Commentary: Fund The Wall Before Any Other Immigration Legislation

Donald Trump, The Wall

by CHQ Staff   Republican lawmakers in the House and Senate have suddenly found the time and energy to pass a quick legislative fix to end the practice of separating parents from children when they cross illegally into the country – but they apparently do not plan to act on any real illegal immigration fixes, such as funding the border wall. According to reporting by The Washington Examiner’s Susan Ferrechio, Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn, R-Texas, is working with other GOP senators on a bill that would allow families who enter the country illegally to remain together at immigration facilities at the border as they await adjudication. The Trump administration has said a court decision requires family separation as adults are prosecuted. Cornyn’s bill would eliminate that requirement, and speed up court hearings for people seeking admission into the country, which can take months. “The answer to this current situation is a solution that allows us to both enforce the law and keep families together,” Cornyn said Tuesday. “They don’t have to be mutually exclusive.” Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., has said he talked to Trump about the idea, and said it could move as quickly as this week. “It could be…

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President Trump’s Executive Order, Explained

Trump illegal immigration

Following days of fierce global criticism, President Donald Trump signed an executive order to end his policy of family separations along the U.S.-Mexico border. Trump signed the order Wednesday, saying he “didn’t like the sight or the feeling of families being separated.” Lawmakers had called for Trump to take unilateral action to end the policy instituted in April that resulted in more than 2,300 children being separated from their parents. The move reflects the enormous political pressure put on Trump. Images of children in metal cages and audio of them crying for their parents had prompted global outrage. What does the executive order do? Under the new U.S. policy, parents and children caught crossing the border illegally will be kept together at federal detention centers for the length of their criminal proceedings. Doesn’t that solve the issue of family separations? Not exactly. Because of a 1997 federal court decision known as the Flores settlement, the government cannot hold children in custody for more than 20 days. That’s a problem, since most illegal entry criminal proceedings take much longer than that. As part of the executive order, Trump is appealing to the U.S. District Court to overturn the Flores settlement, allowing…

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How Immigration Officials Cooked the Books and Fooled Congress for Years

border wall

by Mark Metcalf   A recent Justice Department report on U.S. immigration courts provides a rare glimpse into the difficulties faced by the Trump administration as it repairs the damages inflicted on these tribunals over the last 20 years. But give credit to the courts’ new executive, James McHenry. Early on, he identified the need for transparency and has made accurate disclosure of court business one of his agency’s highest priorities. Candor, if not reform, demands no less. It’s a good start for an executive whose predecessors often avoided—and sometimes denied—the truth about the courts’ troubling dynamics. Yet the courts limped along, their annual reports masking a systemic dysfunction never shared with Congress. While transparency won’t cure the dysfunction, it should identify obvious areas for reform—among them failures to appear in court. [ The liberal Left continue to push their radical agenda against American values. The good news is there is a solution. Find out more ] From 1996 through 2016, just under half of all aliens who were set free pending a trial date—1.25 million in total—were ordered removed, i.e. deported. Of that number, 952,291 were removed for evading court. Less than a quarter of this same group actually appeared in…

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President Trump Will Sign an Executive Order to Suspend the Separation of Minors from the Illegal Alien Adults Who Accompany Them

Donald Trump

President Donald Trump said Wednesday he is signing an executive order that would end the policy of separating migrant children from their parents as they illegally crossed the southern border with Mexico into the United States. In perhaps the biggest policy reversal of his 17-month presidency, Trump said, “We want to keep families together. It’s very important. I’ll be signing something in a little while that’s going to do that.” For days, Trump and key officials in his administration had contended that he could not act unilaterally to overturn the policy and that only Congress, through legislation, could ban the break-up of families. The U.S. in the last six weeks has separated more than 2,300 young children from their parents and sent them to detention centers, while charging their parents with illegally entering the country. But the Trump administration has come under withering attack for the policy, with Republican and Democratic officials alike calling it inhumane. Business and religious leaders, four former U.S. first ladies and Trump’s wife, Melania Trump, also voiced sharp criticism of the policy to split up migrant families, many of them escaping poverty and turmoil in Central America, as they illegally crossed U.S. border. Trump told…

