Tennesseans Torch Christopher Rufo’s Uninformed and Ineffective Defense of Penny Schwinn

Penny Schwinn

Tennessee conservatives have lambasted education journalist and author Christopher Rufo for the support he expressed for Penny Schwinn, the former Tennessee Education Commissioner who was controversially nominated by President Donald Trump to serve as the Deputy Secretary of Education last week.

After meeting with Schwinn, Rufo wrote in a Tuesday post to the social media platform X that the former Tennessee official provided sufficient answers to the allegation she allowed sexually explicit material to remain in school libraries and supported “wellbeing checks” for all Tennessee students.

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Media and Left-Wing Activists Ignore Claudine Gay’s Plagiarism of Carol Swain, Say Harvard President’s Ousting Is About Racism

Claudine Gay

In the wake of Harvard University’s firing of former President Claudine Gay, the mainstream news media and far-left online activists reacted by accusing their political opponents of racism, despite the fact that Gay’s ouster was preceded by public anti-semitism and plagiarism of political scientist Dr. Carol Swain.

“Harvard president’s resignation highlights new conservative weapon against colleges: plagiarism,” said a headline from Associated Press. 

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Petition Launched to Nominate Dr. Carol Swain to Supreme Court

Carol Swain

In response to President Joe Biden’s promise to nominate a black woman to replace outgoing Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, a Monday petition was launched urging Biden to nominate legal expert and professor Dr. Carol Swain, PhD. 

“We, the undersigned, respectfully suggest – and fully support – Carol M. Swain, PhD as your nominee to serve as the next Associate Justice on the United States Supreme Court,” the petition says. 

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Carol Swain Joins the Texas Public Policy Foundation as a Distinguished Senior Fellow for Constitutional Studies

Dr. Carol Swain, a former professor at Vanderbilt University and Princeton University, will join the Texas Public Policy Foundation as a Distinguished Senior Fellow for Constitutional Studies, according to a press release from the group on Friday.

In her position, Swain will assist the foundation in initiatives that examine Critical Race Theory (CRT) and the importance of civics education.

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Dr. Carol Swain Hosts Book Signing for New Book About Critical Race Theory

Former Vanderbilt professor, Dr. Carol Swain, is hosting a book signing after the release of her new book about Critical Race Theory. Her new book, Black Eye for America, How Critical Race Theory is Burning Down the House, is an Amazon best seller. At the signing, she will be giving a presentation on Critical Race Theory as well as signing new books and taking questions from attendees. The signing will be held at “Brentwood’s iconic Puffy Muffin Bakery and Restaurant this Saturday, August 21st at 3pm,” according to a press release.

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Metro Nashville City Council Votes Exclusively for Social Justice Proponents to Serve on Community Oversight Board

The Community Oversight Board (COB) received four new members – all bringing similar perspectives and agendas concerning police. Metro Nashville City Council voted on the nominees during a meeting on Tuesday.

None of the nominees from the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) – former mayoral candidate Dr. Carol Swain, former FOP President Mark Wynn, community members Mary Byrd and Brandy Holloway – were selected. Of all the votes cast, Holloway received no votes, Byrd only received one, Swain only received two, and Wynn received ten.

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Metro Nashville Council Committee Objects to Dr. Carol Swain’s Qualifications for Community Oversight Board

Metro Nashville City Council’s Community Oversight Board (COB) might continue to behave more like a police oversight board. During a special interview meeting on Thursday, the council’s Committee on Rules, Confirmations, and Public Elections raised objections to only one nominee: Dr. Carol Swain. The committee also posed slanted questions to those nominees that had law enforcement relationships or affiliations.

Swain stated that her qualifications include her 18 years as a Vanderbilt political science and law professor, her degrees in law and criminal justice, her two appointments to the U.S. Civil Rights Commission Tennessee Advisory Committee, her courses taught on civil rights issues, and her multiple testimonies before Congress on civil rights issues. Additionally, Swain noted that while she was at Princeton University, her two sons experienced racial profiling and her intervention led to an investigation that ended with police reforms not just in the town of Princeton but within the community. However, the committee voted that those weren’t proper qualifications.

