Latest Polling Shows Third-Party Candidates Hurting Biden in Crucial Swing States

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and other third-party candidates appear to be hurting President Joe Biden — and boosting former President Donald Trump — when on the ballot in four key battleground states, a poll released Thursday found.

Trump’s leads grow against Biden among likely voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan and North Carolina when Kennedy, independent Cornel West and Green Party candidate Jill Stein are on the ballot, according to The Cook Political Report/BSG/GS Strategy Group survey. The margins between Trump and Biden don’t change in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin in a five-way race, while the former president’s nine-point lead drops by one point in Nevada.

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Black Men’s Support for Trump Doubles in Swing States: Poll


Former President Donald Trump’s support among black men has increased in battleground states ahead of the 2024 election by more than double his support among the same group in 2020’s election, according to a poll published on Thursday by The Wall Street Journal.

Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, has long sought to gain support among black voters, traditionally a Democratic-supporting demographic, by touting his record on the economy and criminal justice reform while in office, among other matters. A recent poll estimated that 30 percent of black men in seven battleground states — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — “definitely or probably” plan to vote for Trump in November’s election, an increase of 18 percent from his nationwide performance among that demographic in 2020, where he earned 12 percent of their votes, the Journal reported.

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Dem Voter Registration Dips in Crucial Swing States Ahead of 2024

Voter Registration

Three crucial battleground states have experienced a drop in Democratic voter registration since late 2020 and ahead of a November rematch with former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden, election data shows.

Nevada, North Carolina and Pennsylvania — which saw some of the closest presidential elections last cycle — all currently have less registered Democratic voters overall than in late 2020, according to the most recent state records. While Democrats still lead Republicans in party registration, the margins in these states are much smaller than before.

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TikTok Launches Ad Campaign in Battleground States in Which Vulnerable Dem Senators Seek Reelection


TikTok launched a $2.1 million advertising campaign try to stop Congress from voting on a measure to effectively ban the social media app in the U.S. that will be run in states in which Senate Democrats are in tough reelection bids.

The bill, targeting the app, whose parent company is China based, overwhelmingly passed the GOP-controlled House and now awaits a vote in the Senate.

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Commentary: Trump’s Three-Peat Foretells Nationwide Victory

Donald Trump

Last Tuesday in Arizona, former President Donald Trump continued his 2024 domination of President Joe Biden in battleground states. So far this year, both parties have held primary elections in three of the six states that decided 2020’s presidential outcome. Trump has out-polled Biden in all three. Handily. While pollsters may give insights into how people will vote, primary voters offer outcomes as to how they have voted. Right now, it’s not close.

Despite both men having already sewn up their nominations, each faced some drama in Arizona’s primary election. Biden faced a protest vote over his policy in the Israel–Hamas conflict. Trump still faced numerous challengers who garnered over 20 percent of the Republican votes.

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RFK Jr. Cites Competitive Polling in Arizona, High Favorability Ratings After Clip Surfaces Showing Him Dismiss Third Party Candidate


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. cited the country’s changing political dynamics after a 24-year-old video resurfaced by MSNBC in which the independent presidential candidate warned of the potential for the Green Party candidacy of Ralph Nader in 2000 to spoil the election for Democrats and former Vice President Al Gore.

According to Kennedy in the resurfaced interview from 2000, Nader’s “candidacy could draw enough votes in certain key states from Al Gore to give the entire election to George W. Bush.”

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Commentary: The Border Crisis Is Front and Center in Battleground States and Even Liberals Have Had Enough

Illegal Immigrants CBP

Despite economic issues dominating voters’ minds this election year, the unprecedented chaos at the southern border is forcing immigration into the spotlight, and nearly two-thirds of voters blame Biden for the border crisis.

A blistering new Bloomberg News/Morning Consult survey shows the share of voters who say immigration will be the most important issue to them on election day has risen in six of the seven swing states polled.

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Trump is Crushing Biden on the Two Most Important Issues to Swing-State Voters: Poll

Trump Biden

Former President Donald Trump is overwhelmingly leading President Joe Biden on the economy and immigration, which are two top issues to swing-state voters, according to a Wednesday poll.

Voters in the battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania said they trust Trump over Biden on both key issues by double-digit margins, according to a Bloomberg/Morning Consult survey. All of the swing states but Georgia saw increases in those who said immigration was the “single most important issue,” while the economy remains at the top of the list in each state.

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New Poll Shows Trump Ahead in Six Battleground States

Former President Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden in all six battleground states surveyed for a 2024 hypothetical matchup, according to a Monday poll.

Trump beat Biden in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, North Carolina and Florida anywhere from 1 to 11 points, according to a Redfield & Wilton Strategies survey. Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was also on the ballot for the six swing states polled, receiving his largest margins in North Carolina and Arizona.

