Democrat Steve Cohen Tries to Walk Back Purple Heart Slur of Veterans

Steve Cohen

U.S. Rep Steve Cohen (D-TN) wants to take it back after drawing fire for flippantly telling anti-Trump FBI lovebird Peter Strzok he wanted to give him a Purple Heart during a Congressional hearing. The Memphis Democrat made the remark during the disgraced FBI agent’s heated testimony in front of the House Oversight and Judiciary committees regarding his bias against President Donald Trump. For an analysis of the hearing, click here. Even reporter Aaron Blake of the Washington Post was dumbfounded: Now, Cohen wants to take it back. Newsmax quoted his interview with CNN’s Ana Cabrera: “I regret using the term ‘Purple Heart. I used it metaphorically, not literally. I never thought, literally, it should be given to Agent Strzok,” he said. The Purple Heart is given to U.S. service members who are wounded or are killed during combat. The apology may be too little, too late. Some veterans in Tennessee say they’re planning a protest march in protest of Cohen’s remark, Fox News reports. Sean Higgins, an Air Force veteran from Memphis, is leading the upcoming march, The Tennessean reported. Higgins said many constituents are “p****d as hell” after Cohen said Strzok deserved the military award. “How do you compare…

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Commentary: The Ticking Fiscal Time Bomb Set in 1937 Could Tip America Into Despotism by 2030

US Flag

by Robert Osburn   Celebrated this past July 4, America’s founding story of freedom is truly remarkable: unity, courage, integrity, and national integration (incorporating people from around the world). In most other places, the freedom story is bloody, exclusive, and, ultimately, tyrannical. Take Nicaragua, for one example: In 1979, the Sandinistas overthrew dictator Anastasio Somoza.  Nearly four decades later, hundreds are dying because the very people who led the Sandinista revolution (Daniel Ortega and friends, now in power) are behaving exactly like Somoza.  It’s déjà vu all over again for our Central American neighbors. In an age when democracy is clearly retreating, will America eventually succumb to autocracy while waving sayonara to democracy?    It’s a question that National Review’s JonahGoldberg once very handily dismissed. He now admits that American totalitarianism is a real possibility. Utilizing a scenario-building skill that I learned during my doctoral studies, let me offer what I consider a very plausible scenario that takes America down the rathole of tyranny: Sometime between 2028 and 2034, America’s president will use executive or emergency powers to solve the nation’s Social Security trust fund crisis. As Americans celebrate that presidential act of courage, we will begin the long road to tyranny because we cannot rule ourselves.  Does this remind anyone of the books of Judges and I Samuel when, because everyone did what was right…

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Mark Green Picks Up Another Endorsement For Congress, This Time From Williamson Business PAC

Mark Green

The Williamson Business PAC on Thursday announced its support of Dr. Mark Green for U.S. Congress to replace Marsha Blackburn. The PAC conducted interviews with all the candidates running for the vacant 7th District congressional seat, and its board concluded that State Sen. Green is the best choice, according to a press release from Green’s campaign. “Representing the Williamson Business community, our board members endorse Mark due to his strength, fortitude, integrity and compassion. These are all needed qualities in a statesman and well exemplified by Senator Mark Green,” said Cherie Hammond, the PAC’s chair. Having run a business in Brentwood, Green also based his congressional campaign headquarters in Cool Springs. His campaign is supported by many of the county’s leaders, including State Sen. Jack Johnson, Williamson County Mayor Rogers Anderson, Franklin Mayor Ken Moore, Fairview Mayor Patti Carroll, Spring Hill Mayor Rick Graham and Nolensville Mayor Jimmy Alexander. “I’m honored to receive the Business PAC’s endorsement,” said Green. “Small businesses are the backbone of the American economy. As I travel the 7th District, I’ve heard from countless business owners that burdensome federal regulations are stifling their growth. Having built a company myself, I will fight every day to get…