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The 1776 Commission Releases Report on American Founding with Proposals to Unify Nation

The 1776 Commission published its report on the history and principles of the American founding on Monday. The 45-page account explored the key individuals, events, and documents informing this country’s founding. It addressed the contextual history and meaning of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution, ideologies that both historically and presently challenge American principles, and a series of proposals to restore national unity.

The appendices included the entirety of the Declaration of Independence, as well as further insight on the topics of religious faith, identity politics, and a strong civics education. In an interview with The Tennessee Star, Vice Chair Dr. Carol Swain explained that the report focuses on the virtues and ideals of this country that unite and benefit American citizens.

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Facebook Disabled Dr. Carol Swain’s Ad Account For Promoting Law Enforcement Appreciation Event

Facebook blocked Dr. Carol Swain’s ad account, claiming her ads had violated their policies on “deceptive or misleading practices.” Swain had posted an ad for a virtual law enforcement appreciation event.

Swain told The Tennessee Star that she’d directed the woman who runs her social media to submit the ad. Facebook informed Swain that she’d have to change the ad or submit new paperwork to describe the ad as “political.”

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Turning Point USA Hosts Debate Watch Party with Speakers Including John Rich, Tomi Lahren, and Dr. Carol Swain

Ahead of the third and final presidential, Turning Point USA of Nashville hosted a debate watch party downtown. Speakers included country star John Rich, “Final Thoughts” political commentator Tomi Lahren, First Liberty Institute President and CEO Kelly Shackelford, Students For Trump co-founder Ryan Fournier, pro-life advocate Victoria Robinson, world-renowned eye surgeon and public speaker Dr. Ming Wang, and famed conservative public intellectual Dr. Carol Swain. 
The idea for the event came about three to four weeks ago, according to Turning Point USA Belmont President Jeffrey Seraphine. Ahead of the debate, Seraphine told The Tennessee Star that the speakers volunteered their time when asked.

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National Tribute to Law Enforcement Virtual Event Will Celebrate and Honor Police

Next Saturday, Be The People Project is hosting “National Tribute to Law Enforcement,” a virtual event to celebrate and honor police officers.

Civil rights activist Robert L. Woodson Sr. will serve as the keynote speaker. The event will also feature speeches from active and retired law enforcement professionals Kenneth Harms, James Smallwood, Lt. Randy Sutton, and Republican Senate candidate Bill Hagerty.

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Tennessean Editor Formally Apologizes for Publishing Carol Swain Column on Islam Five Years After the Fact

The Tennessean’s Director of Opinion and Engagement David Plazas formally apologized late last week for publishing a column that former Nashville mayoral candidate Carol Swain submitted and wrote five years ago that criticized Islam. 

Swain, when The Tennessee Star contacted her Tuesday, said Plazas smeared her and “had lost all sense of journalistic integrity.” 

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Swain and Leahy Take Listener Calls Concerning Trial Suspension and Coordinated Election Year Chaos

Live from Music Row Thursday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. –  host Leahy welcomed former Nashville mayoral candidate and all-star panelist Dr. Carol M. Swain to the studio.

At the end of the third hour, Leahy and Swain took calls from a local attorney and a current high school student. Both callers had individual points to make in terms of trial suspensions and election-year Democratic dramatics.

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Carol Swain Doesn’t Believe Reparations Helps Race Relations Problems in America

Live from Music Row Thursday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. –  host Leahy welcomed former Vanderbilt University professor and all-star panelist Dr. Carol M. Swain to the studio.

At the top of the third hour, Leahy and Swain discussed reparations and how one could calculate that with many people who are descendants of immigrants from other black countries . Swain added that she didn’t think reparations were the answer and thought it would only worsen race relations in America.

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Dr. Carol Swain: ‘It’s Morally Wrong to Raise Taxes During a Time When the Government is Preventing People From Earning Money’

Live from Nashville, Tennessee, Thursday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.– Leahy was joined on the newsmakers line by former Vanderbilt and Princeton Professor Dr. Carol Swain.