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Commentary: The Answer Is Don’t Bring Your Kid Here Illegally

father daughter

by CHQ Staff   Have you noticed that every time establishment Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill try to ram through an amnesty for illegal aliens there’s a new immigration “crisis” to add a bit of pathos to their calls for open borders? The latest phony crisis is the plight of child border crossers who are being separated from their parents at the border. As our friend Michael F. Haverluck of put it, Democrats and open borders Republicans are claiming the Trump administration is running concentration camps for children who illegally enter the United States alone or with parents who are being processed by the U.S. government. “We can’t find a solution to this problem without harming children without putting them in concentration camps?” former Obama 2012 Deputy Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter asked on Live with Stephanie Ruhle, according to TheBlaze. Virulent anti-Trumper, former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele, also chimed in on the issue by backing his Democratic colleague and going as far as to imply that President Donald Trump’s immigration policy resembles what was implemented under Nazis during World War II … or by slave holders before the Civil War. “And I would even say, Stephanie,…

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The Truth Behind 4 Wild Claims About Detaining Children at the Border

Kirstjen Nielsen

by Fred Lucas   The Trump administration is taking heat from Democrats and Republicans for separating parents and children after they illegally crossed the southern border. Over the six weeks from April 19 through May 31, federal officials separated about 2,000 children from their families at the U.S.-Mexican border, the Associated Press reported last week. President Donald Trump blamed the procedure on Democrats in Congress. “They’re obstructing. They’re really obstructionists and they are obstructing,” Trump said Monday at the White House. “The United States will not be a migrant camp and it will not be a refugee holding facility. It won’t be.” [ The liberal Left continue to push their radical agenda against American values. The good news is there is a solution. Find out more  ] “If you look at what’s happening in Europe, if you look at what’s happening in other places, we can’t allow that to happen to the United States–not on my watch,” he said. During the White House press briefing Monday, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said: “This is a very serious issue that has resulted after years and years of Congress not taking action.” Here’s a look at four of the more questionable claims made…

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Commentary: The Looming Amnesty Disaster For Republicans

Trump, Ryan

by CHQ Staff   Our friend Rachel Bovard, writing for American Greatness, has updated us on the progress of the Republican establishment’s pre-election amnesty plans and for conservatives whose baseline is “no amnesty” it looks like a very intense battle is brewing. Ms. Bovard reports that after last Thursday’s two-hour House Republican Conference meeting: Proponents of the discharge petition—nearly all House Democrats and more than 20 House Republicans—remain confident they will have the requisite number of signers to force the votes they want. Speaker Ryan, however, is still scrambling to come up with a compromise legislative solution that avoids losing control of the floor to the discharge process. Setting the complicated procedural matters aside, either outcome is bad news for those who prioritize national sovereignty and border security. Members either will have to vote on the discharge petition’s series of amnesty bills or, absent that, Ryan’s consensus proposal, which is likely to be amnesty-lite with negligible border security. As we, and Ms. Bovard, have reported in the past, since taking down the farm bill over the immigration issue last month, members of the House Freedom Caucus and other border-security conscious Republicans have been negotiating for legislation that includes work permits for the 700,000 recipients of…

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Boyd Versus Black: Battle of the Illegal Immigration Ads

Anybody who doubts whether Tennessee voters, especially Republican Primary voters, are concerned about illegal immigration needs to watch a few of the early political ads that are starting to pound the airwaves. Candidates at every level, from state legislative races to Congressional races to the Governors race, are embracing a “tough on illegal immigration” stance intended to align with Tennessee voters. Support for President Donald Trump’s border wall gives prospective office holders a double bump, as they demonstrate their focus on illegal immigration and tie themselves to a political figure who still enjoys extremely high approval ratings among GOP primary voters. The air war between Republican gubernatorial rivals Diane Black and Randy Boyd is the latest example of competing ads trying to “out illegal” their opponent. In Boyd’s ad, he declares that “professional politicians have made a mess of our immigration system” – a not very thinly veiled shot at Congresswoman Diane Black. For those who might miss the point, the screen simultaneously shows a picture of the U.S. Capitol with the words “Washington Has Failed Us” in large capital letters. Boyd says “illegal is illegal” and promises to crack down on illegal immigration, support President Trump’s border wall, “no sanctuary…

