Latinos For Tennessee Praises Trump’s Reversal Of Obama’s Cuba Policy

Latinos For Tennessee is praising President Trump for reinstating travel and trade limitations on Cuba on Friday, overturning significant parts of former President Obama’s policy. Obama had lifted restrictions last year. Trump’s reversal will restrict tourism and ensure that U.S. dollars do not support the military conglomerate that monopolizes many sectors of the Cuban economy, according to a press release issued by Latinos For Tennessee. Raul Lopez, the executive director of the conservative group, fled Cuba as a young boy along with other members of his family as political refugees. “Today is a great day for the people of Cuba who yearn to be free,” Lopez said in a statement. “By reversing President Obama’s misguided policies, we will no longer be empowering the oppressive Castro regime. “Rather than benefiting the regime and its cronies, American involvement in Cuba should benefit the Cuban people, and pave the way for democracy, and greater economic and religious freedom on the island,” Lopez continued, adding, “The ball is in the Castro regime’s court. If they want better engagement from the United States, they have to support human rights, hold free and fair elections, and release political prisoners.” Latinos For Tennessee promotes faith, family, freedom and…

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President Trump Plans to Roll Back Obama Policies Toward Cuba

President Donald Trump is preparing to announce new policies toward Cuba that most likely will roll back parts of former President Barack Obama’s efforts to normalize relations with the island nation, according to a senior administration official and other sources. The official said presidential aides were finalizing their review of U.S.-Cuba relations and were expected to…

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