House Dem Who Signed Pelosi Opposition Letter Reverses His Course

by Hanna Bogorowski   A House Democrat who was among 16 legislators to sign a letter opposing Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the House changed his mind Wednesday and will support Pelosi for the position. New York Rep. Brian Higgins told The Buffalo News he made an agreement with Pelosi on two of his key legislative issues: infrastructure and health care. In return, Pelosi can count on his vote. “I have an agreement in principle with the Democratic leader that those are going to be two priorities, and that I will be the lead person on the Medicare buy-in,” Higgins said in the interview. Higgins’s reversal comes just a few months after he referred to her as “aloof, frenetic and misguided” and called for her replacement. “Some will ask why I have changed my position,” the representative said in a statement. “The answer is simple: I took a principled stand on issues of vital importance not only to my constituents in Western New York but also to more than 300 million Americans whose lives can be improved by progress in these areas.” “A principled stand, however, often requires a pragmatic outlook in order to meet with success,” Higgins added. Pelosi welcomed Higgins’s offer…

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