Parents Petition Denver Schools to Stop ‘Seal of Diversity’ Program

Denver East High School

A Denver high school allows students to take classes such as Queer Literature and Gender Studies to earn a “Seal of Diversity” award.

Students can submit a short, five-minute application to be part of the program, then take “diversity, equity, and inclusion”-related classes and engage with a DEI-related club or organization on campus to receive the award, according to documents obtained by The Daily Signal through a Colorado Open Records Act request.

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Democrat-Run Sanctuary City of Denver Quietly Sending Illegal Immigrants to Red State

Denver Skyline

The self-described sanctuary city of Denver, Colorado is quietly paying for illegal immigrants to travel to Utah, according to Republican Utah Governor Spencer J. Cox.

Without the approval or advance knowledge of local officials, Denver has been paying for migrants to relocate to other places, including Utah, where approximately 2,000 have been sent, 2KUTV News reported Thursday. Cox said Friday the practice is “unacceptable” and a result of the Biden administration’s immigration policies.

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Illegal Immigration Under Biden Contributes to Housing Shortage, Experts Say

Illegal Immigrants

The surge of illegal immigration under President Joe Biden has exacerbated an already costly housing market for average Americans by worsening a shelter shortage, experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The U.S. currently has an estimated shortage of 4 million to 7 million homes as developers struggle to keep up with demand amid harsh financial conditions and burdensome regulatory processes, according to Pew Charitable Trusts. Average Americans looking for a home are being squeezed by rising housing costs due to inflation and elevated mortgage rates, but the recent influx of illegal immigrants is putting even more stress on the system by aggravating the current shortage of supply in the housing market at a rate that developers can’t keep up with, according to experts who spoke to the DCNF.

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Sanctuary Cities Ramp Up Migrant Evictions Ahead of 2024 Election

Democratic metropolises are evicting migrants in the lead-up to the 2024 election despite their status as sanctuary cities, citing resource strains resulting from the ongoing border crisis.

Chicago, Denver and New York City are all increasing shelter evictions as the cities are overwhelmed with migrant influxes. President Joe Biden has declined to take executive action to secure the border, passing the buck to Congress despite revoking former President Donald Trump’s executive orders on the matter early into his term.

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Denver Schools Facing ‘Unprecedented Challenge’ with Influx of Migrant Students

Alex Marrero

Denver’s public school system has been taking in as many as 250 new students a week since the new year, which it attributes to the increase in the number of migrants arriving in the city.

Denver Public Schools Superintendent Alex Marrero called the situation an “unprecedented challenge” in a message to the community posted on the district’s website. The district said the influx of new students will cost an additional $837,000 “to support additional needs across the system.”

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Denver Program That Pays Homeless People a Monthly Income is Open to Migrants

Denver Skyline

A program partially-funded by the city of Denver that pays homeless people a regular stipend is eligible to migrants as long as they meet the criteria, according to the city.

The Denver Basic Income Program, which was started in 2021 with the aid of $2 million from the city of Denver, announced it will go at least six months more beginning in February 2024.

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Mayors of Democratic Cities Demand Biden Give Them More Money for Illegal Aliens

Blue City Mayors

Several far-left mayors of major cities in the United States have formed a coalition to demand that the Biden Administration provide them with even more federal funding to deal with the flood of third-world illegal aliens pouring into their cities.

As reported by Breitbart, the mayors of New York City, Chicago, and Denver – Eric Adams (D-N.Y.), Brandon Johnson (D-Ill.), and Mike Johnston (D-Colo.) – held a meeting and released a joint statement calling for Biden to give more resources to the city governments, as all three cities and other so-called “sanctuary cities” continue to deal with the illegal influx.

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Mayors of Five Major Cities Demand Meeting with Biden over Mass Migration Crisis

The mayors of five of the biggest cities in the United States are demanding a meeting with Joe Biden to discuss the mass migration crisis, as theirs and other major cities continue to be overrun with hordes of third-world illegal aliens.

Politico reports that the mayors of New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, and Denver have been pressing for a meeting in order to address the lack of support from the federal government, which has led to a strain on city resources. The five mayors, who are all Democrats, sent a letter to the Biden Administration which was obtained by the Associated Press on Wednesday.

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Texas Sends First Bus of Illegal Border Crossers to Los Angeles

A bus of foreign nationals who illegally entered Texas and were apprehended and released by the Biden administration were taken to Los Angeles for the first time, Gov. Greg Abbott said. They were dropped off at the Los Angeles Union Station Wednesday evening.