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Trump Wants Aid Cut to Nations Not Helping US Stem Illegal Immigration

Trump illegal immigration

by Steve Herman   President Donald Trump called Wednesday for a “radical change” to the structure of U.S. aid to countries deemed not sufficiently assisting the United States in keeping violent illegal immigrants from heading here. “We’re going to work out something where every time someone comes from a certain country, we’re going to deduct a rather large amount of money from what we give them in aid,” promised Trump. “We may not just give them aid at all, because despite the reports I hear, I don’t believe they’re helping us one bit.” Trump did not specify any countries. The president’s remarks came at an event, held inside a homeland security center in Bethpage on New York’s Long Island, which the White House said was intended to be “a call to action for legislative policy changes.” Focus on MS-13 Much of the conversation among the president and others, including family members of victims of gang violence, at the round-table event focused on MS-13 — a criminal gang that originated in Los Angeles and has spread to much of North and Central America. It draws many of its members from El Salvador. The Central American country, plagued with drug gang violence,…

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Rep. Diane Black Introduces Novel Crowdsourcing Bill to Fund ‘The Wall’

Embracing the online ‘crowdsourcing’ trend pioneered by inventors and entrepreneurs to raise vast sums of money, support and sometimes, fame, Representative Diane Black (R-TN-06) introduced a novel bill late last week that would create a trust fund in the U.S. Treasury that could accept money donated by individuals and earmark the funds to cover the costs associated with one of the flagship campaign promises by then-candidate Trump: the construction of a border wall along the southern border. “While Democrats block commonsense border security and put illegal immigrants before our families, we are going to put America first,” Rep. Black said in a statement accompanying the proposal. She added: Real immigration reform cannot be achieved without a secure border – President Trump has been clear about this since day one. The most important job of the federal government is the safety and security of the American people, and if citizens in our country wish to contribute to this effort, they absolutely should be given the opportunity. Americans know that President Trump is committed to protecting our nation for future generations, and we are ready to stand with him to build the wall. “The Border Wall Trust Fund Act” is a four-page bill, H.R. 5876 that…

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US Ends Practice That Gave Some Immigrants Reprieves from Deportation

Reuters   U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Thursday barred immigration judges from a once-common practice of shelving deportation cases involving some immigrants with deep ties to the United States. The practice known as administrative closure allowed judges to clear low-priority cases off their dockets, effectively letting some immigrants remain indefinitely in the United States despite their lack of legal status. Under President Barack Obama there had been an effort to administratively close certain cases as a way of allowing judges to focus on higher-priority matters and reduce the immigration court backlog. More than 200,000 cases were closed during the last six years of his presidency. The closures were routinely used for people without criminal backgrounds who had lived for many years in the United States, often with U.S. citizen children or spouses. In many cases, the immigrants became eligible for work permits. The administration of President Donald Trump has taken a sharply different tack on immigration, declaring that all those in the country illegally, whether or not they pose a threat to public safety, are subject to deportation. Since immigration courts fall under the jurisdiction of the Department of Justice, the attorney general can issue opinions in immigration cases…

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California Officials Back Trump on Crackdown on ‘Sanctuary’ Policies

by Fred Lucas   California law enforcement and local officials gathered at the White House on Wednesday to make it clear that Sacramento doesn’t speak for them on illegal immigration. The Democrat-controlled state legislature passed and Gov. Jerry Brown, a Democrat, signed a “sanctuary state” law that prohibits state and local law enforcement from cooperating with federal immigration authorities on matters such as detaining illegal immigrants in local jails or reporting them. California state Assemblywoman Melissa Melendez, a Republican, praised President Donald Trump for holding the White House meeting, noting that Brown has not met with Republican officials. “This is your Republican resistance right here,” Melendez told the president during the Cabinet Room meeting, obliquely referencing the “resist” movement among some Democrats and liberals dedicated to opposing Trump’s policies. [ The liberal Left continue to push their radical agenda against American values. The good news is there is a solution. Find out more ] Seven mayors, four sheriffs and one deputy sheriff, two county supervisors, a city council member, and a district attorney—all from California—attended the White House meeting with the president and administration officials from the Justice and Homeland Security departments. Each expressed support for the administration’s tough immigration policies. House…

