Nashville Transit Plan Opponent and Mayoral Candidate Carol Swain Big Winner After Voters Reject ‘Barry-Briley Boondoggle’

Carol Swain - anti-Transit Victory

NASHVILLE, Tennessee–Nashville Transit Plan opponent and mayoral candidate Carol Swain emerged the big winner Monday night as voters rejected the $9 billion plan she called “the Barry-Briley boondoggle.” Swain addressed an enthusiastic crowd of more than 100 supporters who attended the Victory Celebration for opponents of the plan hosted by her campaign and held at the Millennium Maxwell House Hotel in Nashville Tuesday night. Opponents of the transit plan swept to victory in the final vote count by a stunning 64 percent to 36 percent margin in record voter turnout in Nashville/Davidson County. The results were remarkably close to The Tennessee Star Poll released on April 16, which showed opposition to the plan at 62 percent, with support only at 27 percent. “Tonight is a great victory for all of Nashville,” the former Vanderbilt professor told the crowd after the pro-transit group conceded at 8:20 pm. “A $9 billion transit boondoogle that benefited developers, construction companies, and engineering firms, and left the little guy out to dry has been defeated,” she continued. “As mayor, I will work to implement immediate and long term solutions to regional traffic congestion,” Swain added. “There is a short sprint to May 24, and I’m…

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Conservative Talker Dennis Prager Endorses Carol Swain for Nashville Mayor

On Monday, nationally syndicated radio host and PragerU Founder Dennis Prager endorsed former Vanderbilt professor Dr. Carol M. Swain for Mayor of Nashville. In a short video, Prager said of Dr. Swain and her candidacy: I’d just like to say to voters in Nashville, Tennessee, that you have a rare opportunity to have, as your Mayor, one of the most wonderful people living in America today. I very rarely say such things and if I do, I really mean them. This woman is not only good, kind, and brilliant – she has the most rare trait of all: she’s courageous. With she as you Mayor, your city will blossom. I have met a lot of wonderful people. She is about as good as they come. Good luck Nashville; and good luck to the Predators, too. Since Swain announced, she has garnered several high profile endorsements, among them are radio legend and businessman Dick Bott, bestselling author and financial expert Dave Ramsey, Churchill Mortgage founder Mike Hardwick, Fox and Friends host and former Concerned Veterans for America spokesman Pete Hegseth, and bestselling author and conservative activist Dinesh D’Souza. As The Tennessee Star has reported: However, momentum appears to be on Swain’s side. In…

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Nashville Mayoral Hopeful Carol Swain Urges Responsible Gun Ownership

Carol Swain at the Nashville Armory

Nashville mayoral candidate Carol Swain took to the Nashville Armory last Wednesday to keep up-to-date on her permitting education requirements, putting  the “walk” with the “talk” on her support for 2nd Amendment rights. “After the terrible tragedy at Waffle House, I began to think about my responsibilities as a gun owner,” Swain said in a statement released by her campaign on Monday. “It isn’t enough to have a carry permit. One has to train and practice to become proficient,” the former Vanderbilt professor continued. “I am a permit holder and I, like every gun owner, have a responsibility to spend time at the firing range practicing and familiarizing myself with my weapon. The knowledge needed to pass the written test is only the first step to responsible gun ownership,” Swain added. Briley made gun control the second major issue in the mayoral race with his far left call for “more gun control” made in a statement he read in a press conference last Sunday just hours after an emotionally unstable 29-year-old allegedly shot and killed 4 people at a Waffle House in Antioch, Tennessee in the early morning hours earlier that day. Swain is the leading challenger to Briley in…

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Mayoral Candidate Carol Swain to Host Victory Celebration for Opponents of Nashville Transit Plan on Election Night Tuesday

Carol Swain

Mayoral candidate Carol Swain announced on Friday that her campaign will host a victory celebration for opponents of the $9 billion Nashville Transit Plan on election night, Tuesday, May 1, from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm at the Millennium Maxwell House Hotel. “As one of the leading voices against the transit tax in Nashville, Carol M. Swain is continuing to urge voters to ‘vote against’ on May 1,” the Swain campaign said in a statement released on Friday, adding: The campaign cordially invites all those who have opposed the transit tax to celebrate their efforts and rally around modern alternative solutions. Guests can RSVP here. Carol will share her “Blueprint for Nashville” and ask voters that opposed the transit tax to support her bid for Mayor on Election Day, May 24. “It is is imperative that Nashvillians vote against the transit tax on May 1. If the referendum passes, it will tie the hands of city leaders for at least five decades and stunt the local economy,” Swain said in the statement. “The currently proposed plan does not solve our regional traffic congestion problems. The plan utilizes expensive and outdated technology that does not meet the needs of Nashville’s commuters,”…

