Friday morning on The Tennessee Star Report, host Leahy welcomed the original all-star panelist, Crom Carmichael in studio for another edition of Crom’s Crommentary.
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Crom Carmichael on Former Detroit Chief of Police James Craig and His Potential Run Against Incumbent Whitmer
Monday morning on the Tennessee Star Report, host Michael Patrick Leahy welcomed all-star panelist Crom Carmichael in studio to discuss the possible opponent to Gretchen Whitmer’s governorship, former Detroit Police Chief, James Craig.
Read the full storyExecutive Director of Seeking Educational Excellence Charles Love Recounts His Experience of Growing Up Black in America
Thursday morning on the Tennessee Star Report, host Michael Patrick Leahy welcomed the Executive Director of Seeking Educational Excellence Charles Love to the newsmakers line to discuss his recent essay and growing up Black in America.
Read the full storyCommentary: As California’s Attorney General Kamala Harris Victimized the Most Vulnerable
In the vice presidential debate, Kamala Harris was lucky that Mike Pence chose not to attack her prosecutorial record except to note that, when Harris was the San Francisco district attorney, blacks were 19 times more likely to be charged with minor drug offenses than whites or Hispanics. Harris’s years spent as a prosecutor and state attorney general demonstrate that she lacks integrity and good judgment; consequently, she is unfit to serve as vice president, just one heartbeat from the presidency. As a law enforcement official, Harris focused on winning at any cost, even if that meant that innocent people would be incarcerated or denied compensation for wrongful convictions.
Read the full storyCarol Swain Weighs in on President Trump’s Recent Executive Order and States That He Has Done More for the Black Community Than Any Other in Her Lifetime
Thursday morning on The Tennessee Star Report, host Michael Patrick Leahy welcomed all-star panelist Carol Swain to weigh in on President Trump’s recent executive order regarding racial and sexual identities.
Read the full storyCommentary: Biden Can’t Stop Taking Black Voters for Granted
Joe Biden is continuing to suffer from a terrible case of foot-in-mouth disease when it comes to discussing black Americans and their politics.
The tone-deaf former vice president recently claimed “that the Latino community is ‘incredibly diverse,’ ‘unlike’ the black community.”
Read the full storyCommentary: Leftism, Not Racism, Destroys Black Upward Mobility
The rioting and looting across the United States have been widely—though not universally—condemned. The “peaceful protests,” on the other hand, have been universally praised. But is this appropriate? Wouldn’t a broader and more balanced discussion be more constructive than praise without reservation?
Obviously, people have the right to peacefully protest injustice, and obviously incidents of murderous police brutality are more than sufficient justification for protests. But that’s as far as it goes. The scope of these protests is disproportionate to the offense, not because the offense wasn’t hideously wrong, but because there are far more dangerous challenges facing black Americans. The biggest challenge of all: leftists who indoctrinate blacks to think they are always first and foremost victims of racism.
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