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President Trump Will Seek Full Funding Soon for His Border Wall

President Trump and the Border Wall

Reuters News Service President Donald Trump on Wednesday said he would soon push for full funding of his promised wall along the U.S. border with Mexico, which could spark budget battles in a Congress fractured over his immigration policy. “Now we’re going for the full funding for the wall, and we’re going to try and get that as soon as possible,” Trump said at a roundtable with California municipal leaders who favor his goal of making the U.S. border impervious to illegal immigration. Last month Trump threatened to shut down the federal government in September if Congress did not provide more funding for his wall. If that happens, it would mark the second time in one year the U.S. government was shuttered over immigration, with an impasse leading to a brief shutdown in January. Center and right-wing lawmakers from Trump’s Republican party are split on legislation that would protect young illegal immigrants from deportation, torn over how far it should go to clamp down on legal and illegal immigration. At the roundtable Trump voiced hostility for the country’s southern neighbor, Mexico, which is partnering with the United States and Canada in an unprecedented bid to host the World Cup in…

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Diane Black Petition Urging Gov. Haslam to Sign the Anti-Sanctuary City Bill Receives ‘Overwhelming Response’

A spokesman from the Diane Black campaign for governor told The Tennessee Star over the weekend that their petition urging outgoing Governor Bill Haslam to sign recently-passed, anti-sanctuary city legislation into law has received an “overwhelming” amount of support by Tennesseans concerned about state and government officials turning a blind eye to illegal immigration and the issues arising from it. “The response we’ve received has been overwhelming, with over 1,000 Tennesseans signing our petition urging Governor Haslam to sign the sanctuary cities bill,” Black communications director Chris Hartline wrote. “It’s clear that Tennesseans support this common-sense bill that puts the safety and security of the people of Tennessee first.” Last Wednesday, the Black campaign launched a petition asking Tennessee residents to help them pressure Governor Haslam – who originally campaigned on confronting illegal immigration in the Volunteer State – to sign the Green-Reedy bill that closed key loopholes in the existing anti-sanctuary city legislation he signed in 2011: The Tennessee General Assembly passed a bill to end sanctuary cities in our state. Governor Haslam hasn’t signed the bill, and every day, those who support illegal immigration are emboldened by the inaction. Our governor should sign the bill without hesitation. If you agree, please…

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Commentary: American Citizens Organize To Fight The Caravan Of Illegals Surging Into Our Country

Tennessee Star

by CHQ Staff   Despite President Trump’s expressions of outrage, seventy men, women and children poured through a U.S. port of entry early Friday to seek asylum, the largest single group yet accepted by U.S. officials from the caravan of Central American aliens demanding unrestricted entry into the United States. The aliens, from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, were among the last who had planned to ask for asylum, bringing the total to 228 who have crossed the border in the past ten days. Just after 9 a.m., the phony asylum-seekers lined up to enter the long passageway between the countries reported Reuters. In single file, they walked straight through, with photo-op ready mothers carrying teddy bears in one hand and small children in another. In Mexico outside the port of entry, reports Reuters, the remaining migrants were joined in a makeshift camp by other would-be asylum-seekers who had come seeking information and donations. Meanwhile, says Reuters, the caravan’s organizers scrambled to collect migrants’ names to track their dispersal across U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) centers after they exit the port of entry’s detention facility in coming days. Conservatives are outraged that Soros-backed organizations are aiding and abetting the…

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Raul Lopez Commentary: We Are a Nation of Immigrants, But We Are a Nation of Laws First

