Northern Virginia County Becomes Latest Jurisdiction to Limit Police Cooperation with ICE

Arlington County is the latest local jurisdiction to prohibit law enforcement from communicating with Immigration and Customs Enforcement about illegal immigrants residing in the county.

The Northern Virginia county’s adoption of its new “Trust Policy” comes after the recent arrest of an illegal immigrant charged with raping and impregnating a 10-year-old girl in Ohio.

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We Build the Wall Finishes First Half Mile Section in New Mexico

  The first half mile section of the border wall in Sunland Park, New Mexico was completed Sunday, even as armed drug cartel foots soldiers probed the wall over the weekend. “Foreman Mike” of We Build the Wall was featured in an update late Sunday morning on YouTube and the organization’s other social media accounts. At that point, about 39 feet of the section remained to be done. There is still work to do on the roadway and lighting, Foreman Mike said on this version of the We Build the Wall video on Twitter feed of organization founder Brian Kolfage. Foreman Mike projected the entire project would be completed Tuesday. Work resumed last week after Sunland Park Mayor Javier Perea backtracked on his claim the wall violated city law, after the city had issued a cease and desist order, Battleground State News reported. Foreman Mike said on Sunday’s video that crews were working around the clock and pointed out the formidable, mountainous terrain. The wall runs up a 31 percent grade. He said Tommy Fisher of Fisher Industries and Stanley Jobe of Jobe Concrete were leading the work. You can see the wet concrete,” Foreman Mike said, pointing…

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GOP Shows Off ‘Happy Democrat’ Bredesen’s True Senate Campaign Resume One Final Time

It is time for one final review of Phil Bredesen’s Senate campaign resume, the Tennessee Republican Party says in a new video available here. “Now in his final ad of the campaign, Phony Phil Bredesen shows he’s not Tennessee’s guy,” the Tennessee GOP said of the Democratic former governor. Bredesen is running against U.S. Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) for the Senate. For those keeping track at home, here are Bredesen’s own words: •Bredesen believes he has a foot planted in a “more sophisticated” world than most Tennesseans •Bredesen has been a “happy Democrat” since college •Bredesen supported Barack Obama then, and he supports him now •Bredesen called Obama a “transformational” figure •Bredesen believed Hillary Clinton had “everything going for her” •Bredesen predicted Hillary Clinton would be president, giving $33,400 to her campaign to back it up •Bredesen said “the great thing about being governor is taking taxes away from people” •Bredesen admitted that being a senator was “not [his] future” and he “wouldn’t like being there” anyway And that’s not even mentioning Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination, socialized medicine, or the army of illegal criminal migrants. Bredesen told MSNBC it is “beyond belief” that anyone would see the migrant caravan as…

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Bredesen Smirks: ‘A Few Thousand Very Poor People Coming to Our Border Is Not a Threat to Our National Security’

When asked Wednesday about the illegal alien army marching toward America, Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Phil Bredesen laughed, saying, “A few thousand very poor people coming to our border is not a threat to our, is not a threat to our security.” The video of Bredesen’s remarks available to watch here. Bredesen’s opponent, U.S. Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) is not amused. She said in a statement, “These comments demonstrate how out of touch Phil Bredesen is with the Tennesseans he seeks to represent. There is a right way to come to this country, and there is a wrong way to come to this country. This mob, which the Department of Homeland Security has confirmed includes gang members, individuals with criminal histories, and people from the Middle East, is seeking to enter our country the wrong way. Phil Bredesen would like to roll out the welcome mat for them, hand them a state-issued, taxpayer funded driving certificates, and get them to work for his campaign. This is a clear difference between the two of us. I will continue to fight against illegal immigration, by ensuring existing immigration laws are followed, building the wall, stopping sanctuary cities, penalizing elected officials who refuse to follow federal…

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Phil Bredesen Ally ‘La Raza Renata’ Would Welcome Members of Migrant Army, Which DHS Says Includes Criminals, Marching Through Mexico from Honduras Who Come to Nashville