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Poll: Trump Leads Biden by Eight Points in Arizona, Buoyed by Independent Support

Former President Donald Trump continues to lead President Joe Biden in Arizona, according to a new poll released by Arizona pollster Noble Predictive Insights on Tuesday.

Conducted between October 25 and October 31, the poll found Trump leads Biden by 8 percentage points. 46 percent of Arizona voters support Trump, while 38 percent support Biden, and 16 percent told pollsters they were unsure. Trump’s lead was well outside the margin of error, which pollsters reported to be 3.1 percent.

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Another Poll Shows Biden Trailing Trump in Battleground States

President Joe Biden is trailing former President Donald Trump in four key swing states for a potential 2024 head-to-head rematch, according to a Thursday poll.

Biden would lose to Trump in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Nevada and Arizona by anywhere from 2 to 8 points among likely voters, and is tied in Wisconsin and narrowly leading in Michigan, according to an Emerson College survey. The poll comes after a series of other surveys suggest similar margins where the former president is beating Biden in crucial battleground states, most of which Trump won in 2016 but lost in 2020.

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RFK Jr. Pulls Massive Support in Battleground States: Poll

Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. secured a large portion of the vote in six key swing states against former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden for 2024, according to a Sunday poll.

Kennedy, who recently left the Democratic Party, won over 20% support in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, as well as 24% across all six states compared to Trump’s 35% and Biden’s 33%, accordingto a New York Times/Sienna College poll released Nov. 5. Though Kennedy didn’t secure enough support to win any of the battlegrounds, his candidacy led to the president narrowly winning only one state, the former president winning three and Biden and Trump tying in two.

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Commentary: Trump Ahead in Battleground States

New polling from Redfield & Wilton Strategies shows Former President Trump ahead of President Biden in four out of six battleground states, including two he lost by razor-thin margins in the 2020 election. The data also shows Biden losing double-digits compared to 2020 exit polls with one group mainstream pundits seem to believe Democrats will always win – young people. Voters between 18 and 24 are moving away from Biden by double-digits compared to 2020 and in one state Trump is on track to win Gen Z by 29-percenatge points after losing them by 12 points in 2020.

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Swing State Poll Results Could Spell Big Trouble for Joe Biden

Former President Donald Trump appears to have an advantage against President Joe Biden in 2024 among key battleground states in the 2020 election, according to a Friday poll.

The states that had the narrowest margin of victory for either candidate last cycle were Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, with Biden winning all but North Carolina. Across those key swing states, Trump is ahead of Biden 41% to 35%, and 24% of voters remain undecided, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll.

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President Biden’s Sinking Support in Key Voting Bloc a Threat to Dems

Democrats are scrambling to recapture the youth vote as President Joe Biden’s approval rating plummets among the group, Politico reported Sunday.

Biden’s approval rating among people aged 18-30 dropped significantly over the course of 2021, with a CBS News poll released in January recording a 70% drop compared to February 2021. Gallup released a poll the following month that showed only 31% approved of Biden, compared to former President Barack Obama, whose rating from Gallup with the demographic never fell below 42% throughout his entire presidency.

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Trump to Hold Campaign-Style Rally in Ohio

Former President Donald J. Trump announced this week that he is planning campaign-style rallies in battleground states, including Ohio.

“Relatively soon, we’ll be doing one in Florida, we’re gonna do one in Ohio, we’re gonna do one in Georgia, we’re gonna do one in North Carolina,” Trump told One America News in a Thursday interview. “We’ll be announcing them very soon over the next week or two, and I think we’ll probably start in Florida and Ohio and we’ll be announcing the rallies very shortly.”

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Changes to Pennsylvania Election Laws Followed by Last-Minute Maneuvers May Lead to Historic Mishaps

The Pennsylvania Legislature passed Act 77 in October 2019 to make voting “more convenient and more secure” according to Governor Tom Wolf (D).  

Major features of the act include:

extending voter registration from 30 days before an election to 15 days;
allowing mail-in voting without an excuse to vote mail-in versus in-person;
extending mail-in request (online and by mail) and submission up to 50 days before an election;
extending the mail-in and absentee submission deadline from 5:00 p.m. the Friday before the election to 8:00 p.m. the day of the election.

