and Airbnb are now required to send Form 1099-Ks to individuals reporting 2022 gross annual income of as little as $600. That’s $50 a month.

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Multiple Financial Control Issues Again Found in Tennessee State University Audit

An audit report once again found that Tennessee State University didn’t show proper financial controls over university finances, leaving hundreds of thousands of dollars unaccounted for or misallocated in school financial documents.

The audit also showed that prior bookkeeping issues were not properly corrected, as school staff said those issues would be fixed in previous audits.

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Jenny Beth Martin of Tea Party Patriots on IRS: ‘Another Example of How This Administration and the Radical Leftists Want a Centralized Power to Control People Around the Country’

Friday morning on The Tennessee Star Report, host Leahy welcomed to the newsmaker line Jenny Beth Martin, co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots and columnist for The Washington Times, to voice deep concerns with the IRS’s intent on auditing middle-class Americans and violating the rights and privacy of citizens.

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Pennsylvania Republicans Want to Create a New Bureau of Election Audits

Pennsylvania Capitol Building

Pennsylvania Republicans want to create a new Bureau of Election Audits to conduct result-confirming audits of every election, as well as performance audits of elections operations, systems and processes at least every five years.

House Speaker Bryan Cutler, R-Lancaster, laid out the legislation during a hearing in the General Assembly’s State Government Committee this week, arguing the current system of allowing county election offices to audit themselves is not sufficient.

Local election officials “must be held to a standard of accountability,” Cutler said.

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