Judge Denies Allowing Some Felons to Vote in Tennessee’s Primary Election

An attempt to allow certain felons with out-of-state convictions permission to participate in Tennessee’s upcoming August 6 primary election came to a halt Friday.

Davidson County Chancellor Ellen Hobbs Lyle denied a temporary injunction request that would have allowed out-of-state felons to vote in the primary as long as they had their voting rights restored in the state of their convictions.

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Lawsuits Aimed to Expand Online Ballot Applications, Eliminate Signature Match Target Ohio Ahead of 2020 Election

Voting rights groups and Democrats filed two, separate lawsuits in Ohio Friday that the parties said were aimed at making voting easier in the battleground state this November amid the coronavirus pandemic. The legal action aims to expand online and email ballot applications and 

Republicans, including Secretary of State Frank LaRose, criticized the efforts. A GOP spokesman accusing the groups of “indifference to election security.”

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Wealthy Donors Pour Millions into Fight over Mail-In Voting

Deep-pocketed and often anonymous donors are pouring over $100 million into an intensifying dispute about whether it should be easier to vote by mail, a fight that could determine President Donald Trump’s fate in the November election.

In the battleground of Wisconsin, cash-strapped cities have received $6.3 million from an organization with ties to left-wing philanthropy to help expand vote by mail. Meanwhile, a well-funded conservative group best known for its focus on judicial appointments is spending heavily to fight cases related to mail-in balloting procedures in court.

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New Polling Finds Nearly Half of Americans Believe Mail-In Voting Is Vulnerable to Significant Levels of Fraud

Nearly 50% of American voters believe mail-in voting is likely to result in significant fraud as officials search for ways to secure the electoral system amid a]the coronavirus pandemic, a Washington Post/ABC poll published Sunday found.

Only 43% of people surveyed in the poll think there are adequate protections against potential instances of fraud. The WaPo/ABC poll also showed that 38% of Americans say they prefer to vote through mail, while another 59% want to vote in person.

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Database Swells to 1,285 Proven Cases of Voter Fraud in America

All-mail elections have received heightened attention in the media these past few weeks. Prominent liberals highly endorse the idea, claiming it allows people to do their patriotic duty without risking being infected by the coronavirus.

In reality, without rigid safeguards to prevent fraud, misuse, and voter intimidation, absentee ballot fraud—while it may occur sporadically—already has affected the outcome of elections in states and counties across the country.

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Ohio Lawmakers Propose Protecting Elections with Civilian Cyber Militia

The Ohio State Senate’s Committee on Government Oversight and Reform took up a bill Wednesday with a unique solution to protect the ballot box in the next election. Senate Bill 52 (SB 52) will authorize the creation of the “Ohio Cyber Reserve,” a new division of the Ohio National Guard that will focus on cybersecurity. Uniquely the division will be largely comprised of an all-volunteer force of various cybersecurity and technology experts.  Though they will serve with the Guard, the bill, under sections; 5922.04. 5922.02 to 5922.08 of the Revised Code, explicitly does “not authorize the Ohio cyber reserve, or any part thereof, to be called or ordered into the military service of the United States. The reserve may become a civilian component of the Ohio National Guard.” According to Republican State Senator Theresa Gavarone of District 2, the bills Primary Sponsor: The new force which Senate Bill 52 creates within the Ohio National Guard, consists of qualified civilians who are cyber security experts. The Ohio Cyber Reserve will maintain regional Cyber Response Teams (CRT) capable of deterring, mitigating, and remedying cyber-attacks against our local governments, local agencies, election systems and community partners. The clear utility of this approach is to…

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Commentary: Ballot Harvesting Corrupts Elections

by Ned Ryun   People think the real problems with the integrity of our elections involve non-citizens voting, or lack of photo ID, or voter rolls needing to be cleaned, or ballot box stuffing. While those are all problems, people are missing the elephant quietly sitting in the corner of the room. The real threat moving forward is the practice of ballot harvesting. Observers of our elections know something fishy went on in Orange County, California and in Arizona last fall, and they know that there are strange happenings in North Carolina. For most, however, the details remain fuzzy. These happenings have to do with the practice of ballot harvesting: that is, the practice of having union members or partisan volunteers coordinate and go house to house to pick up absentee ballots that haven’t been returned and then drop those ballots off at a polling place or precinct board within the voter’s correct jurisdiction. Mind you, these volunteers or activists don’t have to be election officials. They can be literally anyone. It feels like a complete understatement to ask, but what could possibly go wrong in this scenario? In a word, everything. When you put millions of ballots into an…