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Radio Host Dave Ramsey and Churchill Mortgage Founder Mike Hardwick Endorse Carol Swain for Nashville Mayor

Conservative Republican Dr. Carol Swain picked up two more key endorsements Monday in her bid to become the Nashville’s next Mayor as financial expert, best-selling author, and nationally syndicated radio host Dave Ramsey, along with businessman and Churchill Mortgage founder and president Mike Hardwick, added their names to the growing list of area leaders backing the former Vanderbilt professor’s campaign. “Carol Swain is fabulously intelligent, articulate, and stands on principle. Her wisdom and values makes her the perfect answer to what Nashville needs right now in a Mayor,” Dave Ramsey said in a statement. Mike Hardwick added, “I give my strongest endorsement to Dr. Carol Swain’s mayoral bid. I have known Carol for over 15 years. She is a person of high integrity and courage. Carol is a visionary who will exercise good judgment as she works with others to keep Nashville strong and vibrant.” Swain’s campaign notes she has published a “Blueprint for Nashville” that lays out the policy agenda she will pursue during her term as Mayor. Among them are to develop a common-sense solution to Nashville’s transit woes; to improve Davidson County’s infrastructure, to end cronyism and bring transparency and merit back to City Hall.              …

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Nashville Mayoral Candidate Carol Swain Raises $20,000 in One Day with Rick Santorum and Pete Hegseth Events

Carol Swain with Pete Hegseth and Rick Santorum

NASHVILLE, Tennessee–About two hundred supporters of Nashville mayoral candidate Carol Swain donated more than $20,000 to her campaign on Monday at events with former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) and Fox & Friends Weekend co-host Pete Hegseth held at the Ray Stevens CabaRay Showroom, the new entertainment venue owned by and featuring Music City legend Ray Stevens. Monday’s haul increased the amount Swain’s campaign has raised in just three weeks to more than $60,000, further solidifying her position as the only serious challenger to Acting Mayor David Briley in the May 24 special mayoral election for Nashville/Davidson County. Both Santorum and Hegseth spoke at a 4 p.m. fundraising event at the CabaRay, but due to scheduling reasons, Santorum was unable to attend the 6 p.m. fundraising event, also held at the CabaRay. At the later event, Hegseth explained to the audience why he had flown down to Nashville from New York City and planned on making his own contribution to Swain’s campaign for Mayor of Nashville. “You just meet certain people you resonate with,” Hegseth said of Swain, who has appeared as a guest on Fox & Friends Weekend several times. “They are a truth teller amidst a sea of the wrong…

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Nashville Mayoral Candidate Carol Swain: Waffle House Shooting ‘Another Example of the Rise in Violent Crime Plaguing Our Fair City’

Former Vanderbilt professor Carol Swain, a candidate for Mayor of Nashville in the May 24 special election, issued a statement late Sunday condemning the shootings at an Antioch, Tennessee Waffle House earlier in the day. “What happened today in Antioch is a terrible tragedy. It is another example of the rise in violent crime that is plaguing our fair city,” Swain said in the statement. “We must pray for the families involved, but we must also take action, she noted, adding: As Mayor, I will work with City Council and mental health agencies to address the troubling mental health issues that are plaguing some of our citizens. Additionally, I will work with the metropolitan police and community leaders to create cultural change in our city. I call on all Nashvillians to be the change they want to see in their communities. Swain also offered a stark contrast to her rival in the May 24 special election, Acting Mayor David Briley, who responded to the shootings by calling for more gun control. “I am also a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment,” Swaid added. “Today’s shooting shows how important it is to have well trained and armed citizens in the community.…

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Acting Mayor of Nashville David Briley Calls for Gun Control After Waffle House Shootings, Carol Swain Criticizes His ‘Pandering’ for Votes