“Texas’ small border towns remain overwhelmed and overrun by the thousands of people illegally crossing into Texas from Mexico because of President Biden’s refusal to secure the border,” Abbott said. “Los Angeles is a major city that migrants seek to go to, particularly now that its city leaders approved its self-declared sanctuary city status. Our border communities are on the frontlines of President Biden’s border crisis, and Texas will continue providing this much-needed relief until he steps up to do his job and secure the border.”

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‘It’s Just Unacceptable’: The Border Crisis Is Overwhelming Schools in Some of America’s Most Populated Cities

The crisis at the southern border is overwhelming school systems in several metropolitan areas of the country, according to multiple reports.

New York City, Miami-Dade County, Denver and Chicago school systems have all had to adapt to the influx of migrants, according to reports. Border Patrol recorded more than 632,000 encounters of migrant families and unaccompanied children in fiscal year 2022 at the southern border and more than 365,000 in the first seven months of fiscal year 2023, according to federal data.

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Denver Expects to Spend Tens of Millions on Illegal Immigrants

The city of Denver, Colorado, is expected to spend up to $20 million to support illegal immigrants, Denver’s chief financial officer Margaret Danuser said during a budget meeting Monday.

Denver is spending roughly $800 to $1,000 per migrant each week and the expected $20 million in spending is for the timeframe of December 2022 and June 2023, Danuser said. The city has supported more than 6,000 migrants with shelter and hotel housing, three meals each day, transportation, staff to assist them and supplies.

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Democrat-Run Sanctuary Cities Brace for Busloads of Migrants from the Southern Border

An elite liberal enclave and several Democrat-run sanctuary cities are scrambling to support illegal migrants, fearing they could be the next destinations for Republican governors’ transports from the southern border.

Nantucket, Massachusetts, Denver and Philadelphia are all making preparations for illegal migrants. However, they don’t have any official confirmation that any illegal migrant transports are bound for them.

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Denver Spends More on Homeless Than Schools and Police

Denver spent twice as much money on its homeless population than it did on its students and police, a Common Sense Institute August report showed.

The city spent between $41,679 and $104,201 per person on its homeless population, compared to $19,202 per student in K-12 public schools in 2020, according to the report. In total it spent $481 million on healthcare, housing and other services for homeless people, over $100 million more than the Department of Public Safety’s budget.

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Security Guard to Face 2nd-Degree Murder Charges in Denver Shooting

A private security guard who claimed self-defense will face a second-degree murder charge in connection with the shooting death of a man following political rallies last weekend, the Denver district attorney’s office said Thursday.

Matthew Dolloff, 30, will be charged on Monday for killing Lee Keltner, said Denver District Attorney Beth McCann. If convicted, Dolloff, faces up to 48 years in prison, ABC News reports.

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KUSA Security Guard Who Shot Trump Supporter in Denver Was a Rabid Lefty with No Valid Security License

A private security guard working for Denver TV station KUSA 9-News is facing first-degree murder charges after shooting a Trump supporter in the head during dueling right-wing and left-wing demonstrations in downtown Denver, Saturday.

The shooting victim has been identified as Lee Keltner, a 49-year-old U.S. Navy veteran who operated a hat-making business in the Denver area. Keltner died at a nearby hospital.

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Amazon to Add Thousands of Tech, Corporate Jobs in Six American Cities

Amazon plans to create 3,500 new tech and corporate jobs in six cities nationwide, the company announced Tuesday.

Most of the company’s new hires will be located in Amazon’s New York office with the rest being added in Dallas, Detroit, Denver, Phoenix and San Diego, according to a press release. Amazon also announced plans to expand the six offices to accommodate the new hires.

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Denver Voters Pass Ordinance to Decriminalize Psilocybin Mushroom Possession

by Whitney Tipton   The city of Denver effectively legalized psilocybin mushrooms in Tuesday’s municipal elections by passing an ordinance to decriminalize possession of the hallucinogenic drug. Ordinance 301 passed by 50.56 percent, according to unofficial results the city posted. The ballot language stops short of legalizing the drug, instead barring prosecutors and police from imposing criminal penalties for personal possession for adults 21 or older. “Our victory today is a clear signal to the rest of the country that Americans are ready for a conversation around psilocybin,” Kevin Matthews, director of the “Decriminalize Denver” campaign that led efforts to pass the ordinance, told National Public Radio. The Denver Elections Division will certify the results on May 16. The full text of the ordinance also included a series of medical references in support of psilocybin mushrooms, citing “decreased risk of opioid abuse and dependence,” reduced odds of crime committed by users and “reduced psychological distress and suicidality.” The ordinance also noted psilocybin is the safest of all recreational drugs based on instances of emergency medical treatment, according to the 2017 Global Drug Survey. Some opponents fear Denver is going too far on the heels of Colorado legalizing pot in 2014,…

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