Minnesota Public School System in Hot Water over DEI, Social Justice Trainings Kept Secret from Parents

Teacher in Class

One Minnesota school system has found itself at the center of controversy over staff trainings regarding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), along with social justice. 

“Rochester Public Schools provides training that has staff participate in a “Social Justice Stretch” [and] staff are taught to embrace LGBTQ ideology with the ‘Genderbread Person,’ [and] staff are told not to tell parents about their children’s gender identity,” according to a watchdog group called Parents Defending Education (PDE). 

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Rhode Island School District’s Sex Ed Curriculum Features ‘Genderbread Person’ to Teach Kids About Being Trans

A Rhode Island school district sexual education curriculum features a “genderbread person” to teach children about gender identity, according to documents obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Sexual education materials for high school students at South Kingstown School District in Rhode Island, include a lesson titled “Gender, Sex, Orientation, Expression” which uses a “genderbread person” to help students understand sexual orientation and gender identity, according to documents obtained by the DCNF. The lesson defines gender neutral terms and provides videos on transitioning experiences.

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U.S. Military Educational Summit Pushed Gender Ideology Using a ‘Genderbread Person,’ Report Finds

The U.S. Department of Defense Education Activity (DODEA) hosted an “Equity and Access” summit in 2021 that featured presentations on gender ideology and anti-racism, according to a report by the Claremont Institute.

The “Equity and Access” summit trained military school educators on curriculum and practices which featured teaching gender identity using a “genderbread person,” according to the report by the Claremont Institute. The DODEA oversees more than 160 K-12 schools on military bases throughout the world and is responsible for educating roughly 69,000 students.

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Florida School Districts Scramble to Implement Provisions of the Parental Rights in Education Legislation

The recently passed Parental Rights in Education bill has Florida school districts scrambling to change policies and remove books that might violate the provisions of the legislation.

Notably, the Palm Beach Post reported that Palm Beach County school officials are ending the use of the “Genderbread Person” infographic. The infographic was used to explain the differences between anatomical sex, gender expression, gender identity, sexual attraction and romantic attraction.

Palm Beach Schools Superintendent Mike Burke said the infographic was “problematic because it gave the impression that we were targeting a younger audience” ……I’m not sure it was the most valuable piece of our curriculum.”

Part of the process in Palm Beach included sending questionnaires to teachers seeking information about materials used in classroom activities. If the questionnaire revealed potential violations, teachers were asked to send the material to school officials for review.

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Parent References ‘GenderBread Person’ in Public Testimony on Parental Rights in Education Bill

Students in shop class at school with safety goggles on

The Parental Rights in Education bill his headed to the Senate floor after a debate that referenced the “GenderBread Person”.

The debate featured elected officials questioning the need for a provision which regulated discussions in the classroom. The bill prohibits “instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students.”

Senator Lauren Book stated the bill was a “solution in search of problem.”

However, during the public testimony part of the meeting, a parent spoke to the committee and provided a real-world example of why she believes this provision of the bill is needed.

January Littlejohn, who is in a legal battle over the guidance provided in a LGBTQ guide used by the Leon County School district, referenced the LGBTQ guide currently providing direction to teachers and officials in Palm Beach County schools.

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