David Briley Waffle House Tragedy

Acting Mayor of Nashville David Briley called for more gun control measures on Sunday, hours after 29-year-old Travis Reinking of Morton, Illinois allegedly shot and killed four people at a Waffle House in Antioch, Tennessee in the early hours of Sunday morning. More casualties were avoided when 29-year-old David Shaw, Jr., a customer inside the Waffle House, confronted the alleged attacker, wrestling his gun away from him. Reinking, who was clad only in a jacket at the time, removed the jacket and ran naked away from the scene of the crime. He remains at large. Briley’s first response came in this statement released by his office: “It’s a tragic day for our city anytime people lose their lives at the hands of a gunman. My heart goes out to the families and friends of every person who was killed or wounded in this morning’s shooting. I know all of their lives will be forever changed by this devastating crime.” “There’s clearly more to be said about these circumstances, but for now I ask Nashville to pray for and rally around these victims and join me in thanking the Metro Nashville Police Department as it works to find and apprehend the…

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Enthusiastic Crowd at Grand Opening of Carol Swain for Mayor Headquarters in Nashville

Carol Swain HQ Opening

  NASHVILLE, Tennessee–An enthusiastic crowd of more than 100 supporters joined Nashville mayoral candidate Carol Swain at the grand opening of her campaign headquarters on White Bridge Road Saturday afternoon. The former Vanderbilt professor spoke at the event, highlighting the major themes of her campaign for mayor: opposition to the $9 billion transit plan on the May 1 ballot in Nashville Davidson County, support for improving the infrastructure by repairing potholes, roads and bridges, and support for ending cronyism and the accompanying unfair distribution of neighborhood resources Though the grand opening celebration celebration was not a fundraising event, dozens of those in attendance chose to make a financial contribution to the campaign. Sources tell The Tennessee Star about $2,000 was contributed to the campaign by those who attended, more evidence that Swain is the only candidate capable of raising the necessary financial resources to seriously compete with Acting Mayor David Briley, the front runner in the May 24 special mayoral election in Nashville/Davidson County. As The Star reported previously, the Swain campaign raised more than $40,000 in its first two weeks of operations. Swain has generated endorsements and financial support from around the country, in addition to the support she…

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Lee Beaman Joins Carol Swain’s Campaign for Mayor of Nashville as Finance Chairman

Carol Swain runs for Nashville Mayor'

Nashville businessman Lee Beaman has agreed to serve as the finance chairman of Carol Swain’s mayoral campaign, according to the former Vanderbilt professor’s campaign. “Yesterday, Lee Beaman joined Dr. Carol M. Swain’s campaign for Mayor of Nashville as Finance Chairman,” the campaign said in a statement released on Tuesday, adding: In the two weeks since her announcement, she has received endorsements from author Eric Metaxas and radio legend Dick Bott. Additionally, the campaign has raised over $40,000 from Nashvillians and supporters across the country. There is clearly a groundswell of support for a leader that can rebuild the public’s trust and faith in the metropolitan government. Dr. Carol M. Swain is running for Mayor because she is the only candidate that can bring common sense leadership and transparency to City Hall. Dr. Swain’s “Blueprint for Nashville” lays out the policies that she will advocate for during her term as Mayor. As a political outsider, Dr. Swain is not beholden to special interests, and will fight for fairness in government. Beaman is the owner of Beaman Automotive Group and is one of the most well known auto dealers in Middle Tennessee. He serves as a member of the board at conservative…

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Carol Swain Raises More Than $40,000 in First Two Weeks of Her Campaign for Mayor of Nashville

Former Vanderbilt professor Carol Swain has raised more than $40,0000 in the two weeks since she announced her campaign for Mayor of Nashville, her campaign said on Tuesday. “It is clear that there is a groundswell of support for a leader that can bring integrity, honesty and fairness to City Hall,” Swain said in a statement released by her campaign. “My administration will restore faith and trust in the metropolitan government. I will work tirelessly to ensure all Nashvillians’ right to live and work in a safe and affordable environment. I will not let you down,” Swain added. “Donations are streaming in from the citizens of Davidson County and from supporters around the country. The campaign is pushing ahead, asking supporters to share Carol’s vision for a better Nashville; one that works for and with the people, not against them,” the statement said, adding: Dr. Carol M. Swain is running for Mayor of Nashville because she is the only candidate that can bring common sense leadership and transparency to City Hall. Dr. Swain’s “Blueprint for Nashville” lays out the policies that she will advocate for during her term as Mayor. As a political outsider, Dr. Swain is not beholden to…

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New Poll on Nashville Mayoral Election Shows David Briley Below 50 Percent, Carol Swain in Second Place