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Dr. Carol M. Swain Commentary: Voter Deception and the Compromised Alabama Senate Race

by Dr. Carol M. Swain   If the left is accusing the right of something, you can be sure those charges are things the left themselves are either doing now or have done in the past. We see this in elections, where Democrats accuse Republicans of voter suppression, collusion with Russians, and efforts to disenfranchise U.S. voters. It’s all a sinister game. Again and again, the evidence suggests that Democrats are using rhetoric and accusations to distract from the shenanigans they are pulling. In 2017, voters in the deep red state of Alabama elected Democrat Doug Jones to the U.S. Senate over Republican Roy Moore by a margin of 1.5 percentage points, in a surprising upset. We now know of a massive deception perpetrated against Alabama voters. False Flags Dubbed Project Birmingham, the deception took the form of an elaborate “false flag” operation. Project Birmingham was one of two separate false-flag operations. The second was a Facebook operation dubbed “Dry Alabama.” It sought to give the impression that Southern Baptist teetotalers supported Moore. A false flag typically refers to a covert military-like action designed to deceive an enemy by attacking under the flag of a rival nation. The purpose of…

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Virginia Governor Aims To Repeal Voter ID Law

by Luke Rosiak   Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam on Monday announced proposed legislation to repeal the state’s requirement that voters show photo ID. “Participation makes our democracy strong—we should encourage every eligible voter to exercise this fundamental right, rather than creating unnecessary barriers that make getting to the ballot box difficult,” Northam, a Democrat, said in a statement. Delegate Kaye Kory, a sponsor of the measure, said in a statement, “The photo ID requirement prevents the most vulnerable Virginians from voting and silences the voices of those who most need to be heard.” The proposal would also allow people to vote absentee without providing a reason why they could not make it to the polls. Democrat Terry McAuliffe beat Republican Ken Cuccinelli for the Virginia governorship in 2013 by only 56,000 votes. In 2014, Democrat Mark Warner squeaked by against Republican Ed Gillespie in a Senate race decided by less than a percentage point, or 18,000 votes. The attorney general’s race came down to a mere 165 votes. Then, just before the 2016 election, McAuliffe restored the right to vote for 60,000 felons using an unorthodox procedure. McAuliffe had sought to allow all of Virginia’s estimated 200,000 felons to vote, but state courts said…

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Rubio Warns: Dems Are Actively Trying to Steal the Florida Election

by Luke Rosiak   Republican Florida Sen. Marco Rubio is warning that the fate of his state’s governorship could hang in the hands of Florida’s Broward County Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes, whom he’s called incompetent for violating state and federal laws. A liberal candidate similarly painted her as incompetent and corrupt. Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum initially conceded the Florida race to Republican Ron DeSantis, but backtracked after vote totals changed Thursday, narrowing the gap to less than half a percent in both the gubernatorial and senatorial races. Broward County is often the slowest of the state’s 67 counties to count votes, and its election department has repeatedly been faulted for wrongdoing. Now, Perkins Coie lawyer Marc Elias has been enlisted in a recount effort. Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson is retaining Elias, who said it’s “not plausible” that, as Broward statistics suggest, 14,000 people voted in sometimes-obscure state-level races but left the Senate one blank. Republican Gov. Rick Scott, who, by initial appearances, beat Nelson in a race for Senate, said Elias will use aggressive techniques to “steal” the election. Elias worked for both the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC during the 2016 election, even before the 2016 presidential candidate became the Democratic…