Recently, immigration enforcement in East Tennessee generated headlines. The scenes were tragic and heart-wrenching as families were being torn apart. Unfortunately, instead of encouraging legal immigration to this country to prevent these scenes from playing out again in the future, progressive special interest groups used the immigration raids as an opportunity to defend and justify illegal immigration. This is incredibly sad and speaks volumes about just how far we have gotten from the time when virtually everyone agreed that those seeking to come to this country should come to this country the right way. After all, we are a nation of immigrants, but also a nation of laws. Of course, we can certainly change our immigration laws to make them even more generous, but it must be done through the legislative bodies to ensure that the American people have had a chance to weigh in on the process. The current immigration system has certainly changed since my family moved to this country from Cuba seeking political asylum in the 1960’s. I’m grateful that my parents made that difficult choice to come to this country. I can only imagine how agonizing the decision-making process was for them, as they weighed the…

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DHS: Dozens Of MS-13, Other Gang Members Released By Sanctuary Cities


by Will Racke   More than 100 suspected members of MS-13 and other gangs were released last year by sanctuary jurisdictions even though federal authorities had formally requested that they be held, according to newly released data from the Department of Homeland Security. Between October 2016 and June 2017, local law enforcement agencies released 142 gang members that immigration authorities were seeking to deport instead of transferring them to federal custody. The prisoners were subjects of active immigration detainers, which are formal requests made by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to local authorities to hold criminal aliens until federal agents can pick them up. The releases occurred in 37 separate jurisdictions, according to a Center for Immigration Studies report on the data, which was compiled in response to a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the rise of MS-13. With the exception of Maricopa County, Arizona, all are considered sanctuary jurisdictions because they refuse to honor ICE detainers that aren’t backed by a criminal warrant or, in some cases, notify immigration authorities of a criminal alien’s release date. About two-thirds of the releases occurred in California, which has a statewide sanctuary law that limits cooperation between local officials and immigration authorities. Santa Clara County led the…

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Trump Commends Brown For ‘Doing the Right Thing’ on National Guard

Trump and Jerry Brown

President Donald Trump thanked California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) Thursday on Twitter for “doing the right thing” by agreeing to send 400 National Guard members to bolster the United States’ southern border Thursday. Trump alarmed illegal immigrant activists last week when he proclaimed that he wanted to send between 2,000-4,000 National Guard members to guard the border. A White House statement said the National Guard would be deployed “to give our Border Patrol agents the support they deserve” in their fight against criminal activity and the flow of drugs until Congress “takes the action necessary to close the loopholes undermining our border security efforts.”

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Conservative Talker Steve Gill Finds Common Ground with Democrat Lawmaker on Legislation to Punish Employers of Illegal Alien Workers

Conservative political commentator and Tennessee Star contributor Steve Gill said on The Gill Report, broadcast live on WETR 92.3 FM in Knoxville, that he has found common ground with State Senator Jeff Yarbro (D-Nashville), who submitted legislation that would penalize employers of illegal alien workers. The new proposal would be an amendment of the much talked-about Green and Reedy anti-sanctuary city bill. “I mentioned just a moment ago the raid by ICE agents in Granger County at that meatpacking plant that rounded up about a hundred illegals said has caused one state legislator – Jeff Yarbro, a Democrat state senator from Nashville – to propose legislation that would start punishing employers, in addition to the employees, who work here illegally,” Gill said. He continued: It makes a lot of sense to me. If you’re going to punish to the person working, why wouldn’t you punish the company, the people who hire illegals? They’re both breaking the law. And if you have a construction company that wasn’t just trying to save money and make bigger profit by hiring illegals for cheaper than they can hire Americans – why would we tolerate that, but not tolerate then using substandard materials that would be dangerous in constructing…

