Mitch McConnell Campaign Hires Covington Catholic Student Nick Sandmann as Grassroots Director

The reelection campaign of Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell announced on Friday that it had hired as a grassroots director Nicholas Sandmann, the Kentucky teen who was catapulted into national prominence last year due to an incident at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. 

Sandmann was among the teen students from Covington Catholic High School in Park Hills, KY, who in January of 2019 were videotaped in what initially appeared to be an aggressive confrontation of an elderly Native American man, Nathan Phillips, at the Lincoln Memorial.

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Commentary: Snopes Veers Far Left to Smear Tennessee Star and Promote Bizarre Conspiracy Theory

by George Rasley   One of the more interesting phenomena of the internet age is the rise of self-appointed Leftwing “fact checkers” who have created a cottage industry of undermining straight news reporting critical of Democrats and Leftist causes. One of the more prominent examples of this phenomena is, which began as a website debunking urban myths on the internet and has gradually moved further and further Left to become a favored tool of the Left for shielding Democrats and helping Leftwing advocacy groups smear conservatives as purveyors of “fake news.” One of the most egregious recent examples of’s Leftist tilt is its defense of Native American Nathan Phillips from claims of stolen valor leveled at him after he instigated the post-March for Life confrontation with the Covington Catholic High School students. While rated the charges that Phillips falsely claimed he was a Vietnam veteran as “unproven” and posted a lengthy defense of him here, the military culture website “Task and Purpose” had already exposed Phillips stolen valor claims. Paul Szoldra explained in a post on, that Phillips has a long history of making “stolen valor” claims: I was going to bring up his troublesome claims of…

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Commentary: The Left Lies About the Covington Catholic Kids

by CHQ Staff   Few things illustrate the way the Left promotes lies through the allied establishment media than the recent saga of the Covington Catholic High School kids and their encounter with Leftist activist Nathan Phillips. As Bradley Eli reported for, pro-life students wearing Make America Great Again (MAGA) hats were attending the March for Life in Washington, D.C. when they were approached by a Native American activist, Nathan Phillips. Phillips walked directly up to one student, Nick Sandmann, while continuing to beat his drum just inches from the young man’s face. Left-leaning media were quick to paint the pro-life and Trump-supporting students as racist and cruel to a Native American. Mr. Phillips was described as a Vietnam veteran, however, Paul Szoldra explained in a post on, Phillips has a long history of making “stolen valor” claims: I was going to bring up his troublesome claims of being a “recon ranger” — which he was not. I was going to reflect on his claim that he was a “Vietnam-times veteran” who came home and was “spit on” and “called a baby killer,” despite his service record keeping him in the United States, and it being unclear where…

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Ilhan Omar Included Among Those Listed in First Step of Covington Catholic Libel Case

Dozens of prominent media outlets and politicians, including Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN-05), were issued legal letters Friday in the first step in the lawsuit against those who defamed the Covington Catholic High School students. The Minnesota Sun reported in January that Omar was at risk of being sued after she claimed that the boys at the center of the incident “were taunting five black men before they surrounded Phillips and led racist chants.” Video of the exchange showed that precisely the opposite occurred. In fact, the Covington Catholic High School students were approached by members of the Black Hebrew Israelites and repeatedly taunted as “dirty ass crackers,” “dirty animals,” “racists,” “bigots,” “faggots,” “incest kids,” and more. Attorney Robert Barnes, who is helping with the case, told The Minnesota Sun in January that if Omar “doesn’t retract what she said, she will be sued next week.” She did later delete the tweet in question, but offered no apology or correction. Now, Nick Sandmann’s attorneys have sent letters to those who potentially libeled him and his peers. The letters offer steps to take to avoid being sued, and direct all offending parties not to delete any communications related to the case. According…