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California Admits a DMV ‘Processing Error’ Added Non-Citizens To Voter Rolls

by Will Racke   An error at California’s Department of Motor Vehicles caused more than a thousand people, including some who were not U.S. citizens, to be incorrectly registered to vote, state officials said Monday. The DMV admitted that a “processing error” at agency field offices resulted in as many as 1,500 people being added to voter rolls between April 23 and Sept. 25. The widespread glitch was discovered after Randall Marquis, a Canadian citizen and legal U.S. resident living in California, notified the DMV he had received a piece of mail from the agency saying he was registered to vote. In response to Marquis’ alert, the agency ordered an internal audit and discovered hundreds of similar cases. “This error occurred when DMV technicians processed customer requests at field offices to change voter eligibility responses on driver license applications,” the DMV wrote in a letter to California Secretary of State Alex Padilla, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. “Due to the order in which the change was processed, the customer’s initial responses were retained instead of the correct and revised responses.” The DMV said the improper registrations were made “through no fault of the customer.” None of the people who were registered…

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President Trump’s New Executive Order Is a Positive Step for Securing Elections

by David Inserra and Klon Kitchen   President Donald Trump’s new executive order allowing the sanctioning of foreign individuals attempting to influence American elections is a necessary step in the right direction, but more can be done. The Heritage Foundation consistently recommends pushing back against nation-state actors who use cyber and other means to attack American interests. This new executive order is a welcome response to these recommendations. The executive order—which establishes an interagency process for determining if foreign influence has occurred and for sanctioning those responsible—is inherently reactionary. But it does attempt to change the calculus of hostile foreign heads of state, such as Russian President Vladimir Putin, by incrementally constraining those “foreign persons” that other governments and entities use to conduct these cyber-attacks and illicit influence operations. Those who dismiss this executive order because it is not a “silver bullet” risk misunderstanding the challenge and the nation’s needs, as well as the diffuse nature of our country’s unique, decentralized election administration system. There is no single action the president can take to remove the threat of foreign influence. Instead, what is needed is a coherent suite of policies that proactively deters these attacks and punishes those responsible when they occur. Such a policy cocktail will…

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Confusion In Super Close Alaska Primary After 17 Voter Registrations Trace Back To A Single Mobile Home

by Evie Fordham   A potential investigation hangs over an Alaska State House Republican primary after the race came down to a few votes, but irregularities like 17 voter registrations that trace back to a single mobile home address caught the attention of the Alaska Division of Elections. Incumbent Gabrielle LeDoux leads challenger Aaron Weaver by 113 votes after Tuesday’s election, but at least 26 absentee ballots for LeDoux are classified as “suspect” by the state Division of Elections, reported KTVA. The state Republican Party Chairman Tuckerman Babcock is calling for an investigation. LeDoux fell out of favor with her party in 2016 after she abandoned the Republican caucus. The 17 Republican voter registrations linked to a single mobile home are in a section of House District 15 that is home to members of the Chinese Hmong community. A woman who answered the door of the mobile home and identified herself as Laura Chang told KTVA she did not know many of the people who registered to vote using the address. Another mobile home in the same park has 14 registered Republicans according to voter registrations, reported Anchorage Daily News. The irregularities in voter registrations appear to trace back to a single man, Charlie Chang.…

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Reports of Election Site Hacking Rankle Florida Officials

voting machine

Child’s play or a signs of a serious security problem in one of the nation’s swing states? That’s the question confronting Florida election officials who are pushing back against reports that an 11-year-old hacked a replica of the state’s election website. Multiple media outlets over the weekend reported that children at a hacking conference in Las Vegas were able to easily hack into a version of the website that reports election results to the public. An 11-year-old boy got into Florida’s site within 10 minutes, while an 11-year-old girl did it in 15 minutes, according to the organizers of the event called DEFCON Voting Machine Hacking Village. State officials contend there’s no way that the replica used by hackers is an actual representation of the state’s website. “This was a mock site with likely very few, if any, security measures in place,” said Sarah Revell, a spokeswoman for Secretary of State Ken Detzner. “It is not a real-life scenario and it offers a wholly inaccurate representation of the security of Florida’s elections websites, online databases and voting systems that does not take into account the state-of-the-art security measures the Florida Department of State has in place to prevent any possible…

