Tennessee Rep. Kustoff Condemns Ben & Jerry’s Boycott of Jewish West Bank Settlements

Ben & Jerry's ice cream shop

Calling Israel America’s “greatest ally in the Middle East,” Representative David Kustoff (R-TN-8) on Tuesday decried the decision of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Company to cease selling its products in Jewish settlements in the West Bank and contested parts of East Jerusalem. 

“This shouldn’t even be a debate,” he told Sean Spicer and co-host Lyndsay Keith on a broadcast of Newsmax’s Spicer & Co. “They shouldn’t have started this controversy.” 

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Tennessee’s Representatives Split on Party Lines for $2K CASH Act: Republicans Vote No, Both Democrats Vote Yes

The U.S. House passed the Caring for Americans with Supplemental Cash (CASH Act) last evening; Tennessee’s representatives faced a partisan split on the bill. The act tacks on $1,400 to the $600 payments within the massive year-end package signed by President Trump on Sunday.

The CASH Act passed in the House with a majority of 275 to 134, and 21 abstained from voting. One of the representatives who abstained their vote was Representative David (Phil) Roe (R-TN-01). Of all House Republicans, 44 voted for the act, and 130 voted against it.

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Three Tennessee Republican Congressmen Vote Yes to Bill That Gun Owners of America Flags as Dangerous

Three Tennessee Republican congressmen voted yes on a bill last month that the Gun Owners of America call a “Red Flag” that would permit the government to confiscate guns from members of the U.S. Armed Forces.

Members of the Democratic-majority U.S. House of Representatives passed that bill, H.R. 6395, late last month, at a vote of 295 to 125, according to the House website.

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Tennessee Getting $11 Million for Interstate 40 Project

Tennessee’s Department of Transportation is receiving $11.2 million for installation of closed-circuit cameras and other devices along Interstate 40, U.S. Rep. David Kustoff’s office said.

The West Tennessee Republican said in a statement Monday that the federal transportation grant will fund a project to install 143 miles (230 kilometers) of fiber optic communications in 10 counties that sit along a heavily traveled stretch of I-40 between Memphis and Nashville.

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Tennessee’s 8th District: Trump Tweets Endorsement of Congressman Kustoff

David Kustoff

“Congressman David Kustoff has been a champion for the Trump Agenda – I greatly appreciate his support,” President Donald Trump wrote on Twitter late Friday afternoon as he endorsed the 8th District Congressman for reelection. “David is strong on crime and borders, loves our Military, Vets and Second Amendment. Get out and vote for David on Thursday, August 2nd. He has my full and total Endorsement!” Congressman David Kustoff has been a champion for the Trump Agenda – I greatly appreciate his support. David is strong on crime and borders, loves our Military, Vets and Second Amendment. Get out and vote for David on Thursday, August 2nd. He has my full and total Endorsement! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 27, 2018 Kustoff is facing a challenge from Dr. George Flinn, who narrowly lost a multi-candidate race to Kustoff two years ago. Kustoff has been dealing with a new Flinn ad hitting him for criticizing three pregnant women who had challenged Kustoff for voting to fund Planned Parenthood as part of last year’s $1.3 Trillion Omnibus spending package.  The endorsement from the President may get the Kustoff campaign back on offense. Kustoff immediately aired a new television commercial promoting the…

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