Roger Simon Examines Trump’s VP Shortlist, Identifies Three ‘A-Plus’ Candidates

Roger Simon, the co-founder of PJMedia and current columnist for The Epoch Times, said he would like to see former President Donald Trump choose neurosurgeon and former Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson as his running mate in the 2024 presidential election.

Trump’s campaign has reportedly begun requesting information from the former president’s potential vice president candidates.

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Proposal would Halt Taxpayer Money to Medical Schools Promoting Racial Bias

Reps Greg Murphy, Brad Wenstrup, and Burgess Owens (composite image)

Educating from the podium and advocating for the inclusion of all, congressmen led by North Carolina’s Dr. Greg Murphy and Ohio’s Dr. Brad Wenstrup on Tuesday introduced legislation that would halt taxpayer money from going to medical schools promoting racial bias.

Multiple speakers, both Black and white and at least one saying she’s neither Republican nor Democrat, drove home the message directly and indirectly that health care is about the patients and their outcomes. Collectively, they explained how the best care comes from the best in education, that all can access it, and the promotion of “critical race theory-based woke philosophy based on DEI” will put Americans’ lives at risk.

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Dr. Ben Carson Talks 2024 Presidential Elections with Beacon Center of Tennessee

Former U.S. Secretary for Housing and Urban Development under President Trump, retired neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson joined the Beacon Center of Tennessee’s Over-Caffeinated podcast, where he discussed a variety of issues including who he thinks could get the Republican and Democrat nominations for the 2024 presidential election.

The podcast was released on Monday.

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