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SHOCK REPORT: California Would Lose Four Electoral College Votes If Only Citizens Are Counted In The Census

Anti-Trump Protest

by Evie Fordham   The state of California would lose four seats in the U.S. House of Representatives, and therefore four votes in the electoral college, if only citizens were counted in the decennial national census. The report comes days after a lawsuit that argues against including a citizenship question in the national census received the green light to go to trial Thursday, according to The New York Times’ blog The Upshot. Proponents of distinguishing between citizens and noncitizens when apportioning representation would increase the power of states like Louisiana and Montana at the expense of states like California and New York, according to The Upshot. If noncitizens were cut from state population totals and Congress was reapportioned via a constitutional amendment, 11 states would find themselves with a new number of U.S. representatives. California would lose four, and Texas, New York and Florida would each lose one. Montana, Missouri, Minnesota, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Louisiana and Colorado would each gain one, according to The Upshot. New data could allow states to redefine "the people" and draw up congressional districts accordingly. https://t.co/4oWi6l4TF4 — The Upshot (@UpshotNYT) July 31, 2018 Counting only citizens would also bring about changes at the local level. For example, 29 percent of Florida’s population…

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Latino Groups Go To War With Facebook For Requiring ID To Buy Political Ads

Florida Immigration Coalition

by Peter Hasson and Joe Simonson   Facebook’s recent policy changes requiring proof of identity to purchase political ads is unfair to Latino immigrants, several progressive groups claimed Thursday. Facebook began requiring users to submit a government-issued ID and mailing address before purchasing any political ads in April as part of the company’s efforts to combat foreign meddling in American politics. A coalition of progressive political groups asked Facebook in May to reverse the ID requirement but claim the company has been unresponsive. The activists said Thursday they will “step up efforts to continue shaming Facebook until the policy is amended” in a press release. “Facebook’s one-size-fits-all policy for so-called ‘political advertising’ has effectively shut millions of voices out of the democratic process and public discourse on the most populous and influential social media platform,” said Angelica Salas, executive director of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights, in the release. “The social media giant must face the fact immigrants and other communities are not the enemy.” “Facebook already has a horrible reputation of compromising its users’ sensitive information, and its new ad policies would force users to give up even more personal information — blocking many Latinx people from fully engaging in the democratic process via…

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‘Eliminating Foreign Intervention In Elections Act’ Aims to Confront Illegal Voting

Tennessee Star

By Printus LeBlanc   Since President Trump was elected in 2016, the mainstream media, the left, and the Washington D.C. establishment have gone mad over election interference. Facebook memes are serious business in the nation’s capital now. Yet despite millions of taxpayer dollars, thousands of man hours, and lives turned upside down by multiple investigations, not one piece of evidence has been presented that shows Russia voted in, changed someone’s vote, or influenced someone to vote for President Trump. But there are cases around the country of real foreign influence in U.S. elections, and U.S. Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.) has introduced legislation to put a stop to it. Leftist cities around the nation are going to extremes keep their majorities. One of the more nefarious extremes is giving legal and illegal immigrants the ability to vote in local elections, and possibly federal elections. San Francisco is the latest city to allow such lunacy. This is the very definition of foreign intervention. Duncan has introduced H.R. 6482, the Eliminating Foreign Intervention in Elections Act. The bill states, “None of the funds made available in any Act may be used to make payments to any unit of local government that permits individuals who are not citizens…

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Instances of Voter Fraud Continue to Mount, Further Compromising Our Elections

by Jason Snead and Taylor Chaffetz   Recent voter fraud cases show the growing importance of upholding election integrity. Last year, Cassandra Amber Marie Ritter was convicted of heroin distribution in Winchester, Virginia. Two weeks later, Ritter voted at a local fire department even though she knew she had lost her right to vote as a consequence of her conviction. She received a two-year suspended sentence. In Texas, Crystal Mason recently received a five-year sentence for illegally voting in the 2016 presidential election. Mason showed up at the polls to vote, only to discover her name had been removed from the rolls. This was no accident; Mason was on probation following a 60-month sentence for felony tax fraud and lost her right to vote as a result. [ The liberal Left continue to push their radical agenda against American values. The good news is there is a solution. Find out more ] Texas law requires felons to serve their entire sentence—including probation—before their voting rights are restored. Though Mason claimed she was unaware of this, she did sign an affidavit at the polls that affirmed her eligibility, including a statement that she was not a felon who had yet to serve both her…