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Bob Corker Subverts President Trump Yet Again: Says Order to Reunite Immigrant Families Not ‘Realistic’

Bob Corker

U.S. Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) told “Face the Nation” that the immigration policy that separated families was done in a “ready, fire, aim way,” and insinuated that Republicans who are concerned about illegal immigration hate others. The Tennessee Republican appeared on the CBS show Sunday. The host asked him if the U.S. committed a “human rights violation.” The senator deflected the question and said, “It obviously is not something that’s realistic. It’s not something that appreciates these young children. It certainly was done in a ready, aim, fire way, obviously.” Corker said President Trump signing an executive order to reunite families “led to another crisis” due to the 20-day limit on how long children may be detained with their parents while they are prosecuted. He accused “some” in the administration of using the issue “as a force to activate the base for elections, but obviously the president realized that was a mistake, and now it’s up to us in Congress to work with them to come up with a longer-term solution.” Corker raps his party Corker was asked about “American values” and a CBS News poll result: Those who enter the nation illegally should be punished as an example of toughness,…

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Is Your Representative Playing In The Congressional Baseball Game?

Congressional baseball game group photo

by Evie Fordham   Sixty members of Congress will take the field for the Congressional Baseball Game for Charity on Thursday night in Washington, D.C. Click here to find the complete roster. Twenty-four Democrats and 36 Republicans will face each other at Nationals Park. Notable politicians playing include Republicans Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, Rep. Mia Love of Utah and, of course, Rep. Steve Scalise of Louisiana. Scalise was shot when a gunman opened fire at a Republican congressional baseball practice in 2017. Five people were wounded, and Scalise was hospitalized for months, undergoing multiple surgeries after being shot in the hip. He will be the starting second baseman for a team hoping to earn victory over the Democrats, who beat the Republicans 11-2 in 2017. The game is available to watch on Facebook Live; the first pitch is set for 7:05 p.m. Eastern time. The congressional baseball game offers Republicans and Democrats a chance to cross party lines for a good cause. The event will support charities like The Washington Literacy Center, The Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Washington and the Washington Nationals Dream Foundation. – – – Evie Fordham is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation. Follow Evie on Twitter @eviefordham.            …

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Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison Gives a Master Class in Pettifogging Over Acting-CFPB Chief Mick Mulvaney’s Frosted Glass Office Windows

Acting consumer protection chief Mick Mulvaney on Wednesday defended the decision to put frosted glass on his office at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau against accusations that it sent the wrong message about transparency. Rep. Keith Ellison, Minnesota Democrat, confronted Mr. Mulvaney, a former member of Congress who is now the White House budget chief and the acting consumer chief, about the office during a hearing on Capitol Hill. Mr. Ellison displayed a photo of the office with the frosted glass.

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Rep. Diane Black Will Step Down as House Budget Committee Chair After Trump Tax Cut Victory

Diane Black

In an op-ed appearing on, Representative Diane Black (R-TN-06) announced Wednesday she will step down as House Budget Committee Chair in time for the Republican House Leadership to select a new Chair in January.  While she will no longer be in that leadership role, she will continue to serve in Congress as she campaigns to be Tennessee’s next Governor. “What a difference a year makes,” she begins: Twelve months ago, the country was ending one of the most fiscally irresponsible presidencies of the modern age. Now we’re wrapping up a year of bold fiscal leadership from President Trump and conservatives in the U.S. House of Representatives. I became chairman of the House Budget Committee one year ago and have been proud to serve in that role along with our new president. He has pushed an agenda of action – responsible budgeting, repealing ObamaCare’s worst mandates, and aggressive tax-cutting to get our economy going. This has been exactly the kind of work I came to Congress to do and we have done it. But my heart has always been at home. This why today I’m announcing that I will now step down as chairman of the House Budget Committee, while continuing…