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Analysis: Quantifying Illegal Votes Cast by Non-Citizens in the Battleground States of the 2020 Presidential Election

Based on current population data from the Census Bureau and voting data from previous elections, Just Facts has conducted a study to estimate the number of votes illegally cast by non-citizens in the battleground states of the 2020 election. The results – documented in this spreadsheet – show that such fraudulent activities have netted Joe Biden the following extra votes in these tightly contested states:

Arizona: 51,081 ± 17,689
Georgia: 54,950 ± 19,025
Michigan: 22,585 ± 7,842
Nevada: 22,021 ± 7,717
North Carolina: 46,218 ± 16,001
Pennsylvania: 32,706 ± 11,332
Wisconsin: 5,010 ± 1,774

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Battleground State Polling Shows Tighter Trump-Biden Race Than National Polls

While national polls may reliably forecast the national popular vote in a presidential election, given the electoral college map, battleground state polling is more meaningful — and in 2020 battleground polls show a much tighter race between President Trump and challenger Joe Biden.

In the RealClearPolitics polling averages on Thursday, Biden led Trump by 9.4% nationally but just 4.9% in key battleground states. In the battleground states, moreover, Trump on Thursday was running 0.5% ahead of where he was at this stage of the 2016 campaign, according to the RCP average — the 12th consecutive day on which the president outperformed his corresponding 2016 numbers.

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Key Battleground States Don’t Require Signature-Matching on Mail-in Ballots

Election rules in multiple key battleground states permit voters to submit mail-in and absentee ballots without having their signatures checked to ensure the vote is valid.

Five states that have historically been competitive in presidential races — North Carolina, Iowa, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and New Hampshire — do not require signature-matching for mailed voting forms.

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Commentary: Polls Tighten in Battleground States After President Trump Gets Big Post-Convention Bump

President Donald Trump has received a definite bump in polls following the presidential nominating conventions, including his acceptance speech for the Republican nomination at the White House on Aug. 27.

The latest NBC-Marist poll conducted Aug. 31 to Sept. 6 shows President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden tied in Florida, 48 percent to 48 percent.

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Battleground Minnesota Saga: Donald Trump Jr. and Jill Biden to Host Campaign Events on the Same Day Next Week

Both Donald Trump Jr. and Jill Biden on September 9 will arrive in Minnesota as part of campaign efforts for the Democratic and Republican presidential candidates. Trump Jr. will host a “Make America Great Again” rally in Duluth, while Jill while host a “Back to School Tour” in the Twin Cities.

These visits are the latest in a campaign tug of war over Minnesota. Most recently, President Donald J. Trump and Democratic candidate Joe Biden released back-to-back campaign ads in the state. Both opponents pointed fingers at the other as the blame for nationwide riots.

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POLL: Three-Quarters of All Battleground Voters Say ‘No’ to Men Competing in Women’s Sports

American Principles Project and SPRY Strategies released polling results this week from 10 presidential election battleground states. In the July 2020 survey, on average 74.8 percent of voters said, “No” and only 25.2 percent said, “Yes” when asked: “Should boys and men who say they identify as transgender be allowed to compete in girls’ and women’s athletics?”

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Christian Family Values Organization Calls for Ohioans to Share Their Displeasure With Sen. Sherrod Brown for Voting Against Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Act

A Christian pro-family organization is calling for Ohioans to share their displeasure with U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), who voted against a bill to protect babies born after a botched abortion. Citizens for Community Values’ website says of the organization, “As Ohio’s Family Policy Council, Citizens for Community Values seeks the good of our neighbors throughout Ohio by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel. We believe in an all-powerful, all-knowing God and His perfect Word for us, the Bible.” Citizens for Community Values issued an action alert Tuesday regarding Brown’s vote against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.The action alert is available here. Ohioans are encouraged to fill out a form to send their complaints to Brown. “Unlike Ohio U.S. Senator Rob Portman who cosponsored and voted to protect these newborns, Ohio U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown voted against protecting these newborns,” Citizens for Community Values said in comparing Brown to Portman, a Republican who co-sponsored the act with Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE). Brown took to Twitter to defend his vote as one for women’s healthcare choice and a vote against Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). Brown tweeted, “Women should have the freedom to make personal,…

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Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown’s ‘Dignity of Work’ Tour Slammed by RNC

Republican National Committee Spokesperson Mandi Merritt issued a blistering broadside Wednesday against Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and his “Dignity of Work” tour. She stated: As Sherrod Brown takes his phony pro-workers’ agenda to the early primary states, he risks abandoning his own Ohio constituents. Ohio didn’t sign up for a part-time Senator, and by partaking in the Democrats’ turbocharged race to the left, Brown is bound to leave Ohio voters in the dust. Brown’s ‘Dignity of Work’ tour has nothing to do with fighting for hard-working families, and everything to do with Brown’s own political ambitions. Senator Brown’s “Dignity of Work” tour is scheduled to take him from Iowa, to New Hampshire, South Carolina, and then Nevada. As previously reported, much of his political platform hinges appealing to the populist blue-collar, politically moderate, working class and far-left democratic-socialist progressives. He intends to see if his many democratic-socialist positions will appeal to voters in these key battleground states. In 2016, many of those blue-collar moderates ended up siding with President Trump. In 2018, Brown was the only Democratic legislator in the Buckeye State to win or maintain his seat. Next year in what promises to be a highly-charged (and very crowded) presidential election cycle, Brown will be in…