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Author Mark Lutchman: Opposing Voter ID Laws On the Basis That It Will Suppress the Black Vote is ‘Totally Racist’

by John Miltimore   Voter ID laws are one of the most controversial topics in America today. As of 2016, 33 states had some kind of voter ID law. Here is the breakdown, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Strict photo ID required: Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Virginia, and Wisconsin. Strict non-photo ID required: Arizona and Ohio. Non-Strict photo ID required: Alabama, Florida, Idaho, Louisiana, Michigan, Rhode Island, South Dakota, and Texas. Non-Strict non-photo ID required: Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Kentucky, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Utah, and Washington. No ID required to vote at ballot box: California, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Vermont, West Virginia, Wyoming, and Washington, D.C. Opponents of voter ID laws generally oppose them for two reasons. First, they say such laws are unnecessary because voter fraud “never” happens. Second, they argue that voter ID laws are racist. While President Trump’s claims that millions of illegal voters cast ballots in the 2016 presidential election are probably inaccurate, evidence shows that voter fraud still occurs regularly. So taking prudent steps to curb instances of illegal voting and ensure electoral integrity might make sense—assuming such policies are not…

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Williamson County Election Commission Refers Two Cases of Alleged Democrat Vote Fraud to the District Attorney

The Williamson County Election Commission has referred materials related to an investigation into a report that seemed to show at least two Democrats – both of whom are currently running for elected office – voted in the Republican primary to the District Attorney for further investigation and possible prosecution. State law requires that in order to vote in a party primary, the voter must be a “bona fide member” of that party or “declare allegiance to the political party.” “It is unlikely that a current Democratic candidate for office would meet either of those requirements,” the Williamson Country Republican Party said in a statement released Wednesday afternoon. The Party’s Chair, Debbie Deaver added, “It appears likely two Democratic candidates for office have committed voter fraud, so I’m pleased to see the Election Commission refer this very serious matter to the District Attorney’s office.” The statement continues: Since the beginning of early voting through Tuesday, April 24, 2018, a total of 651 people who voted in the March 2016 Democratic presidential preference primary have cast early voting ballots in the current May 2018 Williamson County primary elections. Of those 651 people who voted in the 2016 Democratic primary, 344 of them…

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Add These Voter Fraud Cases to the Growing List

by Jason Snead   Despite the lack of media coverage, evidence of election fraud continues to mount. This week, The Heritage Foundation added 26 new entries to its election fraud database, bringing the searchable ledger to a total of 1,132 proven instances of election fraud. That includes 983 cases that ended in a criminal conviction, 48 that led to civil penalties, 79 where defendants were enrolled in a diversion program, and 22 cases of official or judicial findings of fraud. Americans should be alarmed. These entries represent irrefutable evidence that fraud has impacted elections in 47 states, and across all levels of government. Worse still, they are probably just the tip of America’s election fraud iceberg. The Heritage database is not comprehensive, so the actual volume of vote fraud is likely far higher. Exactly how much higher is anybody’s guess. The liberal Left continue to push their radical agenda against American values. The good news is there is a solution. Find out more >> Many states lack the robust procedures needed to detect and prevent fraud, and many prosecutors opt not to pursue election fraud cases in favor of other priorities once an election is over. So long as these circumstances remain unchanged,…

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Noncitizen Voters in Pennsylvania Not a ‘Glitch,’ Philly Official Says

voters polling place

Al Schmidt bristles at the description, often attributed to him, of noncitizen voters in Pennsylvania as a “glitch.” Schmidt, a Philadelphia city commissioner who has been sounding the alarm since 2012 about noncitizens on the voting rolls, said the word, misattributed to him, would be accurate if ineligible voters managed to elude safeguards in the motor-voter law.