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Commentary: Congress Suffers From Senility Of Purpose And Principle

by Staff   According to research by Kevin King of Quorum, the 115th Congress is among the oldest in history; 18 of the 33 Senators running for reelection in 2018 will be 65 or older. If they win, another six years in office would put Senators Feinstein, Hatch, Nelson, and Sanders well into their 80’s. Looking ahead at the 2020 elections, 21 of the 33 Senators running for reelection will be 65 or older says King. So why do they stick around? Only in the power obsessed Republican establishment would Senator John McCain, who has just been diagnosed with terminal brain cancer be encouraged to stay in the office, even though his chances of living out his term are between 3 and 14 percent. McCain chairs the powerful Senate Armed Services Committee and has been prone to sudden outbursts and fits of temper for years, even to the point that his perennial wingman Senator Lindsay Graham of South Carolina has had to apologize for his behavior. His mercurial fits of temper, his flip-flops on issues, his bellicose pronouncements and his strange embrace of Democrats and their positions have often left his fellow Republicans wondering about his mental state. Senator…

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President Trump Launches Tax Overhaul Initiative, Calls on Congress to Support ‘The American Model’

  President Donald Trump traveled to Springfield, Missouri Wednesday to begin, in earnest, his bid to overhaul the leviathan that is the US Tax Code. “We’re here today to launch our plans to bring back Main Street by reducing the crushing tax burden on our companies and on our workers, ” President Trump began. “Our self-destructive tax code costs Americans millions and millions of jobs, trillions of dollars, and billions of hours spent on compliance and paperwork.” Dubbed ‘The American Model,’ President Trump said his Administration will enact policies to encourage companies to hire and grow in America, to raise wages for American workers, and to help rebuild our American cities and communities. “That is how we will all succeed and grow together, as one team, with one shared sense of purpose, and one glorious American destiny,” he said. Tax reform was a major part of candidate Donald Trump’s bid for the presidency, as a part of an America-first, pro-growth platform to unleash the country’s idle economic engine. “In the last 10 years, our economy has grown at only around two percent a year,” Trump said, “If you look at other countries and you look at what their GDP is,…

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Why Is Congress Not Investigating Obama’s Unprecedented Political Espionage?

An award-winning national security correspondent for CIRCA News believes Congress needs to launch an investigation into Obama-era unmasking and warrantless surveillance of Americans, according to an exclusive interview with The Daily Caller News Foundation. Sara A. Carter, of the Sinclair Broadcasting Group, has been an overseas war correspondent for the bulk of her professional life and…

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Congress Ignores Trump’s Call to Cut Funding for NPR, PBS, NEA, NEH

The GOP-led Congress appears to be completely ignoring President Donald Trump’s budget request to eliminate funding for the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, three of the most reviled government programs among conservatives. Last week, the Appropriations Committee released its funding bills for 2018, showing…

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White House Responds to the Predictably Dour CBO Score of the American Healthcare Act

Tennessee Star

  Within an hour of the ‘non-partisan’ Congressional Budget Office’s report showing, among other things, that over 22 million Americans would lose their insurance coverage over the next decade, President Trump issued the following statement: The CBO has consistently proven it cannot accurately predict how healthcare legislation will impact insurance coverage. This history of inaccuracy, as demonstrated by its flawed report on coverage, premiums, and predicted deficit arising out of Obamacare, reminds us that its analysis must not be trusted blindly.  In 2013, the CBO estimated that 24 million people would have coverage under Obamacare by 2016.  It was off by an astounding 13 million people – more than half—as less than 11 million were actually covered.  Then, CBO estimated that 30 million fewer people would be uninsured in 2016, but then it had to reduce its estimate to 22 million, further illustrating its inability to present reliable healthcare predictions. We know the facts.  To date, we have seen average individual market premiums more than double and insurers across the country opting out of healthcare exchanges.  As more and more people continue to lose coverage and face fewer healthcare choices, President Trump is committed to repealing and replacing Obamacare, which…

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Congress Funds Health Research For Balance of FY 2017 Far in Excess of President Trump’s Budget Request

