How can so many be so consistently wrong? Poll after poll, and pundit after pundit, claimed that the Bredesen-Blackburn Tennessee Senate race was “close.” It was consistently portrayed as one of the best opportunities for the Democrats to flip a Red seat to Blue in the mid-term elections. But when voters actually cast their votes, as opposed to pollsters calling a few hundred people who were often targeted for calls based upon flawed data, Marsha Blackburn earned the title of “Senator” by a 10.8 percent margin, leaving pollsters red-faced and Democrats despondent. An East Tennessee State University poll released just days before the Election claimed the race was a 44-44% dead heat. Vanderbilt said the battle was a “tossup” and had Bredesen leading by one in mid October. Real Clear Politics moved the race from “lean GOP” to “tossup” on November 5 — the day before the election! They only missed it by double digits. A new video compilation is making the rounds that underscores how so many “experts” couldn’t see what was actually happening in Tennessee. Despite the best efforts of the pollsters, establishment media and some consultants to undercut the Blackburn campaign at every turn, SENATOR Blackburn…
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Chris Butler Talks to The Tennessee Star Report: Bredesen’s Nashville Campaign Headquarters a Big ‘No Comment’ after Project Veritas Release
On Friday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – the team talked with our own Chris Butler, investigative reporter at The Tennessee Star, about his visit to Phil Bredesen’s Nashville Senate campaign office on West End and whether or not Bredesen campaign worker Will Stewart appeared ruffled by his Project Veritas video debut where he made current headlines exposing the true intentions of Bredesen. Leahy: Our lead story today, written by our intrepid investigative journalist, Chris Butler is about Will Stewart, the Tennessee Democratic Party employee who was captured on an undercover Project Veritas video shot at the Bredesen for Senate campaign offices on Nashville’s West End saying that Democrat senate nominee Phil Bredesen lied when he said he would have voted yes to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Stewart is still working at a position of authority at that Bredesen for Senate campaign office. How do we know that? Because Chris – who’s on the line with us now – went into that office yesterday and spoke with Will. Welcome Chris Butler great job yesterday! Butler: Good morning thank you very…
Read the full storyOn Todd Starnes Show, Steve Gill Talks About ‘Fibber Phil’ Bredesen’s True Intentions Uncovered in Project Veritas Video
Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill was a guest on the Todd Starnes Show this week and chatted with Todd about “Fibber” Phil Bredesen’s false intent of voting for Kavanaugh in order to win the Senate race here in Tennessee. They continued the discussion regarding Project Verata’s recent visit to the Bredesen campaign headquarters and uncovering his campaign staff’s admission to Bredesen’s true feelings about Trump and the found and unknown intention of running as a “one and done” Senator in order to put Schumer and the Democrats into power. Gill continued, “I wanted at the time to put one of those dog shock collars around Phil Bredesen’s neck and have him on a polygraph and ask him about his announcement that he would vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh as a justice to the supreme court. I don’t think he would have taken that lie detector test and been held to that standard. “Thankfully, Project Veritas went out with an undercover reporter and caught on video tape, staffers at the Bredesen headquarters talking about the fact that ‘No he didn’t mean that, it’s just politics, he’s just saying that. He’ll be a hundred percent with the Democrats. He hates Trump.’ …
Read the full storyPhil Bredesen Making Millions Offering ‘Low-Cost’ Solar Deals, But Is He Being Totally Honest?
Democrat former Tennessee Gov. and current U.S. Senate candidate Phil Bredesen is raking in millions of dollars off of deals involving his Silicon Ranch Corp. by pitching solar projects that appear on paper to offer a cheaper alternative to coal. But under closer examination, the Silicon Ranch numbers are skewed by federal tax credits that subsidize its solar-energy industry. Take, for example, the 194-kilowatt per hour deal Silicon Ranch recently signed with the Georgia-based non-profit Green Power EMC. Under the terms, Silicon Ranch will build, own and operate a huge solar farm in Georgia and sell the power, enough to serve 35,000 households, starting in 2021, to Georgia EMCs over a 30-year period. The “low cost” deal was announced at “less than 3 cents” per kilowatt hour. This is a very cheap rate, and there’s no denying that the cost of large-scale solar power has been coming down. But a significant chunk of the savings is coming compliments of the U.S. taxpayer, who is subsidizing solar projects and giving them a competitive edge over coal. However, even with massive tax breaks available to solar producers, the rate offered by Bredesen’s company will still barely beat the price Georgia EMCs are…
Read the full storyJC Bowman Commentary: Testing is Open for Debate
Professional Educators of Tennessee raised the issue on Testing, with a hard-hitting editorial called the Trouble with Testing. Professional Educators of Tennessee did NOT support the use of that data on teacher evaluations, nor did they sign a support letter on the original grant submission., which the Tennessee Education Association did.
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