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Commentary: If Congress Is Really Concerned About ‘Foreign Meddling,’ Get Illegal Immigrants Off the Voter Rolls

By Printus LeBlanc   Multiple congressional committees and a Special Counsel have spent millions of taxpayer dollars to investigate foreign interference in the 2016 election and have come up with some memes from Russia. Meanwhile, recent reports from several states indicate there is real foreign influence in U.S. elections being ignored by Congress and the Special Counsel. Voter fraud is a far more significant threat to our democracy than $300 in Facebook ads for Pennsylvania, and it is time for Congress, the Department of Justice, and the Special Counsel to go after the real foreign influence. On Monday, the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PLIF) filed a lawsuit against Pennsylvania officials for failing to comply with the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA). The PLIF is seeking records related to registered voters for inspection, which the NVRA makes legal. The foundation is seeking the information to ensure the Pennsylvania voter rolls are clean and have good reason to think otherwise. In December, Philadelphia Election Commissioner Al Schmidt told state lawmakers there was a glitch in the state’s motor voter system. Schmidt also told the lawmakers that after the Pennsylvania Department of State completed the Noncitizen Matching Analysis more than 100,000 driver’s license numbers associated with noncitizens…

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Lawsuit: More Than 100,000 Non-Citizens Are Registered to Vote in Swing-State Pennsylvania

More than 100,000 noncitizens are registered to vote in Pennsylvania alone, according to testimony submitted Monday in a lawsuit demanding the state come clean about the extent of its problems. The Public Interest Legal Foundation, which has identified similar noncitizen voting problems in studies of Virginia and New Jersey, said Pennsylvania officials have admitted noncitizens have been registering and voting in the state “for decades.”

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Tied Delegate Race in Virginia to be Settled with a Drawing of Names

The tied race in Virginia is now moving to a random draw this week after a judge ruled Wednesday that the court will not reconsider its ruling on a disputed ballot. Democrat Shelly Simonds tried to get the court to reconsider the disputed ballot that originally gave her a single-vote victory in the state’s 94th district. A review, however, found the ballot to be in favor of Republican incumbent David Yancey making the race an exact tie.

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Illegal Voters May Have Flipped Virginia Legislature to Democrats

A forthcoming random draw to break a tie vote in a disputed state House of Delegates election in Virginia might not have been necessary if the state did a better job safeguarding its voter rolls, according to voter fraud experts. No one has alleged fraud in the District 94 race between incumbent Republican David Yancey and Democratic challenger Shelly Simonds, Newport News — where the district is located — has seen ballots by ineligible voters in the past.

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Tennessee Among the 18 States Spurning Election Commission Also Showing Irregularities in Voter Registration

Many of the states refusing to cooperate with President Donald Trump’s election commission aren’t in compliance with federal law on maintaining voter registration lists, according to government watchdog groups. So far, 18 states and the District of Columbia have declined or are still considering whether to provide election data to the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election…

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Noncitizen Immigrants Voted Illegally in Pennsylvania Elections

A Pennsylvania election official confirmed Wednesday that noncitizen immigrants illegally voted in elections hundreds of times since 2000, casting doubt on the state’s ability to screen out ineligible voters on its election roles. Jonathan Marks, commissioner for Pennsylvania’s Bureau of Commissions, Elections and Legislation, told a state legislative committee that an agency analysis found 544 improper…

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Voter Fraud Alert: More Than 5,000 New Hampshire Presidential Voters May Not Live In-State

Over 6,000 individuals registered to vote in New Hampshire for Election Day Nov. 8 using out-of-state driver’s licenses – and since then the vast majority have neither obtained an in-state license nor registered a motor vehicle. Speaker of the New Hampshire House Shawn Jasper, a Republican, issued the findings on Thursday based on inquiries he made…

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Promise Kept: President Donald Trump Will Sign an Executive Order to Investigate Vote Fraud

Tennessee Star

President Trump will sign an executive order Thursday creating a long-awaited commission to investigate voter fraud and elections, a senior administration official confirmed. The commission will be led by Vice President Mike Pence and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who worked on the Trump transition team and is a vocal advocate of stronger immigration laws.…

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