Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti Leads Push Against Federal Housing Finance Agency Pilot Program

Jonathan Skrmetti

Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti led a coalition of 13 other state attorneys general in pushing back against a new pilot program launched by the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) that would remove title insurance requirements from certain loans sold to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

In March, the FHFA launched the pilot program, which “waives the requirement for lender’s title insurance or a legal opinion on certain low-risk refinance transactions where there is confidence that the property is free and clear of any prior lien or encumbrance.”

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Senators Push Back Against Federal Rule Raising Mortgage Fees for Some with Good Credit

A group of Republican Senators have introduced the Middle Class Borrower Protection Act, legislation that would overturn a new federal rule that charges higher fees to certain home buyers with good credit and lower fees for buyers with worse credit.

“The average American has a credit score over 716,” said Sen. Mike Braun, R-Ind, who is helping lead the effort. “The Biden administration is making home ownership more difficult for everyday Americans by raising rates for most people with a credit score over 680 to subsidize riskier borrowers.”

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Outrage Continues over Federal Rule to Charge Higher Fees to Home Buyers with Better Credit

A new federal rule that would charge higher fees to home buyers with good credit to help subsidize those with poor credit goes into effect Monday.

The Federal Housing Finance Agency announced in January it would increase Loan-Level Price Adjustment fees for mortgage borrowers with higher credit scores to help keep fees lower for those with worse credit.

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Commentary: Trump Can Stop Biden from Funding Left-Wing Groups

Joe Biden promises to bring the Obama years back with a vengeance. One thing that’s likely to return is government slush funds for left-wing groups. Unless Trump takes decisive action, one of the biggest piggy banks for the Left will come from the Federal Housing Financial Agency (FHFA).

The Supreme Court on Wednesday will hear Collins v. Mnuchin. The case is a complicated matter that involves government management of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and how independent it is from the administration. The federal government placed both under conservatorship—meaning federal management—during the 2008 financial crisis. The agency in control was the Federal Housing Financial Agency. A federal appeals court previously ruled FHFA’s structure unconstitutional.

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