A new Tennessee Star Poll first reported by host Brian Wilson on 99.7 FM WTN’s Nashville’s Morning News on Monday morning shows that Acting Mayor David Briley has a large lead over former Vanderbilt professor Carol Swain, who is currently a distant second, but that he is substantially below the 50 percent mark he needs to reach in the May 24 election to avoid a runoff election. When asked “If the election was held today, who would be your choice for Mayor of Nashville?” poll respondents answered as follows: 43 percent said Acting Mayor David Briley 9 percent said former Vanderbilt professor Carol Swain 7 percent said former radio talk show host Ralph Bristol 5 percent said Metro Council Member At-Large Erica Gilmore 3 percent said State Rep. Harold Love 1 percent said Jeff Obafemi Carr 32 percent said they were undecided The Tennessee Star Poll of 607 likely voters in Nashville/Davidson County was conducted by Triton Research over a two day period between Thursday, April 12 and Friday, April 13 in an automated telephone (IVR) survey and has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percent. If no candidate has more than 50 percent of the vote on May…

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WTN’s Brian Wilson to Break Story with Results of Poll on Nashville Transit Plan at 7:05 AM This Morning

Brian Wilson, host of 99.7 FM WTN’s Nashville’s Morning News, will break a story on the results of a new Tennessee Star Poll on the Nashville Transit Plan that is on the May 1 ballot for approval or rejection by Nashville/Davidson County voters at 7:05 a.m. this morning, Monday April 16. You can listen to today’s broadcast of Nashville’s Morning News here. The Tennessee Star has provided these results to Wilson on an exclusive basis prior to the publication of the full details of the poll in The Star at 7:30 am. The Tennessee Star Poll, conducted over a two day period between April 12 and April 13, will be the first poll to give details of attitudes among likely voters in Nashville/Davidson County about the merits of the $9 billion transit plan whose fate they will determine at the ballot box on May 1. The long, twisting road to the May 1 Nashville/Davidson County voter referendum began in January of 2017, when Gov. Bill Haslam introduced the IMPROVE Act to purportedly fund road construction in the state by increasing the gas tax by 6 cents per gallon and the diesel fuel tax by 10 cents per gallon. Tucked away…

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Eric Metaxas Announces His Support for Carol Swain in Nashville’s Special Mayoral Election

Best-selling author and syndicated radio host Eric Metaxas announced his support for former Vanderbilt professor Carol Swain in Nashville’s special mayoral election in a Facebook post on Saturday afternoon. “I am deeply honored and moved by Eric Metaxas’s endorsement of my mayoral campaign,” Swain said in a statement released by her campaign on Saturday. “This is a vote of confidence in my ability to assemble a strong integrity-based team that will apply common sense solutions to meet the needs of neglected citizens of Nashville. We look forward to creating a government that works with citizens and not against them,” Swain added. The special election to replace disgraced former Nashville/Davidson County Mayor Megan Barry will be held on May 24, just 39 days from today. In October, Metaxas visited Middle Tennessee for a speaking engagement. “Well-known Christian writer and speaker Eric Metaxas recounted Luther’s life story Saturday at World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro. Around 2,000 people turned out to listen to Metaxas, author of the new book, Martin Luther: The Man Who Rediscovered God and Changed the World,” The Star reported at the time. Metaxas, is also the author of the New York Times best-seller Bonhoeffer:Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy, among other…

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Radio Network Legend Dick Bott Endorses Carol Swain for Mayor of Nashville

Dick Bott, founder of the Bott Radio Network, and his son Rich Bott, President & CEO of the company his father founded have both endorsed former Vanderbilt professor Carol Swain in her campaign to become Mayor of Nashville. The Swain campaign released a statement on Saturday that included the endorsement: We are honored to endorse Dr. Carol Swain to become Mayor of Nashville. Dr. Carol Swain believes in Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. She is a great American, a true Patriot, and a unifying voice in America for such a time as this. Dr. Swain’s life is a true American success story, the result of hard work, intelligence, great education, compassion for all people, a passion for righteousness and opportunity, and an unshakable trust in God. In short, we believe in Dr. Carol Swain. She has the courage to fight for her convictions when necessary. That’s why we are proud to endorse her candidacy to be the next Mayor of the great City of Nashville. Rich Bott, President/CEO Dick Bott, Founder Bott Radio Network. Swain is one of 14 candidates vying for the Mayor’s office in the special election that will be held in Nashville/Davidson County on May…