Congress expanded funding given to federal agencies President Donald Trump promised to gut by billions of dollars in the newly drafted bi-partisan legislation intended to keep the government from shutting down. The House Appropriations Committee released the 2017 fiscal Omnibus Appropriations bill Monday, a piece of legislation that keeps the government solvent through Sept. 30, 2017.…

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Commentary: 100 Days of Trump: How Mark Twain Correctly Pegged the Democrats in Congress

by Jeffrey A. Rendall March 22, 2017 At the same time the nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch was going before the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday, the real main “front” of the legislative “war” was still a few blocks away on the House side – and I’m not talking about the testimony of FBI Director James Comey. With a vote coming up soon on the contentious Ryancare bill there was quite a lot of focus and vote counting going on between the president, congressional leaders and the conservatives who still aren’t satisfied with the Mark Twainproduct the establishment is offering. Rachel Bade, Josh Dawsey and Burgess Everett of Politico report, “Multiple administration and Hill sources close with GOP leadership now expect a couple smaller tweaks to the legislation this week before the vote. But by-and-large they feel talks with the far-right are just about done, and that they can’t give conservatives everything they want. “That marks a major shift in the White House’s recent posture — news that will come as music to House GOP leaders’ ears. The White House last Monday instructed Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) to make a number of smaller concessions to conservatives, including allowing optional work requirements…

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Commentary: Trump’s Budget Puts GOP Congress On The Spot

Tennessee Star

Commentary: Trump’s Budget Puts GOP Congress On The Spot George Rasley, CHQ Editor March 19, 2017 It doesn’t matter what politicians say, you can always tell what their priorities are by what they spend your tax dollars on. And this is especially true of Capitol Hill’s establishment Republicans who for years have talked about cutting spending, but always pass budgets that fund Democratic Party priorities and Far Left liberal organizations. However, this year Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell are on the spot because Trump budgetPresident Trump has proposed the most conservative budget since Ronald Reagan was President. (You can review President Trump’s Make America Great Again budget plan through this link.) So, this year the responsibility and the plaudits – or more likely the blame – for what gets funded will be squarely on the shoulders of Capitol Hill’s Republican leaders who can no longer blame Obama for funding Planned Parenthood, race-based groups like La Raza, and liberal boondoggles like the National Endowment for the Arts. In the simplest terms, President Trump’s new budget proposes to raise discretionary defense spending by $54 billion in the next fiscal year and cut domestic discretionary spending by an equivalent…

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Letter to the Editor: Repeal Obamacare Now

Tennessee Star - Obamacare

Dear Tennessee Star, Obamacare continues to be a total disaster for families. Remember the famous saying, “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.” With President Trump in office and Republican control of Congress – it’s important that Congress moves to quickly repeal Obamacare. Our healthcare system is on the edge. Republicans must put forth a solid and complete replacement plan that goes along simultaneously with any repeal. Congress should work on patient-centered reforms that bring power back to the states and allows for a free market system. It’s also important that Congress ensure the repeal of the health insurance tax – which is a tax on healthcare premiums. The National Federation of Independent Business Research Foundation found the health insurance tax will cost between 152,000 and 286,000 jobs by 2023, with 57 percent of those lost jobs represented in small businesses. A study by Oliver Wyman estimates that the health insurance tax results in an extra cost to small businesses of an average of $280 per employee per year and to individuals who purchase insurance coverage on their own of $220 per year. Thankfully, there is a bi-partisan bill by Representatives Kristi Noem and Kyrsten Sinema –…

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Diane Black (TN-06) Set to Replace Tom Price as Budget Chairman

Diane Black (TN-06)

The Republican Steering Committee recommended interim Budget Chairman Diane Black of Tennessee to officially head the panel in the wake of former House Budget Chairman Tom Price being confirmed as the secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. The House Republican Conference is slated to confirm the vote Thursday morning, which will officially make…

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