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Commentary: SHOCK! Democrats Oppose Sending Troops To The Border

by George Rasley. CHQ Editor   That didn’t take long. Mandy Mayfield, reporting for our friends at the Washington Examiner, says that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi ripped President Trump on Twitter Thursday for “pointlessly” sending troops to the border instead of working with Democrats on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. Mayfield reported the California Democrat wrote: “@realDonaldTrump is using every cynical political trick in the book to ignite anti-immigrant fervor. Needlessly militarizing our southern border won’t make Americans more safe – it’s just another political calculation. “Instead of wasting resources on pointlessly sending troops to our border, @realDonaldTrump should work with Democrats to pass the DREAM Act & #ProtectDREAMers,” Pelosi added. Oregon’s Far-Left Democratic Governor Kate Brown, not to be outdone, tweeted: If @realDonaldTrump asks me to deploy Oregon Guard troops to the Mexico border, I’ll say no. As Commander of Oregon’s Guard, I’m deeply troubled by Trump’s plan to militarize our border. And later, when we guess no one at the White House paid attention to the first tweet: There’s been no outreach by the President or federal officials, and I have no intention of allowing Oregon’s guard troops to be used to distract from his troubles…

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Trump Credits Mexican Laws for Dispersing Immigrant Caravan

President Donald Trump credited the Mexican legal system Thursday for dispersing a caravan of Central American migrants making its way north through Mexico, with some headed for the U.S., and praised his administration for a dramatic drop in the number of immigrants crossing the southwest border. “The Caravan is largely broken up thanks to the strong immigration laws of Mexico and their willingness to use them so as not to cause a giant scene at our Border,” Trump tweeted. “Because of the Trump Administrations actions, Border crossings are at a still UNACCEPTABLE 46 year low. Stop drugs!”

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Commentary: President Trump Delivers Bigly on Trade, Immigration

By Robert Romano   In the past month, President Donald Trump has levied a 25 percent tariff on steel and 10 percent on aluminum, hit China with $60 billion of tariffs for intellectual property theft and steel dumping, got South Korea to give major concessions on steel dumping and importing U.S.-made cars and has now activated the National Guard to help secure the nation’s southern border. The President also threatened NAFTA over a caravan of refugees headed from Honduras through Mexico with the intention of reaching the U.S.: “The big Caravan of People from Honduras, now coming across Mexico and heading to our ‘Weak Laws’ Border, had better be stopped before it gets there. Cash cow NAFTA is in play, as is foreign aid to Honduras and the countries that allow this to happen,” Trump tweeted on April 3. Mexico has since replied that it is disbanding the caravan. We’ll see how successful they are. The President’s attitude appears be, that’s a nice trade agreement you have there. Be a shame if anything were to happen to it. Congress should be paying attention, too. In the meantime, President Trump has taken Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals off the table as something for Congress to…

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Trump to Sign Order Deploying National Guard to Border

President Trump has ordered National Guard troops to the U.S.-Mexico border, the administration said Wednesday, looking to stiffen security while he pressures Congress to deliver more resources to build walls and hire more Border Patrol agents. Troops could be headed to the border as earlier as Wednesday night, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said, though those decisions will depend on agreements with the governors who control the National Guard.

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Commentary: Time to Defend Our Border from All Enemies, Foreign and Domestic

by CHQ Staff   “Fox & Friends” reported on Sunday morning that a “small army of migrants [is] marching toward the United States.” The UK’s Daily Mail also reports “An army of a thousand migrants from Central America are marching through Mexico to the US where they hope to get in by any means – legal or not.” And the UK outlet reports, “the number is only growing,” and “So far no one in Mexico has tried to stop them.” What does a normal country do when its border and sovereignty are threatened by a hostile army? It sends troops to defend its border, and in some cases, it may even interdict the hostile army before it can breach the border. This is the situation the United States finds itself in today as a hostile army, variously estimated at one to two thousand – and growing – is crossing Mexico headed toward the United States – and they are not merely a ragtag mob, they are organized. According to the Daily Mail the group has committees devoted to food, security and logistics. CNN reports they are being guided by an organization known as “Pueblo Sin Fronteras,” or People Without Borders, the…

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Legal Defense Funds for Undocumented in US Create Another Front in Immigration Conflict

While the U.S. federal government is working to detain and deport undocumented immigrants, some U.S. states and cities have started legal funds to defend them, opening up a new front in the conflict over immigration. About 13 jurisdictions have joined a network to expand legal representation for immigrants facing detention and deportation — the ultimate line of defense, officials said.