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Retiring State Senator Thelma Harper Honored by Colleagues, Friends, and Mayoral Candidate Carol Swain

Retiring State Senator Thelma Harper (D-Nashville) was honored on Thursday by her colleagues in the Tennessee General Assembly, friends and constituents, and mayoral candidate Carol Swain. The event was held at the Legislative Library Lounge of the Tennessee State Capitol in Nashville. “I, along with thousands of other Tennesseeans, will miss Senator Thelma Harper,” Swain, who attended the celebration of Harper’s career, said in a statement released by her campaign. “As the first elected black state senator and the first woman to ever preside over the state Senate, Sen. Harper has earned her place in Tennessee history. Thelma Harper is a legend. I would like to see the Frist Museum or another state or local museum offer the public a special exhibit of her signature hat collection,” the former Vanderbilt professor added. Lt. Gov. Randy McNally, Harper’s colleague in the State Senate, also gave Harper high praise.  

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Nashville Mayoral Candidate Carol Swain Launches Radio Ad Campaign As Early Voting Begins on the Transit Tax Plan

Former Vanderbilt University law professor and nationally recognized conservative political commentator Carol Swain, a candidate for Mayor of Nashville in the special election that is now scheduled for May 24,  launched her first radio ads on stations in Nashville on Wednesday. “The sixty second radio ad focuses on her opposition to the Barry/Briley Transit Tax Scheme and urges voters to be reminded to vote “NO” every time they hit another one of the huge number of potholes in Nashville roads that will not be addressed by the $9 billion ‘boondoggle,’ ” her campaign said in a statement. “The $9 billion dollar transit scheme that not improve our traffic congestion problems nor repair our roads and bridges.” Swain said in the statement. “I am encouraging Nashville voters to join me in opposing the Barry/Briley Transit Tax Increase and to point out that every time they hit another pothole, and they will, it should remind them to vote against the plan that won’t fix that pothole or any others,” Swain added. The statement continued:   Early voting on the Barry/Briley transit tax increase began April 11 and runs through April 26th in Davidson County. Election Day is May 1. Swain also noted that…

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Nashville Mayoral Candidates React to Tennessee Supreme Court Decision to Move Special Election Date Up to May

Several of the 14 candidates who will be on the ballot in the special election for Mayor of Nashville reacted on Tuesday to the news that the Tennessee Supreme Court has decided that the date of the election should be set between May 21 and May 25, rather than on August 2 as previously determined by the Davidson County Election Commission. “The Supreme Court has ruled, and I’ll be ready for the election,” Acting Mayor David Briley said in a statement, Fox 17 reported. “I appreciate all the support I’ve already received, and I’m looking forward to a strong campaign over the next six weeks,” Briley added. “Congratulations to Chief Justice Bivins and the Tennessee Supreme Court for its unanimous decision upholding the rule of law in Tennessee,” former Vanderbilt professor Carol Swain, who earlier in the day received the endorsement of conservative author and film maker Dinesh D’Souza for her candidacy for Mayor of Nashville, said in a statement. “I especially applaud former NAACP President Ludye Wallace for his courage and leadership on this critical matter,” she added. “We the People can individually and collectively ‘Be the People’ who change colonies, states, and nations,” Swain noted. At-Large Metro Council member…

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Dinesh D’Souza Endorses Carol Swain for Mayor of Nashville

Author and conservative film maker Dinesh D’Souza has endorsed former Vanderbilt professor Carol Swain for Mayor of Nashville, according to a statement released by her campaign on Tuesday. “Carol Swain has my endorsement for Mayor just as she would have my endorsement for just about any venture she undertook,” D’Souza said in the statement, which added: “She is a remarkable scholar and an amazing woman. One would have to go back to Booker T. Washington a century ago to find someone who has overcome almost insurmountable odds to become a nationally distinguished figure and role model,” D’Souza added. “Carol’s academic work is pathbreaking and her willingness to challenge conventional wisdom shows not only originality but intellectual bravery. Do yourself a favor and vote for Carol Swain. As mayor, she is going to be not only a strong leader but also a wonderful educator,” he added. Swain expressed appreciation for D’Souza’s endorsement. “I’m delighted to receive Dinesh’s endorsement in my campaign for Mayor of Nashville. I’ve known him for many years, and we have become good friends. Like me, Dinesh believes that Nashvillians–and all Americans–should be able to make a choice, not settle for an echo, when it comes to visions…