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‘Politically Correct’ Lipscomb University Influences Its K-12 Academy and Upsets and Confuses Parents Who Think They Are Paying for a Christian Education

Live from Music Row Thursday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. – Leahy was joined in studio by all-star panelist Dr. Carol Swain to discuss David Lipscomb Academy’s stray from biblical principles.

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Carol Swain Answers Speculation Of a Run for Congress on The Tennessee Star Report

Live from music row Thursday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Leahy was joined in studio by all-star panelist Dr. Carol Swain to discuss the speculation that she may run for Congress in the district of Mayor John Cooper’s brother, Jim Cooper.

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Dr. Carol Swain: The Nations K-8 Report Card Shows No Improvement With Fourth and Eighth Grader Proficiency in the Basics

On Thursday’s Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Leahy talked in studio with all-star panelist Carol Swain in the second hour regarding the national K-8 report card and it’s less than favorable results.

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Carol Swain Urges Support for Steve Glover, ‘Only Experienced Conservative’ Running for Council

  Former Metro Nashville mayoral candidate Dr. Carol W. Swain is calling on her supporters to turn out to the polls once again — to support at-large Metro Council candidate Steve Glover. Early voting runs to September 6. Election Day is September 12. In an email newsletter to her supporters, Swain says that Glover is the “only experienced conservative running for a seat on city council” and that he needs votes — and she asks people to vote for only one at-large candidate to give Glover his best chance. Swain also asks her supporters to vote for District 26 council candidate Courtney Johnston, who is engaged in a run-off against Jeremy Elrod. Current Metro Council district member and at-large candidate Steve Glover has been a critic of incumbent Mayor David Briley, including lately, the mayor’s budget, The Tennessee Star reported. Glover believes that the budget submitted by Mayor David Briley and recently passed by the Metro Council violates state law and Metro rules requiring a balanced budget. Glover asked State Senator Farrell Haile (R-Gallatin) to request an opinion from Tennessee State Attorney General Herbert H. Slatery concerning the legality of that budget. During her concession speech in the Aug. 2…

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Superintendent Should Report to Nashville’s Mayor, Carol Swain Tells WSMV, But Education Expert Says State Requires School Boards to Oversee Directors

  WSMV polled the four major Nashville mayoral candidates on whether the Metro Nashville Public Schools superintendent should report to the mayor instead of the school board, and only one said “Yes.” That candidate was Dr. Carol Swain. WSMV’s story is here. The Metro Nashville mayoral candidates who were polled were Swain, incumbent Mayor David Briley, State Rep. John Ray Clemmons (D-TN-55) and at-large Metro Council member John Cooper. Swain told WSMV, “I believe the director of schools should report to the mayor because there has to be some accountability. We’ve had problems in the past. The school board has a budget of almost a billion dollars and we know that we have some of the worst performing schools in the state.” Briley, Clemmons and Cooper said “No.” One education expert told The Tennessee Star that requiring a superintendent to report to an authority other than a school board would be unprecedented. JC Bowman, executive director of the Professional Educators of Tennessee, said, “That structure does not exist in Tennessee. Mayors in urban areas around the nation have closely aligned economic development with K-12 education. However, we have elected school boards to exercise oversight in the state of Tennessee of public schools.”…

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Metro Nashville Council’s Planned 16 Percent Property Tax Hike Would Increase Cost of Living for All Residents and Is ‘Unacceptable,’ Carol Swain Says

  Nashville Mayoral candidate Dr. Carol Swain is taking aim at Metro Council’s proposed 15.8 percent property tax increase. Two council members — Budget Committee Chairwoman Tanaka Vercher and At-Large Councilman Bob Mendes — combined efforts after having had differing plans, Nashville Public Radio said. Mendes is dropping his plan to support Vercher’s plan of raising property taxes by 15.8 percent, increasing the rate to $3.653 per $100 of assessed value. Mayor David Briley told Nashville Public Radio he opposes a tax increase and that he’s alarmed by the council’s plan. Swain said in a press release she also takes issue with that and that if she were elected, she would balance the budget. With the council’s planned tax hike, a home valued at $250,000 would see an increase of about $300, Swain said. Briley could veto the proposal and it would take a two-thirds majority vote to override. “City Council is proposing a property tax increase that raises the cost of living for all Nashvillians without any intention of giving Metro employees the 6 percent raise they need and deserve. Mayor Briley has stated that Nashville’s forecasted revenues are up by about $100 million without property taxes. If the Mayor…

