Commentary: Establishment Conservatives Continue to Bend the Knee to the Left

The column, written in the heated aftermath of George Floyd’s killing, sounded like a typical anti-American screed published in the New York Times or posted on MSNBC.

“Racism in America is a fatal wound,” the author lamented. “Every time another incident occurs we put a Band-Aid on it, but the Band-Aid keeps falling off. Band-Aids are not enough to ever stitch this country back together.”

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Commentary: We Must Depose the Deep State or a Wall is Meaningless

by Thomas Farnan   Last week in the Russian collusion saga, we learned that the FBI opened an investigation into the president because it disagreed with him on a matter of foreign policy. Yes, the agency first formed to catch people who crossed state lines with white women to have sex—and that now keeps secret files on UFOs—surmised in the aftermath of the 2016 election that Donald Trump might be an agent of the Kremlin because he favored diplomatic rapprochement. Much can be inferred from this, not the least of which is that our chief law enforcement officers are idiots. Maybe not the gumshoe “just the facts ma’am” guys you know from the church picnic, but certainly the ones who ran the place who are now getting big-money book deals as they fend off indictment. Beyond Andrew McCabe’s monumental stupidity (pictured above), though, investigating the president for treason confirms that there is a deep state with an agenda separate from the will of the electorate. It means, at some level, that America is governed by unelected bureaucracies that were originally created to assist the various branches in carrying out their ministerial functions. These have grown, by mission creep, into a…

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Commentary: Establishment Republicans and Their Democrat Allies Are Pulling a ‘Bait and Switch’ on Trump’s Wall Funding

by CHQ Staff   Yesterday after press time our friend Rachel Bovard, Policy Director for the Conservative Partnership Institute, gave us a heads up that the bill touted by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell as the “Trump wall bill” is anything but a bill to give the President the authority and funding he needs to fulfill his oath of office and his campaign promise. According to Ms. Bovard’s analysis, and our subsequent reading of the bill, the $5.7 billion President Trump has asked for is there, and the authorities from the ’96 law (Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act) are incorporated by reference. This is strong and broad authority to build physical barriers and acquire the land to do so. That’s the bait, now here’s the switch: The wall is then limited by the same restrictions outlined in Sec. 230 of the Omnibus from last March, which expressly prohibits any money being spent on the wall prototypes approved by President Trump, and limits various physical infrastructure in some places to only drones, pedestrian fencing or “planning.” You can read the specific language of Sec. 230 through Ms. Bovard’s tweet. In what can only be termed a slap in…

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Commentary: Establishment Republicans Want the Pro-Life Movement Dead

by Deion A. Kathawa   Just a few days before Christmas, departing Ohio Governor John Kasich decided to play a disappointing Santa and put a massive lump of coal in the pro-life movement’s stocking. He vetoed a bill that would have made it a felony for a doctor to perform an abortion after a fetal heartbeat is detected. Mercifully, he did at least sign a second bill which bans the most common second-trimester abortion procedure, the dilation and evacuation—“D&E”—also called a “dismemberment” abortion, during which a fetus is ripped apart and extracted piece by piece. Is any political constituency as regularly swindled and abused as are pro-lifers? From their promises to defund Planned Parenthood to their assurances that Roe v. Wade is very soon to be on the chopping block, establishment Republicans are masters at talking a big game but doing nothing at all to advance the right to life of the unborn. Too many Republican politicians either are cynical grifters or outright liars who don’t care a whit about the 14th Amendment’s promise of “equal protection of the laws” to all persons or the Declaration’s teaching that “all men are created equal” and “are endowed by their Creator with…

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Commentary: RINOs Declare War On Trump’s Conservative Budget

Tennessee Star

  by staff Senator John McCain, Capitol Hill’s chief Republican In Name Only, declared President Trump’s budget “dead on arrival” and his lackey in the House, Rep. Mike Simpson of Idaho predicted another continuing resolution for next fiscal year. Rep. Simpson — the chair of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water — told Politico that “The rest of the appropriators and chairmen will probably kill me, but, I think we’re into a CR for 2018.” The Trump administration budgetary requests are unlikely to be followed said Simpson. “This is [OMB Director Mick] Mulvaney’s budget,” Simpson said. “Like I want to go home after having [voted] against Meals on Wheels and say, ‘Oh it’s a bad program, keeping seniors alive.’” This is the kind of “Republican” policy that has federal spending on autopilot while tax collections are at record highs and the federal deficit is also at a record high. Conservatives, who may not agree with every detail of the President’s budget, should take a hard look at what McCain, Simpson and other RINO opponents of the budget are actually opposing. The Trump budget includes both discretionary and mandatory savings proposals that bring Federal spending under control and…

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