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Nashville Mayoral Candidate Carol Swain Is ‘Pleased That Erica Gilmore Changed Her Mind’ to Oppose the ‘Transit Boondoggle’

Erica Gilmore (left) and Carol Swain

On the heels of At-Large Metro Nashville Council member, mayoral candidate, and progressive Erica Gilmore’s bombshell announcement Monday morning that she no longer supports “Let’s Move Nashville,” the $9 billion dollar transit plan proposal on the ballot before Nashville voters on May 1, fellow mayoral candidate, conservative Carol M. Swain lauded the decision, saying she was “very pleased that Erica Gilmore has changed her mind” and will now vote against the costly – and controversial – measure. “I am very pleased that Erica Gilmore has changed her mind from supporting the Barry-Briley Transit Boondoggle to joining me and others in seeing the wisdom in opposing it,” Swain said in a statement, adding: I am voting NO. I am confident that as Nashvillians look more closely at this costly scheme that won’t repair our roads or relieve our traffic congestion, they will come to the right answer, just like my friend Erica has done. Swain and Gilmore – along with nine other candidates – are running to be the next Mayor of Nashville in the upcoming special election to replace disgraced former mayor Megan Barry. Barry resigned in early March after it was learned she used taxpayer monies and the resources of…

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Nashville Mayoral Candidate Carol Swain Appears on Fox and Friends Weekend

Carol Swain on Fox & Friends Weekend

UPDATE: You can watch Carol Swain’s appearance this morning on Fox and Friends Weekend here:   Watch the latest video at   Saturday 12:30 am Newly-minted Mayoral hopeful Carol Swain will appear on Fox and Friends Weekend Saturday morning at 6:50 a.m. Central Time. I will be on Fox and Friends tomorrow morning at 7:50 am, ET and 6:50 am, CT. I will be discussing my mayoral bid. @TennesseeStar #Nashville @VanderbiltU @Belmont @LipscombU @MTSU @FiskU @TSU @MeHarrymedicalcollege… — Dr. Carol M. Swain (@carolmswain) April 6, 2018 Swain will be on to discuss her bid to become Nashville’s 9th Mayor, replacing Megan Barry, who resigned in disgrace after being discovered to have used taxpayers funds – as well as the resources of the Mayor’s Office – to carry on a years-long affair with the chief of her security detail. The resignation triggered a special election, which the Metro Nashville election commission deemed to be August 2. However, that date is in dispute after another Mayoral candidate, Ludye Wallace, sued saying that a plain-reading of the law requires the date be May 1. Eleven candidates have qualified to run for the open seat, including Barry’s former vice mayor, fellow progressive, and $9 billion mass…

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Carol Swain Qualifies for Nashville Special Mayoral Election Ballot

Carol Swain runs for Nashville Mayor'

Former Vanderbilt professor and nationally known conservative Carol Swain has qualified to be on the ballot for the special mayoral election in Nashville. “I am excited about the opportunity to offer Nashville voters a common sense approach to moving Nashville forward,” Swain said in a statement released by her campaign on Wednesday announcing her qualification as a candidate for Mayor. The statement added: “Politics as usual won’t create more and better jobs, make our community safer, and keep taxes low. My common sense agenda of protecting our citizens, watching every penny we spend, and insuring that Nashville is working to attract new businesses and help grow the ones already here is the right prescription for our future.” “Common sense tells us not to spend more than we have or buy things we can’t afford,” Swain said. “The $9 billion transit tax scheme that will cost too much and fail to actually improve traffic congestion or the conditions of our roads is a prime example of some officials putting profit – political or financial – ahead of common sense decision-making. We need better decisions if we want better results.” Swain told The Tennessee Star she visited the Davidson County Election Commission…

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Carol Swain ‘Will Pick Up the Paperwork’ to Run for Mayor of Nashville Today

Former Vanderbilt professor Carol Swain tells The Tennessee Star she is considering a run for Mayor of Nashville in the upcoming special election and will secure the necessary paperwork to start the process today. “On Monday, I will be downtown at Ladies Day on the Hill from 9::30-12: 30 pm. I will pick up the paperwork at 1:00 pm,” Swain says. Swain has until the filing deadline of Thursday at noon to obtain 25 signatures on the filing petition and submit it to Metro Nashville Davidson County government officials qualify for the ballot. The outspoken conservative tells The Star that she will make a final decision on her candidacy between now and Thursday morning as she gathers signatures. “Carol Swain has the consistent conservative credentials and the intellect to be a legitimate candidate for mayor, particularly since she does not fit the mold of a typical Republican candidate,” conservative political commentator and media consultant Steve Gill tells The Star. “She also has the credibility to oppose the transit tax increase since she opposed the gas tax increase that contains a provision which allowed Nashville to hold a vote on this transit issue,” Gill adds. On Saturday, Swain wrote in an…

