Kemp Takes Aim on Key 2022 Issues: Abrams Lied About Election Integrity, Supports the Defund the Police Movement, and Wants to Raise Taxes on Georgia Families

Governor Brian Kemp took to Twitter on Sunday to follow-up critiques of his Democrat gubernatorial opponent, Stacey Abrams, on vital 2022 political issues.

“Stacey Abrams lied about election integrity, supports the Defund the Police movement, and wants to raise taxes on Georgia families as they fight Bidenflation. I’ll keep fighting to ensure Georgia continues to be the greatest state in the country to live, work, and raise a family,” said Governor Kemp on Sunday.

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Perdue Slams Kemp and Calls for Special Legislative Session to Ban Abortion in Georgia

Former U.S. Senator David Perdue slammed opponent Governor Brian Kemp’s lack of current action on abortion in Georgia in the wake of the leaked U.S. Supreme Court draft decision overturning Roe v. Wade.

“I was extremely disappointed by the governor’s bureaucratic response to the news that the Supreme Court may soon overturn Roe v. Wade,” said Perdue on Thursday. “Georgia voters deserve to know where their governor stands on this issue. I’m calling on Brian Kemp to join me in calling for an immediate special session of the legislature to ban abortion in Georgia after Roe v. Wade is overturned. You are either going to fight for the sanctity of life or you’re not.”

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Federal Judge Rules Stacey Abrams Cannot Yet Collect Unlimited Donations in Georgia Governor Race

A federal judge has ruled that Stacey Abrams cannot yet collect unlimited donations in the Georgia governor’s race.

U.S District Court Judge Mark Cohen from the Northern District of Georgia ruled that Abrams cannot collect unlimited donations as allowed under Georgia law because she is not yet the official Democrat nominee for governor.

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