Taxpayer-Funded Oak Ridge National Laboratory Reportedly Seeks Access to Parallel Universe

  Scientists at the taxpayer-funded Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee are reportedly using public resources to open a portal to a parallel universe. This, according to this week’s New York Post which said scientists in Oak Ridge hope to find a world identical to ours. “Leah Broussard, the physicist leading the experiment, told NBC the plan is ‘pretty wacky’ but will ‘totally change the game,’ ahead of a series of experiments she plans to run this summer.” “Broussard’s experiment will fire a beam of subatomic particles down a 50-foot tunnel. The beam will pass a powerful magnet and hit an impenetrable wall, with a neutron detector behind it. If the experiment is successful, particles will transform into mirror images of themselves, allowing them to burrow right through the impenetrable wall,” according to The New York Post. “This would prove that the visible universe is only half of what is out there, Broussard said, but she also admitted that she expects the test to ‘measure zero.’” As The Chattanooga Times Free Press reported last year, U.S. Rep. Chuck Fleischmann of Tennessee’s Third Congressional District reportedly said last year the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and nearby federal facilities would receive the highest…

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Most, But Not All Tennessee Republican D.C. Representatives Are Die Hard About the Border Wall

Republicans Chuck Fleischmann, Scott DesJarlais, and Marsha Blackburn have all reportedly come out swinging in support of President Donald Trump’s proposed border wall. U.S. Republican Senator Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, however, seems to have taken a more passive approach. Alexander’s junior colleague, U.S. Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn reportedly told The Cleveland Banner this week that, despite the shutdown, a large portion of the federal government, about 75 percent, still functions. Blackburn, according to The Banner, blamed the shutdown on Democrats, who refuse to negotiate. “It is sad they are putting partisan politics ahead of the American people,” the paper quoted Blackburn as saying. “It is unconscionable they would refuse to secure the border and protect our nation. Drugs, human sex and labor traffickers and gang members cross into this country — illegally every day. It is imperative that we secure the border and end illegal entry.” The United States, Blackburn went on to tell the paper, spends billions of dollars each year in foreign aid, money she said this country could use to secure the border — for one-tenth of that amount. Fleischmann, meanwhile, told The Banner he is withholding his pay during the shutdown, but he, like Blackburn, also…

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