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‘Resign Now! Megan Barry’ Rally Held at Metro Nashville Courthouse and City Hall Steps

NASHVILLE, Tennessee –About 80 people attended the Resign Now! Megan Barry Rally rally held on the Metro Nashville Davidson County Courthouse and City Hall steps Tuesday prior to the regularly scheduled Metro Council meeting. Attendees heard comments of varying lengths from four speakers – Carol Swain, Johann Porisch, Reverend Enoch Fuzz, and Lisa Bradshaw–each with a different perspective, but all agreeing on the singular point that Megan Barry is no longer able to fulfill the duties of the mayoral office and should resign immediately. A lone, non-intrusive, Megan Barry supporter carried a handmade sign, “Stay Megan Barry Stay,” which he also occasionally chanted as he watched the rally. One life-long Nashville resident attending the rally shared his conclusion with The Tennessee Star that the 80 to one ratio of attendees calling on Barry to resign versus those supporting her might be indicative of the sentiment of the city as a whole. Former Vanderbilt University professor and well-known Nashville conservative, Carol Swain, lead off the speakers saying forgiveness is an expectation and duty of Christians, and she counts herself as one who has already forgiven Mayor Barry. “But, but, but, but,” Swain lead the chant and then continued,“ in forgiveness we are left with…

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Tennessee Star Editor-in-Chief to Guest Host the Dan Mandis Show on WTN Today and Interview Carol Swain About Moral Leadership

Tennessee Star Editor-in-Chief Michael Patrick Leahy will guest host The Dan Mandis Show from noon to 3 p.m. central time on Supertalk 99.7 WTN today, President’s Day, Monday, February 19. The first hour will address the turbulent recent events in Tennessee politics, including Sen. Bob Corker’s (R-TN) potential re-entry into the U.S. Senate race and the controversy surrounding Nashville Mayor Megan Barry. At 12:30 former Vanderbilt professor Carol Swain will offer her commentary on Megan Barry’s lack of moral leadership and its impact on Nashville, the hypocrisy of the #metoo movement with regards to Barry’s extramarital affair with her Metro Nashville Police bodyguard, and the Megan Barry Must Resign rally Tuesday. In the 1 p.m. hour, conservative icon Richard Viguerie, president of, will discuss the status of 2018 midterm elections. In the second half of that hour, author and Reagan biographer Craig Shirley will offer his reflections on Ronald Reagan on President’s Day, discuss his most recent books, Reagan Rising: The Decisive Years, 1976-1980 and Citizen Newt:The Making of a Reagan Conservative, and will let us in on his future book projects. The final hour of the program will focus on civic education and instruction of elementary and secondary school…

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Carol Swain Commentary: Seven Reasons to Beware the Southern Poverty Law Center

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) says its primary mission is to fight hatred, teach tolerance, and seek justice. These are noble goals for most Americans, but this is not a noble organization. It is the exact opposite. Given the SPLC’s power and influence over the media and members of Congress, this once highly-regarded civil rights organization deserves fresh scrutiny. Here are seven reasons why the SPLC fails to serve the public interest: The SPLC ignores basic standards of scientific research in selecting and classifying hate groups and extremists. The SPLC’s definition of “hate” is vague. It defines a hate group as one with “beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people, typically for their immutable characteristics.” SPLC President Richard Cohen testified in December 2017 that its assessment of hate is based on opinion, not objective criteria. (See minutes 43-48 of his testimony.) George Yancy, a University of North Texas sociologist, documented the SPLC’s subjective nature in a 2014 study, “Watching the Watchers.” Yancy said the group’s methodology seemed more geared to mobilizing liberals than cataloguing hate groups. The SPLC uses guilt by association to engage in ad hominem attacks against individuals. Hannah Scherlacher, a Campus Reform worker, found her…

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Carol Swain: Americans Must Reject Identity Politics And Multiculturalism