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Colorado Man Booted From School Board Meeting for Calling Out Teacher Who Called Covington Boys ‘Hitler Youth’

by Neetu Chandak   A man was escorted out of a Colorado school board meeting Thursday for naming a teacher who called the wrong Covington Catholic boy part of the “Hitler Youth” on a now-deleted Twitter account. Mountain Ridge Middle School seventh-grade history teacher Michelle Grissom allegedly named and posted a picture of Covington Catholic student Jay Jackson as one of the boys wearing Make America Great Again (MAGA) hats in Washington, D.C. Jackson was not in Washington with his peers, who were confronted by American Indian activist Nathan Phillips. A man at the DougCo school board meeting tonight was escorted out by an officer after he brought up tweets attributed to a district history teacher – tweets that referenced the Covington Catholic incident in DC and called a student "Hitler Youth." — Next with Kyle Clark (@nexton9news) January 25, 2019 “I can’t imagine what drove a teacher to make comments online that were hateful and bigoted, slanderous and vilifying,” parent Aaron Johnson said Thursday. “Now we’re all left picking up the pieces she broke.” Johnson elaborated to The Daily Caller News Foundation over the phone that Grissom’s actions make the entire school community look bad. John Jackson, the…

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Colorado Teacher Placed on Leave after Doxxing Wrong Covington Catholic High School Student

by Neetu Chandak   A Colorado school district placed a seventh-grade teacher on leave following her alleged claim on Twitter that a random student was part of the “Hitler Youth,” mistaking him for one of the Covington Catholic High School boys caught in the encounter with American Indian activist Nathan Phillips. Mountain Ridge Middle School (MRMS) social studies teacher Michelle Grissom allegedly named and posted a picture of Covington Catholic student Jay Jackson as one of the boys wearing Make America Great Again (MAGA) hats in Washington, D.C. Jackson was not in Washington with his schoolmates at the time of the now-infamous incident. The group of boys were caught in a viral video that made it seem like they were mocking Phillips, though complete footage shows Phillips had initiated the encounter Friday. Many have tried to doxx the boys following the media outrage. John Jackson, the dad, asked Grissom multiple times to take down tweets referring to his son as part of the “Hitler Youth” and a picture of Jay Jackson. Grissom took down the post Sunday, but only after the father sent the tweet to the district. “Michelle Grissom is currently on leave,” MRMS principal Shannon Clarke said in…

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Attorney: Ilhan Omar ‘Will Be Sued Next Week’ If She Doesn’t Retract Comments About Covington Catholic Incident

An attorney representing the Covington Catholic High School kids told The Minnesota Sun that Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN-05) will “be sued next week” if she doesn’t retract the libelous statements she made about the viral incident. In response to a tweet from President Donald Trump Tuesday night, Omar claimed that the boys at the center of the encounter “were taunting [five] black men before they surrounded Phillips and led racist chants.” She also criticized the Catholic children for hiring “a right wing PR firm” to help represent them. Her comments prompted widespread backlash on social media, since her claims run counter to what the nearly two-hours of video shows. The “[five] black men” mentioned by Omar were identified as members of the Black Hebrew Israelites, described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a group that is “growing increasingly militant.” The video shows the Black Hebrew Israelites taunting students at the March for Life, calling them “dirty ass crackers,” “dirty animals,” “racists,” “bigots,” “faggots,” “incest kids,” “white crackers,” and more. At one point, they tell an African American student that his white peers will “harvest his organs,” seemingly a reference to the movie “Get Out.” Attorney Robert Barnes, who…

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Washington Post Issues Correction: Activist Who Instigated Confrontation With Covington Catholic Kids Not a Vietnam Veteran

Left-wing agitator Nathan Phillips, the 64-year-old Native American man who confronted several Kentucky high school students from Covington Catholic this past weekend in Washington, D.C., is not a Vietnam veteran, The Washington Post reported on Tuesday, correcting an earlier report in which the iconic liberal newspaper, now owned by Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos, said he was, in fact, a Vietnam veteran. The Post made its stunning correction on Tuesday at the bottom of an article about Phillips’ interactions with the Catholic high school students, where it admitted its error. “Earlier versions of this story incorrectly said that Native American activist Nathan Phillips fought in the Vietnam War. Phillips said he served in the U.S. Marines but was never deployed to Vietnam,” The Post story read. Phillips had a well-publicized encounter last weekend with a group of teens from Covington Catholic wearing “Make America Great Again” hats in Washington, D.C. Phillips’ military credentials matter a lot, according to National Review writer and Columbia, Tenn. resident David French. “Much of the continued progressive hatred for the Covington Kids depends on taking Nathan Phillips at his word,” French wrote on his Twitter page. “No one should.” Several other publications have incorrectly reported previously that…

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