President-Elect Trump Vows to Work with Congress to Pass Reciprocal Trade Act

Donald Trump

President-elect Donald Trump vowed to work with Congress to pass a bill implementing reciprocal trade protections with other nations as part of his economic plan.

The bill called the Trump Reciprocal Trade Act would empower the president to impose reciprocal tariffs on goods from foreign countries if those countries’ tariffs on American-made goods are higher than the tariff imposed by the U.S.

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Commentary: This Election May Be the End of the Working-Class Alliance with Democrats

Donald Trump

The recent presidential election served as one of the strongest rejections of the globalist political regime advanced by the ruling elites in recent history. President Donald Trump’s sweeping victory against regime pick Kamala Harris was achieved through a coalition of working-class Americans that transcended race and gender and began to melt the rural-urban divide. 

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Michigan U.S. Senate Candidates Clash on Electric Vehicles in Labor Policy Visions

Electric Vehicle charging station

Michigan’s U.S. Senate candidates are running on their records regarding labor and economic policy, but they are opposed on the role of electric vehicles. 

Democrat Rep. Elissa Slotkin’s approach to labor policy focuses primarily on supporting domestic manufacturing. Her campaign page says she is focused on “creating jobs with dignity, bringing our supply chains back to America, and protecting the rights of workers.”

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