Eric Bolling Commentary: The State of the Union Is Stronger Than Ever

by Eric Bolling   President Trump had plenty to brag about at this year’s State of the Union address — despite fierce partisan resistance, he’s managed to compile an impressive list of accomplishments since his last report to Congress and the American people. Unlike establishment politicians who make grandiose promises on the campaign trail and then forget about those pledges once they’re in office, Donald Trump set a genuine goal of delivering on every pledge that he made to the American people. The Democrats tend to forget that voters elected President Trump to repair the damage that liberal policies did to our country during President Obama’s administration and before — and to completely overturn the political establishment in Washington that values power more than the needs of the people. Donald Trump stood out from his opponents in both the primary and general elections in 2016 because he was willing to address issues that other politicians avoided like the plague. His one and only goal has always been to restore America’s greatness, even if that means going to war with the political elite or enduring relentless criticism from the mainstream media. Over the past year, that determination has resulted in numerous…

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Eric Bolling Is Back: An Exclusive First Look at His New Show ‘AMericA’

Eric Bolling

by Ginny Montalbano   CRTV’s Eric Bolling gave The Daily Signal an exclusive first look at the set of his new show “AMericA.” Formerly with the Fox News Channel, Bolling is back, and now he’s pursuing the type of show he’s wanted to do for years: a casual, engaging show, taped at the Washington Court Hotel’s lobby bar. He will interview government officials from the Trump administration, as well as other policymakers and influential political figures, then take the conversation to people watching in the hotel to get their opinions on the policy discussions occurring in America.   AMericA🇺🇸 a political talk show taped live from an actual working Capitol Hill Hotel Lobby Bar w/ host Eric Bolling that gives viewers outside the Beltway a better understanding of what’s REALLY going on inside the DC Swamp and its impact close to home — 🇺🇸 ERIC BOLLING 🇺🇸 (@ericbolling) June 26, 2018 [ The liberal Left continue to push their radical agenda against American values. The good news is there is a solution. Find out more  ]   Bolling’s work on the opioid crisis, prompted by the death of his son, Eric Chase Bolling, took him to Washington, D.C., on multiple occasions…

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Eric Bolling: Son’s Death Ruled ‘Accidental Overdose that Included Opioids’

The tragic death of Eric Bolling’s 19-year-old son was ruled an “accidental overdose that included opioids,” the former Fox News host said Thursday just hours after President Trump declared the national opioid crisis a public health emergency. The Boulder County coroner’s office in Colorado said Mr. Bolling’s son, Eric Chase Bolling, died of a mix of…

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