MURFREESBORO, Tennessee — Americans need to turn away from identity politics and multiculturalism and embrace an American identity, conservative writer and speaker Carol Swain said Tuesday at a Rutherford County GOP luncheon. That’s the only way our country can move beyond the conflicts we’re experiencing, said Swain, echoing a message she has given in interviews on Fox News in the aftermath of violent clashes in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday between white supremacists and radical leftist counterprotesters. On Fox, Swain defended President Trump for blaming both sides. Swain said Tuesday that the ranks of those attracted to “white identity and white consciousness” is growing, but that it’s illogical to maintain that blacks, Hispanics and Asians can promote an identity for themselves rooted in race, but that whites can’t. The solution, she believes, is to support and promote an American identity to cultivate a unifying bond. Tickets for Tuesday’s luncheon at the DoubleTree Hotel sold out. With 85 people attending, it was the largest quarterly luncheon gathering the Rutherford County GOP has hosted. Tuesday also marked Swain’s last official day as a law and political science professor at Vanderbilt University. But Swain has no plans to retire from writing and traveling to…

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Carol Swain: College Students In Safe Spaces Aren’t Being Educated

NASHVILLE, Tennessee–College administrators who provide students with safe spaces are robbing them of a good education, retiring Vanderbilt University professor Carol Swain said Monday evening in her final lecture at the school. The topic of her speech was “Political Correctness and the Decline of American Universities.” Swain, a nationally-known speaker and author who has taught law and political science at Vanderbilt since 1999, is famous for her bold Christian conservative views that have upset many on her university campus. Swain said universities across the country are encouraging progressive groupthink at the expense of a free exchange of ideas, which has a moderating influence that tends to drive out extremes. It’s “a very dangerous thing to do,” she said. Even though she disagrees with the idea of safe spaces, Swain said the irony is that it’s conservatives who would need them, because they are the ones being shamed into being compliant or silent. Those championing safe spaces don’t need the protections. “They actually own the campus,” she said. “They run the campus.” Swain cited problems that conservative thinkers and writers – namely Ann Coulter, Charles Murray and Heather Mac Donald – have had recently with being invited to speak on college…

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Carol Swain, Set To Retire, Will Give Final Lecture at Vanderbilt April 24

Carol Swain will give a lecture at Vanderbilt University next week titled “Political Correctness and the Decline of American Universities.” It will be her final lecture as a Vanderbilt professor of political science and law. In January, the nationally-known academic and author announced that she will retire in August. “I will miss the students and the rhythm of campus, but I will not miss what American universities have allowed themselves to become,” she said in her announcement. Swain, who came to Vanderbilt in 1999, has been popular among conservatives for her bold conservative Christian views. However, they have made her the subject of much criticism. In 2015, Vanderbilt students started a petition to have her suspended for “bigotry, intolerance and unprofessionalism.” The petition said that Swain’s “hate-filled prejudices negatively impact her work” and provided links to two pieces of Swain’s commentary, one criticizing fundamentalist Islam and the other criticizing gay marriage. The petition was unsuccessful but Vanderbilt Chancellor Nicholas Zeppos offered only tepid support in her defense. In announcing her retirement, Swain said that she looks forward to spending time “writing, speaking, and making myself available for my next assignment.” Her lecture on Monday, April 24 is free and open to…

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Carol Swain at Pro-Trump Spirit of America Rally: Progressives Are Misleading Christians

  Conservative professor and author Carol Swain said at Saturday’s Spirit of America Rally that too many Christians are being misled into supporting a political party that doesn’t represent Christian values. Swain, a professor of law and political science at Vanderbilt University, said many Christians are being “duped” by the Democratic Party. She accused Democrats of obfuscation and hypocrisy in not caring enough about high rates of abortion among blacks and Hispanics, which she said is tantamount to “genocide” and would be called that if endorsed by conservatives. She also said some Christian religious and political leaders are advocating positions that reflect aspects of “socialism, Marxism and communism.” Swain said progressives are influencing the culture with “deception, lies and more deception.” Part of the problem, she said, is that people calling themselves Christians don’t have a deep understanding of biblical teachings and the gospel. “They’re just out there with a label.” Initially a supporter of Ted Cruz in the 2016 primary race, Swain later defended President Trump against attacks from Christian Never Trumpers. She said Saturday that she believes “the Lord’s hand was on this election,” referring to Trump’s victory in November, and that Christian conservatives can play a role…

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