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Nashville Mayoral Candidate Swain Points Out Contradictions in Briley’s Proposed Budget

  Metro Nashville Mayoral candidate Dr. Carol Swain is calling for answers following Mayor David Briley’s contradictory statements and budgetary moves on his controversial parking meter plan. “How can Mayor Briley promise voters he’ll hold off on his widely opposed parking meter plan, at the same time his administration is quietly planning to spend the up-front $30 million it would bring in if passed? Which one is it—the bill is on hold so the public can weigh in, or the mayor will ram it down our throats as soon as he no longer needs our votes? The public deserves honest answers,” Swain said in a press release. Just two weeks ago, Briley said he was “hitting the pause button” on his plan to privatize parking meters, The Tennessee Star reported. “It is clear to me that residents still have questions about the merits of this proposal. Residents need more time – and it is unfair to the public and to Council to rush this process,” Briley wrote. Worse yet, others are using misinformation to further confuse and scare people. It’s politics at its worst. For these reasons, I am hitting the pause button on this proposal.” However, Swain said that last Tuesday,…

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Carol Swain Kicks Off Mayoral Campaign

  Nashville mayoral candidate Dr. Carol Swain kicked off her campaign Sunday to a standing-room-only crowd. She posted on Facebook, “What a tremendous crowd at our Campaign Kickoff! We couldn’t do this without you. We cannot thank you all enough for your support and dedication to our campaign. The Swain Train is growing!” The former Vanderbilt professor posted photos of a standing-room-only crowd at Sunday’s event. “It was rewarding to see so many people come out on a rainy Sunday afternoon to talk about our vision for moving Nashville forward,” Swain said in an exclusive interview with The Tennessee Star. “I’ve heard from so many residents who are disappointed with the direction of the city,” she continued, adding: Nashvillians want leadership attuned to providing basic services–from safe streets to good schools to a solution to the traffic mess. Our campaign’s momentum continues to grow as we talk about real solutions and a city government that works for all people, not just the politically connected. Swain’s campaign’s Facebook page is here. Swain held the event at Swett’s Restaurant on Clifton Avenue. Her campaign page says, “Our incredible city has an incredibly broken government led by elected officials who routinely fail us.…

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Metro Councilman John Cooper Changes His Mind, Will Run For Mayor of Nashville

John Cooper

Metro Councilman John Cooper announced Monday that he will indeed run for mayor of Nashville, multiple media outlets report. Cooper will run against incumbent Mayor David Briley, retired Vanderbilt University professor Dr. Carol Swain and State Rep. John Ray Clemmons, NewsChannel 5 said. In February, Cooper said he would not run for mayor and may not run again for the Metro Nashville Council, The Tennessee Star reported. He said it is good to have a rotation of leaders in government. Cooper was denying his interest in running for mayor just last week, according to a story by the Nashville Scene, which has checked on his interest level since the qualifying deadline is May 16. While on the council, Cooper played a foil to former Mayor Megan Barry and to Briley, the Scene said. He questioned economic incentives and voted against the major league soccer stadium deal. Although Briley has been fundraising since last year, Cooper could provide his campaign some of his own money, as he did in 2015, the Scene said. Swain said she raised $118,000 in less than a month, The Star reported Saturday. The Swain campaign spent less than 7 percent of the money raised compared to incumbent…

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Carol Swain Commentary: Abortion and the Progressive Campaign for Black Self-Annihilation