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Commentary: The Migrant ‘Caravan’ Marching Northbound To Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico and Texas, and What The U.S. Constitution Has To Say About It

The United States Constitution does contain a few references relative to immigration and naturalization as well as to persons seeking to enter the United States in contravention of its laws — whether violently or non-violently and whether singly or in the form of a human tsunami. In its Article I, Section 8, Clause 4, the Constitution specifically grants Congress the power “To establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization….” By expressly allocating this capacity to Congress, the Constitution seeks to prevent the confusion which would inevitably result if an individual state could itself bestow U.S. citizenship upon a person not born within the boundaries of that — or any other — state. Construing Clause 4, the United States Supreme Court, in the 1892 case of Boyd v. Nebraska ex rel. Thayer, defined “naturalization” as “…the act of adopting a foreigner, and clothing him with the privileges of a native [U.S.] citizen.” In Clause 11 of that same Article I, Section 8, the Constitution authorizes Congress “To declare War…and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water….” Interpreting Clause 11, the High Court ruled in the 1795 case of Penhallow v. Doane that the war power of the United States government is…

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Conservative Group Says Give Money to Blackburn, Other Proven Senate Candidates in Battleground States

Marsha Blackburn

The Senate is broken and both parties are to blame, the Senate Conservatives Fund (SCF) says in a new fundraiser that touts support for battleground state candidates that includes U.S. Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07). “Despite controlling the Senate, the House and the White House, Senate Republicans have failed to keep their biggest promises,” SCF President Ken Cuccinelli II says. Blackburn is running for the Senate against Democratic challenger former Gov. Phil Bredesen. SCF is a national grassroots organization trying to “bring bold conservative leadAll Postsership to Washington by supporting candidates who will fight for the timeless conservative principles of limited government, strong national defense, and traditional family values,” its website says. Rolling off a list of grievances against Senate Republicans, the organization says: They failed to repeal Obamacare. They failed to build the border wall. They failed to stop sanctuary cities. They failed to defund Planned Parenthood. “It’s time to fix the Senate by electing battle-tested, Trump-approved conservatives in battleground races,” Cuccinelli says. Their fundraising page is available here. Cuccinelli says SCF will pay all processing fees and transfer your contributions directly to the candidates’ campaigns. President Trump has personally endorsed each of these candidates and urged all Americans to support…

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Sloppy Bookkeeping, Significant Financial Abuse in Philadelphia, Key City in Battleground State of Pennsylvania?

Rebecca Rhynhart

With  Pennsylvania shaping up as a key battleground state in 2018 and 2020, as well, financial disarray and the significant potential for fraud and abuse in one of it’s major cities could give Republicans something to target in the Fall. Philadelphia’s government has the worst accounting practices among the nation’s 10 largest cities, with $924 million in bookkeeping errors alone last year, according to an audit released Tuesday by City Controller Rebecca Rhynhart. That’s on top of the now-infamous missing $33 million, the discrepancy between what the city’s records say it has and what is in the bank — the result of a failure to reconcile the city’s cash account over several years, Rhynhart said at a news conference. In total, the controller’s auditors found two “material weaknesses” and eight “significant deficiencies” in the fiscal 2017 books. The accounting terms refer to serious issues with the city’s internal financial controls. “This is a major problem and needs to be treated that way by the mayor and the finance director on down,” Rhynhart told the Inquirer and Daily News. “If the City of Philadelphia is talking about tax increases, let’s get our house in order.” By comparison, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago,…

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The Tennessee Star Increases Focus on Battleground States

Gill Battleground States

The Tennessee Star is increasing its coverage of Battleground States as the nation moves towards the 2018 Mid-term elections. A new link on the website is devoted to stories and reports from states where voters will determine control of the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives in November. “The intense battle between Republican Marsha Blackburn and Democrat Phil Bredesen may have an impact on the control of the Senate, although Blackburn remains the favorite,” Tennessee Star Editor-in-chief Michael Patrick Leahy pointed out. “But Tennesseans are also interested in what is happening in House and Senate races in states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Missouri, Florida, and Michigan to name a few. Our new section devoted to Battleground States coverage will not only keep Tennessee voters informed about the political campaigns in those states but also remind them of the importance of the Tennessee Senate race in the national balance of power.” The link for Battleground States appears in the top line section of The Tennessee Star. Political Editor Steve Gill noted that there are about a dozen House races in Ohio and Pennsylvania that can either preserve the Republican Majority in the House or swing control to Nancy Pelosi and the…

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