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California’s Atty Gen Becerra and Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf Are ‘Reprehensible,’ Says Father of Illegal Immigrant’s Victim

ICE Arrest

A California man whose son died at the hands of the an illegal immigrant blasted his state’s attorney general Thursday over hardcore “sanctuary” policies. Don Rosenberg, who works for the group Fight Sanctuary Cities, said on “The Laura Ingraham Show” that he is disgusted by the defiance of figures like California Attorney General Xavier Becerra and Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, who famously issued a public warning that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers were preparing a raid in the city across the bay from San Francisco.

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‘Beyond the Pale:’ ICE Chief Blasts California Democrats for Attacking Immigration Agents

Thomas Homan, acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, charged leading California Democrats Monday, saying they were deliberately distorting the nature and purpose of recent immigration operations in the state. Homan singled out House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who in February said a targeted ICE operation in Northern California was a “bigoted” attempt to “terrorize innocent immigrant families.”

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Sanctuary Cities Bill Set to Be Heard in Tennessee’s State and Local Government Committee

A bill aimed to strengthen state laws barring municipalities from ignoring state and federal laws in order to aid, abet, and otherwise shield illegal aliens from federal law enforcement agencies will be heard in the State and Local Government Committee Tuesday morning. “Sanctuary cities are illegal and dangerous, and it’s time for us to take action to protect our citizens who honor the laws of our great state and nation,” Green said in a statement. “By adding teeth to our existing immigration laws, hopefully our state can prevent tragedies like what happened to Kate Steinle in San Francisco.” The measure, SB2332, is sponsored by State Senator Mark Green (R-TN-Clarksville) and would prohibit any local government that enact so-called ‘sanctuary city’ laws from receiving any state funding. It would also create a mechanism for Tennesseans to submit complaints directly to the Attorney General, and would authorize law enforcement to cooperate with federal officials to enforce immigration laws. The bill is sponsored by Rep. Jay Reedy in the state House. Co-sponsors include Senators Mike Bell, Janice Bowling, Ed Jackson, Bill Ketron, Mark Pody, Kerry Roberts, and Steve Southerland. The hearing is scheduled to start at 10am, and will be available to view live…

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Trump Administration Strikes Multiple Deportation Deals; What’s in Them?

The Trump administration reports it has succeeded in reducing the number of countries that refuse to accept citizens deported from the United States. The administration says more than a dozen countries have been removed from the “recalcitrant” list. That opens the path for deportations to begin for some of the roughly 100,000 people from recalcitrant nations who have final orders of removal.

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Illegal Immigration Estimated to Cost Tennessee Taxpayers $793 Million in 2017

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), estimates that illegal immigration cost Tennessee taxpayers $793 million dollars in 2017. A recently updated infographic published by FAIR, estimates that 135,000 illegal aliens live in Tennessee that along with approximately 46,000 of their children born in the U.S., brings the total to over 180,000 people. FAIR estimates that in Tennessee, illegal alien households add 39,000 students to local schools. More specifically, FAIR’s infographic totaling the fiscal burden of illegal immigration on Tennessee estimates that between the cost of education, law enforcement, healthcare, public assistance and expenses associated with government services, $793 million Tennessee tax dollars were diverted to support illegal immigration in 2017. Including U.S. citizens and authorized alien workers, the cost breaks down to a fiscal burden of $315 per household. The infographic can be viewed below:  

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Mexican Leader’s Visit with Trump Shelved Over Wall

Mexico and the United States have shelved tentative plans for a visit to Washington by President Enrique Pena Nieto as tensions persist over a proposed border wall, US media reported Saturday. Pena Nieto had already cancelled a visit in January last year because of US President Donald Trump’s insistence that Mexico pay for the wall, which he wants as part of his efforts to curb immigration.

