Dave Brat: Ukraine’s War with Russia ‘True Tragedy’ Fueled by U.S. Interests

Dave Brat

Liberty University’s School of Business Dean Dave Brat recently returned from a trip to Kiev, Ukraine, with religious leaders and academics to survey the country amid its ongoing war with Russia.

Brat said Ukrainian officials were attempting to woo his group of conservative Christians on board with funding the country’s fight against Russia during the week-long trip; however, he noted that his stance on funding the war “hasn’t changed.”

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Candidates Line Up to Challenge Spanberger in Virginia Midterms

Taylor Keeney for Congress

Former Governor Bob McDonnell communications staffer Taylor Keeney is running for the GOP nomination in Virginia’s seventh congressional district. Keeney is the second GOP candidate to announce a campaign for the seat in July; Tina Ramirez announced her candidacy earlier in July.

“I’m tired of the same career politicians failing to flip the seat from blue back to red. That’s why I’m running for Congress,” Keeney said in an announcement video Wednesday.

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Virginia Election Ballots to Feature Proposed Constitutional Amendment on a New Redistricting Commission

When Virginians submit their ballots for the November elections they will not just be voting for the president or members of Congress, they will also be deciding how the state’s redistricting system will work going forward.

Redistricting is constitutionally mandated to occur every ten years after the completion of the most recent U.S. Census. 

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Commentary: Six Understated House Races To Watch Tuesday

  While the establishment news media does everything it can to depress conservative and Republican turnout, here are six close U.S. House of Representatives races where conservative turnout can make all the difference for President Trump’s conservative agenda. Rep. Dave Brat – Virginia 7 Principled limited government constitutional conservative Congressman Dave Brat (VA-7) is locked in a tight race with liberal Democrat Abigail Spanberger. Spanberger is a former CIA employee who once taught at a Saudi-funded school in Northern Virginia that later had to defend itself after a former valedictorian was charged with joining al-Qaida. To view a powerful independent expenditure ad supporting Dave Brat click the link or cut and paste into an email:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xW-wkhz3cxt3XBOuw_t9UrEisl_uQ4r9/view?ts=5bdb692f. Counterintuitively, Spanberger has been pounding Brat over his vote in favor of the GOP tax-cut bill. Spanberger has raised twice as much money as Brat and her open borders campaign has benefited from millions in out of state liberal PAC money aimed at unseating one of the Freedom Caucus’s most high-profile members. Turnout will be key, with Spanberger counting on liberal federal and state government employees in the I-95 corridor and Richmond suburbs. Rep. Rod Blum – Iowa 1 Self-described “Tea Party Republican” Rep.…

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