Trump Declares ‘Golden Age of America’ in First International Address at Davos

President Donald Trump addresses WEF in Davos

In his first international address since taking office, President Donald Trump spoke on Thursday to an audience at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, emphasizing a “revolution of common sense” and outlining a series of America-First policy initiatives aimed at reversing what he described as the economic and social damages of the previous administration.

Trump began his speech – delivered stateside via video teleconference – by reflecting on his recent inauguration, describing the election as a “massive mandate” with victories in all seven swing states, leading to what he called the “golden age of America.”

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Commentary: Biden’s Half-Hearted Border Control Pitch

Joe Biden

There are rumors—likely trial balloons—that Joe Biden is about to get serious about controlling the border. Along with inflation and our country’s repeated humiliations on the global stage, the border debacle is one of the major sources of Biden’s persistent unpopularity.

He tried to use the border situation as leverage in negotiations with congressional Republicans over Ukraine funding by pretending he could not close the border until the funding bill passed. This is false, as this authority was the basis of Trump’s “Muslim Ban,” which was upheld by the Supreme Court.

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Commentary: Open Borders Are an Assault on Common Sense

So begins one of the most pivotal pronouncements in the advancement of human liberty. With those words, Thomas Jefferson threw down a gauntlet at the feet of not just the king of England, but also at Parliament and the entire entrenched elite who, up until then, had reserved power unto themselves by dint of their education, upbringing and wealth.

No more, Jefferson insisted. By declaring the truths of equality and of unalienable rights to be “self-evident,” Jefferson freed the common people from the yoke of oppression they had too long labored under — including the oppression of being told what to think by their “betters.”

This, in sum, is the genius of American democracy, that it was based on “Common Sense,” not just the pamphlet by Thomas Paine but the very concept itself. The American people had discovered that they were well enough equipped by their Creator to take on any task, meet any challenge, confront any oppressor. They could think for themselves. That was the key.

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Sen. Blackburn Votes to Address Humanitarian Crisis at Border While Supporting Border Patrol Agents

  U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) on Wednesday voted to fund the needs of border patrol agents to address the ongoing humanitarian and security crisis at the southern border. The bill passed the Senate with a substantial bipartisan majority of 84-4, providing $4.59 billion in funds, Blackburn said in a press release. Presidential candidate U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) was too busy doing a press availability tour at a migrant facility in Miami to make the vote. She was scheduled to appear in the Democratic presidential debate Wednesday night as well. She criticized the detention of 2,300 illegal immigrant children, Fox News said. “This is not what we should be doing,” she argued. Taking aim at the president’s illegal immigration detention policies, Warren said that “these children pose no threat to people here in the United States and yet they are locked up for weeks, for months, because our government is following a policy of inflicting maximum pain.” On Wednesday, The Tennessee Star reported that President Donald Trump’s $4.5 billion border spending request faced obstacles because the House and Senate versions differed. The bills are similar on the amount of funding but differ on other topics like funding for Immigration…

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Senator Lindsey Graham’s Immigration Bill Aims to Fix the Issues Fueling the Border Crisis

by Jason Hopkins   South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham introduced an immigration bill that addresses numerous issues law enforcement officials say is driving the U.S.-Mexico border crisis. Speaking at a Wednesday press conference, Graham outlined the four main points of his proposal, addressing the “broken and outdated” immigration laws that attracts illegal immigration from Central America. Overall, the bill calls for doubling the number of immigration judges, allowing those in ICE custody to be held for as long as 100 days, more readily deport unaccompanied children, and require those seeking asylum to do so in their home countries. “What I’m trying to do is explain how to stop the flow from Central America, to regain control of our border, and stop a humanitarian crisis that I think is just going to get worse over time,” Graham, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said during the press conference. Migrant children, wether they arrive at the border alone or with a family, cannot be detained for longer than 20 days. Leaders within the Department of Homeland Security have long urged Congress to extend this timeline, claiming it forces them to release illegal migrants into the U.S. while their cases are process. An extension to…

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