Phil Bredesen ally Renata Soto is issuing a clarion call to the criminal migrant army marching toward America’s southern border. Soto on Monday tweeted in Spanish that Bredesen’s Senate race opponent, U.S. Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) gave her heartburn. Soto is the immediate past chairman of the George Soros-supported national group formerly known as La Raza and founder of Nashville’s Conexion Americas. The Tennessean quoted her Tuesday as encouraging the criminal migrant army: The Honduran migrants highlight the United State’s need for sound refugee and asylum policies, she told the newspaper. “‘We must continue to be a beacon of hope for families and children who, due to violence and dire circumstances, are forced to flee their homes,’ Soto said in an email,” the newspaper said. The Washington Examiner reported Tuesday that the group is composed of multi-national criminals, quoting the Department of Homeland Security. “@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories,” DHS spokesman Tyler Houlton wrote in a series of tweets Tuesday evening. “Citizens of countries outside Central America, including countries in the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, and elsewhere are currently traveling through Mexico toward the…

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With Illegal Alien Army Nearing Border, Blackburn Says Tennesseans Want Border Secured

U.S. Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) spoke Monday about the thousands of immigrants preparing to enter the country illegally. President Donald Trump alerted the military on Monday, as the army of migrants from Honduras crossed into Mexico, Breitbart said. “I have alerted Border Patrol and Military that this is a National Emergy [sic],” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Must change laws!”, Breitbart reported. Blackburn is running for the U.S. Senate against Democratic former Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen. Blackburn’s statement said: There is a right way and a wrong way to come into our country, and Tennesseans want to see our immigration laws enforced and our border secured. As our next Senator, that’s exactly what I will do. My opponent doesn’t even think that immigration is a ‘top ten’ issue.” “If Phil Bredesen had his way, he would be at the border, handing them all state-issued, taxpayer-funded drivers’ certificates. He probably thinks they ought to use those certificates to vote too. He opposes President Trump’s travel ban and thinks building the wall is ‘political theater.’ He is too liberal to protect Tennessee families and uphold the rule of law, and if he’s elected to the U.S. Senate, he’ll help bring sanctuary cities to…

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Marsha Blackburn: “I Will Always Support Policies That Keep Americans Safe”

Marsha Blackburn

Congress should build President Donald Trump’s wall on the Mexican border and punish officials who create sanctuary cities, U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn said. Blackburn (R-TN-07) made her case on immigration in an editorial Monday in The Hill. She is running for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Bob Corker, who is retiring. Her Democratic opponent is former Gov. Phil Bredesen. Here is an excerpt of her editorial: “Every state is a border state and every town is a border town. That is what many believe to be happening due to the illegal entry taking place on our nation’s southern border. What we as Tennesseans have watched happen over the past decade is a problem that has spiraled out of control for local law enforcement and elected officials. It is due to the federal government not doing its job to enforce existing federal immigration law. The Obama administration pushed open-border policies, backed away from securing the border and pushed sanctuary city policies that have made us less safe. … “Tennesseans ask me every day what we should do to get the issues that come from illegal immigration into our country under control. The first steps we should take are to…

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Trump Wants Aid Cut to Nations Not Helping US Stem Illegal Immigration

Trump illegal immigration

by Steve Herman   President Donald Trump called Wednesday for a “radical change” to the structure of U.S. aid to countries deemed not sufficiently assisting the United States in keeping violent illegal immigrants from heading here. “We’re going to work out something where every time someone comes from a certain country, we’re going to deduct a rather large amount of money from what we give them in aid,” promised Trump. “We may not just give them aid at all, because despite the reports I hear, I don’t believe they’re helping us one bit.” Trump did not specify any countries. The president’s remarks came at an event, held inside a homeland security center in Bethpage on New York’s Long Island, which the White House said was intended to be “a call to action for legislative policy changes.” Focus on MS-13 Much of the conversation among the president and others, including family members of victims of gang violence, at the round-table event focused on MS-13 — a criminal gang that originated in Los Angeles and has spread to much of North and Central America. It draws many of its members from El Salvador. The Central American country, plagued with drug gang violence,…

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California’s Atty Gen Becerra and Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf Are ‘Reprehensible,’ Says Father of Illegal Immigrant’s Victim

ICE Arrest

A California man whose son died at the hands of the an illegal immigrant blasted his state’s attorney general Thursday over hardcore “sanctuary” policies. Don Rosenberg, who works for the group Fight Sanctuary Cities, said on “The Laura Ingraham Show” that he is disgusted by the defiance of figures like California Attorney General Xavier Becerra and Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, who famously issued a public warning that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers were preparing a raid in the city across the bay from San Francisco.

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