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Commentary: Survey Finds President Trump’s Amnesty Proposal a Non-Starter with His Base, Who Also Believe He Will Fulfill His Campaign Promises on Immigration

Donald Trump rally

by George Rasley   Trump supporters, surveyed over the past two weeks by CHQ collaborator Ear to the Ground said they are closely following the immigration reform debate and believe the president will not back down on his campaign promises regarding immigration reform. “Trump supporters couldn’t be clearer: 71% of his base say they will no longer support the President if amnesty is included in immigration reform. They also said they are confident President Trump will follow-through on his campaign promises regarding immigration. There may be perilous waters ahead if Congress or the president appear to include a form of amnesty,” said Ear to the Ground Executive Director Anne Sorock. “We also learned that it is security, above all, that these Trump supporters feel is most important to focus on when it comes to immigration – above cultural fit or self-sufficiency of immigrants.” The new data from the Ear to the Ground Listening Project, a collaboration of academics, market researchers, and policy experts, including is based on the results of a panel survey of 6,883 Trump supporters: • 84% said they are following immigration news “very closely.” • 87% approve of President Trump’s handling of immigration reform. • When asked if they would support…

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Four Criminals on the FBI’s Top Ten Most Wanted List Are Immigrants

Looked at the FBI’s Most Wanted list lately? If not, you might be surprised to learn that four of the 10 criminals on the list are immigrants — including at least two who were in this country illegally when they committed their heinous crimes. The makeup of the list highlights the problem of illegal immigration and crime in this country that President Donald Trump raised throughout his presidential campaign — something he’s continued to emphasize, with the creation of a special unit at the Department of Homeland Security called Victims Of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE).

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Letter to the Editor: Gun Control, Border Security, and the Flagrant Hypocrisy of the Left

Gun Control

Dear Tennessee Star, The Texas Church shooting is a tragedy. I wish I could think of some realistic idea that would halt this type of horrible event from ever happening again, but I can’t. Over the years I’ve watched the horror of this type of senseless mass killing with the same sense of loss and hopelessness as most Americans. I listen to “experts” point out common factors, guns being the most often noted, and then watch as the discussions sink into a morass of mental illness in its various forms, notification of authorities by mental health professionals, failure to follow up with patients, on, and on, and on, leaving out some killers with no known mental health issues. So,even the “experts” seem at a loss. Now come the Democrats and the Hollywood types. “More gun control laws!” they shout from the rooftops, at any microphone within range of their voices. If I sincerely believed more gun control would work, I would be shouting with them. While these mass shootings merit attention and efforts at resolution, totals of citizens murdered by shootings in strict gun controlled cities, think Chicago, dwarf the loss of life in “mass shootings.” Think of Chicago as a…

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Representative Diane Black Stands with President Trump on ‘Immigration Policies and Principles’

Gubernatorial hopeful Representative Diane Black (TN-06) issued a strong statement of support Monday of President Trump’s extensive series of memos outlining the White House Immigration Policies and Principles. The new outline is, by and large, a restatement of previous positions together into a single, comprehensive document (see embedded .pdf below). “I applaud President Trump for taking a strong step to secure our borders and keep Americans safe,” Representative Black stated, adding: The President has been consistent in his efforts to stop illegal immigration and make sure that we put Americans first. I support him and I hope every Republican does the same. I’m glad the President has included some of the provisions from my bill with Senator Toomey (H.R.400 –  Stop Dangerous Sanctuary Cities Act) to end sanctuary cities and make sure that liberal politicians around the country can’t ignore the law and put their citizens in danger. It’s something we need to do, and I support President Trump’s efforts to do it.” The Principles, which were included in a letter sent by President Trump to Senate and House leadership Sunday, were also tweeted via the White House pool: Enforce Immigration Laws Across the United States — Public Pool (@WHPublicPool) October…

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California Sues to Stop The Wall on Environmental Grounds

Tennessee Star

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra filed a lawsuit Wednesday alleging that President Donald Trump’s proposal to expedite construction of a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border violates laws aimed at protecting the environment. Becerra announced the legal challenge standing in front of the existing border fencing at Border Field State Park near San Diego, saying the federal…

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