Carol Swain

by Dr. Carol M. Swain   Do black lives matter to “progressive” black women? A new billboard in Dallas, Texas, made headlines last week with a controversial message encouraging black women to have no qualms about aborting their unborn babies. Three attractive, young black women with bright smiles greet passing motorists with a deceptive message to entice black women to snuff out the lives of inconvenient and unwanted pre-born babies. The message proclaimed: “Black women take care of their families by taking care of themselves first. ABORTION IS SELF-CARE.” This enticement to take care of yourself first by aborting your unwanted unborn babies is not sponsored by a white supremacist group, although the funding for the sponsoring organization could easily have come from an anti-black organization seeking to use eugenics to cleanse the population of meddlesome blacks. The sponsoring organization is The Afiya Center, which purports to stand for reproductive rights and women’s health. ‘Reproductive rights’ is an euphemism for abortion. Afiya is no doubt tied into leftist progressive groups and black-loathing liberals willing to donate to such a cause. Afyia’s billboard lists the hashtag “TrustBlackWomen,” which insulates it from criticism an overtly white-run organization would deservingly get. An investigative reporter…

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Carol Swain Commentary: The Destruction of Silent Sam

by Carol M. Swain   American philosopher George Santayana once said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Those words are worth remembering. As a 1989 alumna of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, I am appalled how, on August 20, 2018, law-enforcement officers stood down while anarchists, euphemistically referred to as more noble-sounding “protesters,” destroyed the statue of “Silent Sam.” Silent Sam was a bronze statue of a Confederate soldier commissioned by the Daughters of the Confederacy and gifted to the University in 1913.  Three people arrested following the heinous act of vandalism were charged with misdemeanors. Officials made a serious mistake in judgment when they failed to preserve Silent Sam and the part of our nation’s heritage he represented. By not enforcing laws against vandalism, police were complicit in the destruction of public property. But behind all this stands a rather common culprit – the ubiquitous Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). In 2016, the SPLC released a report titled “Whose Heritage?”. The report “cataloged 1,503 monuments, place names, state holidays, and other symbols of the Confederacy in public spaces across the South and Nation.” TheSPLC updated its numbers in June 2018, to 1,728 such symbols. By publishing the locations of the…

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Carol Swain Commentary: Is Randy Boyd Hoodwinking Conservatives?

Carol Swain, Randy Boyd

by Dr. Carol M. Swain   Christian conservatives dividing their votes between Diane Black and Bill Lee will play a decisive role in electing the next governor of Tennessee. With four candidates in the Republican race (Randy Boyd and Beth Harwell are the others) for a primary that does not include a runoff, the winner will be the person who gets the most votes, period. That person could well be Randy Boyd. Boyd is poised to benefit from the perennial divisions among conservatives and from crossover votes from Democrats voting in the open primary. It behooves us to take a closer look at the man who might be the state’s next chief executive. Without question, Boyd is the most fascinating candidate in Tennessee’s 2018 GOP gubernatorial race. He is a youngish, fiftyish man of the world with a big vision for change. Boyd wants to use government to eradicate poverty and open up opportunities for all Tennesseans, using education and jobs as the great equalizers they can and should be. Boyd’s vision is utopian, and his heart seems compassionate and optimistic about the possibilities of what government can and should do. Who in their right mind would be against new…

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Carol Swain Commentary: Facts, Myths, and the Rewritten History of the Left, as Tweeted By Princeton’s Kevin Kruse

Carol Swain

by Dr. Carol Swain   Princeton Professor Kevin Kruse’s May 7, Twitter streamed attack on one of my Prager University videos (“Why did the Democratic South become Republican?”) comes at a time when some blacks in America are beginning to question the Democratic Party’s history and intentions. The attack also comes at a time when Prager University has a pending appeal with the Ninth Circuit Court challenging Google for selectively demonetizing about 50 of its conservative YouTube videos. So much is at stake for the Democratic Party, that the Prager videos have caused the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center to cite the Twitter stream in a fresh attack on Prager University for its ability to reach millions with its five-minute videos. The Left often coordinates its attacks in a manner meant to discredit and discourage inquiry. Professor Kruse’s criticism deserves a response and so do Prager University subscribers.  After carefully reviewing his data and its claims, I stand behind the substantive message of my Prager University video. I will, however, concede the need to make a small correction about the date of President Eisenhower’s deployment of the 101st Airborne to Little Rock Arkansas to enforce desegregation, the deployment of troops…

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