by Tommy Vallejos Most of you are probably reading this very article using the power of broadband internet, which attests to the importance of high-speed internet in connecting us, sharing ideas and gathering as communities. Access to reliable internet is powering every aspect of our lives, now starting from the earliest years of childhood – better connecting students to their education in urban and rural communities alike. Broadband gives rural entrepreneurs and small business owners the chance to connect with new customers, suppliers and business opportunities. Millions of Tennesseans are reaping the benefits of the internet on a daily basis, including many who don’t stop to give it a second thought. However, 200,000 of our neighbors in Tennessee still don’t have reliable access to high-speed internet. And many of those impacted tend to be Latinos in sparsely populated towns across our state. The good news is that additional federal resources have been allocated to states to help meet these broadband gaps, most of which are occurring in rural communities. We have Governor Bill Lee to thank for deploying these important funds. But we have to be careful because the federal government is prone to solutions that spend a lot…
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